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Streaming Quotes

You can only give away what you have inside. Become an instrument of love, invite love to accompany you 24/7. Give away love, and it has to come streaming into your life.
Wayne Dyer

Authors on Streaming Quotes: John Milton Lauren Graham Denise Di Novi Marti Noxon Keanu Reeves Christian Cooke Frederick Lenz Wayne Dyer Markus Zusak Sean Parker John Bunyan Robert Greenwald
There's a lot of artists whose contracts are written in such a way that they do not get paid for what's happening on streaming services.
Sean Parker

The life blood streaming thro' my heart, Or my more dear immortal part, Is not more fondly dear.
John Bunyan

Th' imperial ensign, which full high advanc'd Shone like a meteor, streaming to the wind.
John Milton

Everybody expects to have a filmic experience when they're watching television, whether they're watching network, basic cable, premium, or streaming.
Marti Noxon

I could never have predicted the invention of streaming, the rerelease of the show Gilmore Girls on Netflix, and that people still wanted to hear about it. I do love how we came back to it, but it was never up to me. It won't be up to me this time, either. If it ended there, I would be sad, but I also like what we did.
Lauren Graham

There's so much good television now, and there's a lot of things on television that would have been a movie or maybe wouldn't have been made at all if it wasn't for cable and streaming. It's a really exciting part of the future and I really want to be a part of it.
Denise Di Novi

How do people relate to movies now, when they're on portable devices or streaming them? It's not as much about going to the movies. That experience has changed.
Keanu Reeves

Obviously, it's not cable, it's streaming, but it's the same format. It's the same 10 episodes. It feels like cable as opposed to network.
Christian Cooke

After enlightenment your body changes tremendously; its very molecular structure changes just because the kundalini is always streaming through you.
Frederick Lenz

I always marvel at the humans' ability to keep going. They always manage to stagger on even with tears streaming down their faces.
Markus Zusak

Filmmakers now have the freedom to create the type of movie they want. More screenwriters, directors, and producers now have the chance to see their words on screen now that VOD and streaming outlets are available. Overall, it's a good thing for filmmaking and documentarians.
Robert Greenwald