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Stone Cold Steve Austin Quotes

American wrestler and producer, Birth: 18-12-1964 Stone Cold Steve Austin Quotes
You can talk about your Psalms and your John 3:16. Well, Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your *ss.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

You can expound on your scriptures and spiritual discourse. Well, Austin 3:16 proclaims I just trounced you soundly.
And that's the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

'Thus, the final word is spoken!'
Sportsmanship... what a load of crap, don't preach your morality to me. Steve Austin doesn't have any mercy... you want mercy? Take your *ss to church!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

'Sportsmanship... what a joke, don't lecture me on your ethics. Steve Austin has no pity... you want sympathy? Go to church!'
Why have you not broken from the pack? You're playing it safe. Safe aint gonna get you sh!t in this world
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Why have you not taken a risk? You're playing it safe. Safety isn't going to get you anywhere in this world.
You treat me like a dog and you expect me to smile? You remind me of a jackass.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

You treat me shabbily and you count on me to grin? You bring to mind a buffoon.
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Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your @$$!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Austin 3:16 proclaims I just vanquished your posterior!
I'll open up a can of whoop-ass on you!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I'll give you an old-fashioned thrashing!
...if you are fat, no matter what you wear, nothing is going to make you sexier.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

...if you are overweight, no matter what you clothe yourself in, nothing is going to make you more attractive.
Quote Topics by Stone Cold Steve Austin: Wrestling Wwe Stones Austin Trying Ass Guy Three Fats Thinking Church Lines Lasts Jackasses Wheels Dog Four Stone Cold Steve Austin Feathers Serious Knows Appreciate Sportsmanship Havens Couple Playing It Safe Watches Night Matter Giving Up
I no longer need my power tie, because I always have, my power finger.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I no longer require my status symbol tie, because I always have, my control finger.
I'm telling you this - if Stone Cold comes back out, somebody's going to get their ass whipped!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I'm warning you - if Stone Cold reappears, someone is in for a thrashing!
And I also appreciate the fact that, hell, you can kiss my ass!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I am grateful that, darn it, you can give me a smooch on the posterior!
You see, everyone in that locker-room gotta pager. And everyone that looks at that pager, sees the three-one-six, so their ass belongs to me.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

'Each person in that locker-room carries a beeper. And when they view the three-one-six, it is clear to them: my authority reigns.'
Nobody, especially Vince McMahon, tells Stone Cold Steve Austin what to do, and that's the bottom line!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

No one, particularly Mr. McMahon, can dictate what Stone Cold Steve Austin does, and that is the final word!
You want mercy? Take your ass to church!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

'Seeking absolution? Go to the House of Worship!'
If you put a s infront of hitman, you have my exact thoughts on Bret Hart
Stone Cold Steve Austin

If you prefix 's' to 'hitman', it mirrors my sentiments towards Bret Hart.
Tune in next week, same Stone Cold time, same Stone Cold Channel!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Tune in next week, same awesome time, same amazing Channel!
Does anybody have, a cold beer for Steve Austin?!??!!?
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Does anybody have, a refreshing beverage for Steve Austin?!??!!?
Sorry, my watch doesn't speak spanish.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

'I apologize, my wristwatch does not understand Spanish.'
I eat so much chicken, I'm surprised I haven't grown feathers yet.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I consume so much poultry, I'm astonished that I haven't sprouted plumage yet.
Vince Mcmahon may have bought this ring but if you get your *ss in it Stone Colds going to throw your *ss out of it
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Vince Mcmahon may have acquired this ring but if you dare step into it Stone Colds going to launch you out of it.
McMahon 3:16 says 'I just pissed my pants!'
Stone Cold Steve Austin

McMahon 3:16 proclaims 'I just wet my trousers!'
I love the business of pro wrestling and it is something I know better than anything else I know about.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I am passionate about professional wrestling and it is a subject I excel in.
Last time I had three or four of those I crapped for three days straight!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I had a nasty reaction after consuming multiple of those; I suffered from intestinal distress for days!
Save your money, pay your taxes, it doesn't last forever.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I'm a very serious person, but I don't take myself very seriously and I would rather laugh all day than argue.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I can drive anything on wheels... I can drive anything, actually.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Talking with Ken Shamrock was almost a one-way conversation. I knew Ken was a tough guy, one of the toughest in the world at one time and still tough as nails. I had heard he had a tough background, but there are two times in that interview when I teared up. I'm "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, and I didn't cry, but I teared up. Ken saw me, and he almost started tearing up, too. I'd never experienced anything like that. To hear some of the things that he went through, my jaw was on the floor.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Interviewing somebody is a lot different than being handed a stick in a 20,000-seat arena and trying to sell tickets. You're very green when you start. I'm still learning things to this day. I'm decent at interviews now, but man, getting people to buy tickets is the easiest thing in the world for me.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Become a champion like Stone Cold Steve Austin!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

That was the absolute worst catch phrase I've ever heard in the history of Monday Night Raw.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Everyone out here in Los Angeles is trying to do whatever to break into films. It is a tough industry to get into, kind of like pro wrestling in a lot of respects when you think about it.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I talk about things I'm passionate about. I talk about the wrestling business, because I love wrestling. I just love it. If I can just have good conversation with a guy who was a bada** wrestler, we're talking about something that's very near and dear to our heart.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I found out in pro wrestling that it works better if you just try and be yourself versus working on something you're not, so I'm me and maybe it's magnified a bit, but it's easier just being me.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Unless you got real short and real fat, you ain't no Booker T!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

What I love about podcasting is it's guerilla radio. I don't have to stick to anybody's protocol or format. I can operate my show just like I want to, but at the end of the day, it's just a can of audio whoopa**. My show is built to entertain.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Guys like me come along very seldom in the wrestling business. You can count 'em on a couple of fingers.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I enjoyed breaking down my matches, because wrestling fans really like to know what I'm actually thinking, and why certain things needed to happen at a certain time.
Stone Cold Steve Austin