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Taryn Manning Quotes

Taryn Manning Quotes
Even though it seems like there are a lot of parts, there is really tons of downtime in the acting world.
Taryn Manning

We wanted to write a whole song about partying and then taking Yellow Cabs home. That's the weirdest topic we've ever thought of centering a song around.
Taryn Manning

Some people might say I need to learn how to relax.
Taryn Manning

I'm more like an animalistic rock chick.
Taryn Manning

The most interesting place I've gone on location was New Orleans
Taryn Manning

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I play, in real life, Kim, who is actually Marshall Mathers ex-wife as of now. She lies and says she is pregnant because she really wants to keep him and he figures her out.
Taryn Manning

After reading Eminem's autobiography, which I did because I'm so interested in him as an artist, I respect him a lot. Even though he seems angry and mad, he's had to fight so many demons in his life.
Taryn Manning

I've made money doing things I love. DJing was a hobby. When I bought my turntables my mom said, "Oh what now, Taryn?" But it became pretty fruitful right away. I come from a very music-oriented family.
Taryn Manning

Quote Topics by Taryn Manning: Writing People Acting Character Song Dad Brother Real Actresses Mom Actors Singing Party Singers Beautiful Thinking Home Practice Girl Believe Opposites Fun Guitar Play World Musician Stereotype Making A Living Beautiful Things Years
I'm very, very, very, very spiritual. I grew up in an organized religion, I went to Sunday school as a kid. I'm very grateful that there was religion. I think it instills a good moral compass.
Taryn Manning

With acting, I get to escape into this character and embody it. With music it's like, "Hey guys, this is my diary, here's all my feelings."
Taryn Manning

My singing is my hobby. It's me and my brother. We just enjoy writing music.
Taryn Manning

That's why I'm an actress, to do something completely opposite from myself
Taryn Manning

I just get focused on whatever is in front of me. When I was filming Crossroads, it had all my focus. Now I'm all focused on finishing my recording so I can get that out. It's just day by day.
Taryn Manning

There's really nothing else I'm going to do with my life. I'd be useless if I weren't singing or acting
Taryn Manning

It's just different in the music world. You come more with an entourage
Taryn Manning

As a brother and sister, our tastes were pretty different growing up. He liked a lot of early hip hop. My dad didn't understand it and would try to talk him out of it.
Taryn Manning

It's really hard for actors to cross over and get any respect as a singer, and if I could just keep it separate and not use my music in movies, it's cool.
Taryn Manning

Lauren Hill, I always have her solo CD nearby. I have Coldplay, Radiohead, just a mix
Taryn Manning

My whole thing is I like to hang around winners, I like winning spirits, I have zero tolerance for jealousy.
Taryn Manning

I feel the craziest people are sometimes the most intelligent.
Taryn Manning

Through teaching myself how to be happy and get through things, I hope I can also do that for other people.
Taryn Manning

Acting, I love it and I feel that I'm good at it, but the thing that makes me feel most alive is when I'm playing guitar and singing.
Taryn Manning

I grew up in a mobile home, but it wasn't like white trash - it was a beautiful mobile home park, I had a loving mother, there were kids everywhere, there was a playground in the center, I just grew up in poverty.
Taryn Manning

It's actually harder to write a fun song.
Taryn Manning

If you are being weird or silly you can be excused because you are just playing a character
Taryn Manning

As far as making a living, acting has been much more lucrative. Music's been tough.
Taryn Manning

I won't even take jobs where you get paid to sit with a group of friends and party. That's never been my vibe.
Taryn Manning

I like to contribute. Even in my bands, I can't really just be the singer.
Taryn Manning

Watching people party is cool, but I don't love watching people get super-duper trashed and annoying. I feel protected behind my booth - away from the madness, but a part of it too.
Taryn Manning

Every time I'm not on a project, I'm writing or in the studio or doing gigs DJing.
Taryn Manning

I've seen a lot in my life. My dad was pretty gnarly but I loved him and I wouldn't change it for the world. My mom's a survivor.
Taryn Manning

I grew up in a very musical household. There was music and dance. My great-grandma was a famous tap dancer in the '40s, my mom was a dancer, she met my dad on the road when he was on tour in the '60s. Music is my heart and soul, it's my love.
Taryn Manning

I meditate twice a day. I chant. I lean more towards Buddhist practices.
Taryn Manning

I've had ups and downs but always maintained I was a working actor, which is a beautiful thing.
Taryn Manning

I'm definitely the worker. My brother is the jokester.
Taryn Manning

I'm not a part of any organized practices, but I believe heavily on love and the universe and what you give is what you get.
Taryn Manning

There are likable characters in prison. Sometimes the worst criminals are also some of the most charming people.
Taryn Manning

The Wreckoning is a darker song. But the record is positive
Taryn Manning

I'm pretty hard on myself. Every now and again I'll go on my IMDB or update my resume and I'm like, "man, I've done a lot of work."
Taryn Manning

My dad was a musician and I traveled around with him, so it was something that I knew
Taryn Manning

It could be fun to sing with Prince or Michael Jackson. Justin Timberlake has an amazing new sound now
Taryn Manning

Everybody thinks because of my character that I'm this wild girl and I am, I'm an actor, and I have that in me - but I'm actually very calm and mellow.
Taryn Manning

As soon as you put an actor to a person who is real, that person comes to life through another person.
Taryn Manning

A lot of people want to judge the fact that I'm an actor. That's ridiculous. No one knows what I was doing before I made my first movie. I just happened to do it as an actor all the while I've been doing music, but never with the intention to become a screaming famous pop star.
Taryn Manning

I DJ very often. I'll probably do it more. I'm not available during the week because of the show but I travel most weekends to DJ. I've been doing it for about six years.
Taryn Manning

I write most of my stuff. When I'm rejected in music, it hurts worse than when I don't get a role, because that's someone else's vision. If they don't see me as that part, even if I believe I'm the perfect person for it, that's their vision. The music is my vision.
Taryn Manning

Everyone thinks I'm some big drug addict and loser because of the parts I play - quite the opposite. I decided to be a winner.
Taryn Manning

Normally I wouldn't spoil anything because I love surprises - I don't even shake my presents at Christmas.
Taryn Manning

The reason I love acting is because I feel like acting is all about listening.
Taryn Manning

I don't really like approach music to become famous. I've actually consciously made the decision that I'm just going to do music because I love it.
Taryn Manning