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Social Pressure Quotes

Man cannot become attached to higher aims and submit to a rule if he sees nothing above him to which he belongs. To free him from all social pressure is to abandon him to himself and demoralize him.
Emile Durkheim

Authors on Social Pressure Quotes: Martha Beck Caroline Myss Jonathan Michel Metzl Charles D. Hayes Joshua James Alphonse Franceschi Andrew Lansley Ron Paul Cameron Monaghan James Hillman Emile Durkheim Jimmy Wales
Peer pressure and social norms are powerful influences on behavior, and they are classic excuses.
Andrew Lansley

Of course, peer pressure has a strong positive component. It provides the social cohesion that allows the very development of communal affiliation. But peer power as an extrinsic force is a lot like radiation: a little goes a long way.
Charles D. Hayes

People when they're growing up they just want to fit in, there are a lot of social pressures on young people today to kind of have it all figured out and know what they want to do, know who they are straight away and I've always tried to embrace that sense of pressure, but I've got people around me that do as well.
Joshua James Alphonse Franceschi

'Prom' is a movie that follows a bunch of high-schoolers' lives leading up to the prom, the climax of the movie. It focuses all their struggles and the social pressures that prom creates on their lives.
Cameron Monaghan

I miss the closet. Homosexuals, not to speak of the rest of society, were far better off when social pressure forced them to hide their activities.
Ron Paul

There are really exciting things happening in genetic and neurobiology right now, and really looking at the ways in which different not just illnesses, but social conditions and social pressures can actually lead to actual brain changes.
Jonathan Michel Metzl

You get social pressure from your parents, who teach you to pay attention to certain things and not to others. You get it in school.
Martha Beck

To know what that true self is without social pressure is to know your true nature.
Martha Beck

It's not enough just to be a mother. It's not only the social pressure on mothers by certain kinds of feminism and other sources. There is also economic pressure on them.
James Hillman

There's kind of this real social pressure to not argue about things.
Jimmy Wales

The women with high social pressure seem to be amongst the strongest carriers of the possibility of breast cancer.
Caroline Myss