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Staggering Quotes

It is staggering that God should love sinners, yet it is true.
J. I. Packer

Authors on Staggering Quotes: J. I. Packer Carroll O'Connor Katherine Dunn Winona Ryder Helen Beardsley Winnie Byanyima Jimmy Wales Robert Anton Wilson John M. McHugh Stephen Fry
Suddenly the staggering love bursts away from me like milk from a smashed glass.
Katherine Dunn

In a capitalist society, persons who create capital, like Michael Eisner, are given the staggering rewards.
Carroll O'Connor

One in seven Americans lives without health insurance, and that's a truly staggering figure.
John M. McHugh

The scale of global inequality is quite simply staggering.
Winnie Byanyima

If I were to believe in a god l would believe in gods. I think monotheism is the really ghastly thing. That is the absolutely staggering to me misapprehension.
Stephen Fry

I find the universe so staggering that I just don't have any faith in my ability to grasp it.
Robert Anton Wilson

Bette Davis in All About Eve was huge for me. Her acting was staggering.
Winona Ryder

The human heart has a staggering capacity for love.
Helen Beardsley

Our growth rate continues to be staggering.
Jimmy Wales