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Sixteen Quotes

Whether you are sixteen or sixty, the rest of your life is ahead of you. You cannot change one moment of your past, but you can change your whole future. Now is your time.
Matthew Kelly

Authors on Sixteen Quotes: Margaret Atwood Tennessee Ernie Ford Annie Fellows Johnston Max Lucado Jean-Paul Sartre J. D. Salinger Cormac McCarthy Freddie Gibbs David Levithan Kurt Vonnegut Jacqueline Woodson Aristotle Michael Schoeffling Jimmy Dean J.R. Ward Bubba Sparxxx James Russell Lowell Samuel Richardson David Ogilvy Hunter Parrish Francis Ford Coppola Amy Schumer Cameron Diaz Molly Ringwald Orson Scott Card Alice Cooper Jonathan Ames Libba Bray Richard Brautigan Cassandra Clare Helena Rubinstein Nicolas Chamfort Woody Allen
Whether you are sixteen or over sixty, remember, understatement is the rule of a fine makeup artist.
Helena Rubinstein

Maybe you's a stank ho, maybe that's a bit mean Maybe you grew up and I'm still living like I'm sixteen.
Freddie Gibbs

I can't believe I gave my panties to a geek.
Molly Ringwald

I made more money yesterday than I ever thought I'd make in an entire lifetime. But it's like somebody's going to take it all away from me and I'll be back in Texas, installing them damned irrigation wells. I didn't like that when I was sixteen. And I know I wouldn't like it when I'm eighty.
Jimmy Dean

Though the Bible was written over sixteen centuries by at least forty authors, it has one central theme-salvation through faith in Christ.
Max Lucado

Let me put it to you this way, I am not a revengeful person.
George W. Bush

In short, the best thing to do is behave in a manner befitting one's age. If you are sixteen or under, try not to go bald.
Woody Allen

Roses are red, And ready for plucking, You're sixteen, And ready for high school.
Kurt Vonnegut

I never write fewer than sixteen headlines for a single advertisement.
David Ogilvy

If you see anyone from about sixteen to sixty-five and they’re male, shoot ’em. Kill every male you see.
Chris Kyle

How old are you? Sixteen? S-seventeen? [asks security guard] Is seventeen legal?
Alice Cooper

He learned about life at sixteen, first from Dostoevsky and then from the whores of New Orleans.
Richard Brautigan

When I was sixteen or seventeen, I wanted to be a writer. I wanted to be a playwright. But everything I wrote, I thought, was weak. And I can remember falling asleep in tears because I had no talent the way I wanted to have.
Francis Ford Coppola

The pressure of public opinion is like the pressure of the atmosphere; you can't see it - but all the same, it is sixteen pounds to the square inch.
James Russell Lowell

You load sixteen tons, what do you get? Another day older and deeper in debt.
Tennessee Ernie Ford

Writing sessions can last an hour or sixteen hours, depending on how it's going.
Orson Scott Card

Sometimes the longest journey we make is the sixteen inches from our heads to our hearts.
Elena Avila

Sixteen Tons was written eight years before I recorded it.
Tennessee Ernie Ford

One cannot become a saint when one works sixteen hours a day.
Jean-Paul Sartre

I have no words. Sixteen languages, but no words. -Vishous
J.R. Ward

I want a serious girlfriend. Somebody I can love, that's gonna love me back. Is that psycho?
Michael Schoeffling

I was on TV for almost sixteen weeks during American Idol. It's at the point now where it's old.
Clay Aiken

I was signed to MGM. I was in Vegas for sixteen weeks at the Sands Hotel.
Solomon Burke

Xenophanes states that the fire in Lipara once failed for sixteen years, but returned in the seventeenth year. They say that the lava-stream in Etna is neither flaming nor continuous, but returns only after an interval of many years.

I did all my heavy partying before I turned sixteen.
Cameron Diaz

Song "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" is actually about syphilis.
Amy Schumer

I started puberty very late. I was nearly sixteen. And for complicated reasons this late arrival of my puberty caused me to stop playing competitive tennis. But before my puberty problem, I had trouble with my lower back and with my left testicle.
Jonathan Ames

The best day of my life happened when I was five and almost died at Disney World. I'm sixteen now, so you can imagine that's left me with quite a few days of major suckage.
Libba Bray

Got in the studio at sixteen, [and] that's when I felt like I wanted to make this a career. I had a passion for it.
Kendrick Lamar

being sixteen in the pants I died full of questions
Anne Sexton

Life is a malady in which sleep soothes us every sixteen hours; it is a palliation; death is the remedy.
Nicolas Chamfort

I was sixteen and equipped with the appropriate genitalia, so I cleared that hurdle nicely.
David Levithan

I was sixteen then, and I'm seventeen now, and sometimes I act like I'm about thirteen. Sometimes, I act a lot older than I am--I really do. But people never notice it. People never notice anything.
J. D. Salinger

At sixteen I get drafted. When I read the draft notice, I cry. Not because I'm a coward - I'm not afraid of anyone. But I don't want to kill or be killed.
Klaus Kinski

I became a poet at the age of sixteen. I did not intend to do it. It was not my fault.
Margaret Atwood

Being sixteen forever sounded good until you really thought about it. Then it didn't seem like such a great prospect.
Cassandra Clare

From sixteen to twenty, all women, kept in humor by their hopes and by their attractions, appear to be good-natured.
Samuel Richardson

You must have a certain amount of maturity to be a poet. Seldom do sixteen-year-olds know themselves well enough.
Erica Jong

Fifteen. Sixteen was probably something, but fifteen - fifteen was a place between here and nowhere.
Jacqueline Woodson

At sixteen, Sabina took moon baths, first of all, because everyone else took sun baths, and second, she admitted, because she had been told it was dangerous.
Anais Nin

I started making music for myself when I was sixteen.
Hunter Parrish

Spend sixteen weeks in the jungle and you being to question your own sanity, especially when you are the one goading everyone else ahead.
Tahir Shah

But you were only sixteen and not far off from the truth, as only sixteen-year-olds can be.
Lauren Kate

It may take sixteen pounds of grain to make one pound of beef, but it also takes one hundred pounds of fish to make that one-pound of beef!
Sharon Gannon

I lived in Paris for six months when I was sixteen. It was a fend-for-yourself environment.
Beau Garrett

Of course, I thought I was badass at sixteen, too. Wait, I was badass at sixteen. Oh, yeah.
Rachel Caine

If you're lucky, the friends you make when you're sixteen stay with you for the rest of your life. If you're smart, you know when it's time to let them go.
Megan Hart

To callow wings no flight is too high to attempt. At sixteen all things are possible.
Annie Fellows Johnston

I am seventeen. The good things about seventeen is that you’re not sixteen. Sixteen goes with the word sweet, and I am so far from sweet.
Francine Pascal