I like to look at how people work together when they are put into stressful situations, when life stops being cozy.
Jeanette Winterson
If you prepare your subconscious for highly stressful situations, you can create harmony with your fears. You can tame fear like a wild animal and use it to your advantage.
Georges St-Pierre
The truth is that Ron is my hero. He's always there for his friends - sometimes belligerently, but there nevertheless. He's also the comic relief in stressful situations; the funny guy with a great one-liner. And no matter how scared he may be, he will put aside his fears to support and protect the people he loves. To me, that represents true courage.
Rupert Grint
The person who has a sense of humor is not just more relaxed in the face of a potentially stressful situation, but is more flexible in his approach.
John Morreall
People who contend with stressful situations regularly detect more opportunities of this nature than people who are living in pampered circumstances.
Gunter Pauli
That's the dream scenario: when people approach these stressful situations not focused on that concrete outcome but just focused on being there and being themselves and enjoying connecting with people. You're not going to be present all the time, but if you can figure out how to connect with yourself and bring that self forth in those moments, you will probably be feeling a lot better over time, and it's likely that even though you're not focused on the outcome, the outcomes will be better.
Amy Cuddy
Learning slowly to not be so reactionary while inserting verbal gratitude into stressful situations is almost like being healed of mental blindness.
Ann Voskamp
There are no absolutes in raising children. In any stressful situation, fathering is always a roll of the dice. The game may be messy, but I have never found one with more joys and rewards.
Bill Cosby
When you have harmony in the different areas of your life, with your mind, body, and spirit, you're just so much stronger, especially in really intense stressful situations.
Frank Shamrock
I went to network on a handful of pilots, and going to network is the most stressful situation anybody can ever be in. You're supposed to be on point, you're supposed to be at the top of your game, the funniest you can be, in about five minutes, in front of people wearing suits who really don't care, and they've probably already picked their person, but they have to see a handful just to satisfy the process. It's the most horrible, horrible process known to man. I wouldn't want anybody to go through it.
Andy Dick
Some people say that in stressful situations I can seem unflappable, and I think that's partly because I'm always kind of internally flapped.
Scott Stossel
There's no such thing as a 'stressful' situation.
Bill Crawford
This is a way you can learn about someone through very stressful situations. That is when a person is either gonna shine or falter.
Joe Teti
It was just a terribly stressful situation and dreary. A few months after [Eva Braun] suicide attempt, [Adolf] Hitler moved us both to the apartment, it was in the summer.
Gretl Braun