Term limits would cure both senility and seniority- both terrible legislative diseases.
Harry S. Truman
Mandated restrictions on tenure would be a remedy for both infirmity and precedence- both grievous legislative ailments.
If congress refuses to obey its own rules. If congress refuses to pass a balanced budget. If congress refuses to read the Bills. Then I say, sweep the place clean, limit their terms, and send them HOME!
Rand Paul
I can see both sides of term limits, and I think, in different positions, term limits make more sense than in some others.
Caroline Kennedy
You know, you look at term limits, you poll term limits, 70, 80 percent of Republicans or Democrats are for it.
Rand Paul
I didn't want to make it a lifetime thing. I don't believe in statutory term limits, but people can limit themselves if they want to, and that's what I decided to do.
George J. Mitchell
Those who have been intoxicated with power... can never willingly abandon it.
Edmund Burke
After a time, civil servants tend to become no longer servants and no longer civil.
Winston Churchill
A constitutional amendment for congressional term limits could never achieve the blessing of Congress; it could be initiated only by the states.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
If the voters really understood what we were up to they'd vote us out of office.
Robert Byrd
If many have their turns to rule, ... this will encourage all men to advance Righteousness and that the Commonwealth will hereby be furnished with able and experienced men, fit to govern.
Gerrard Winstanley
When I came to Washington, I was troubled to observe so many similarities between the behaviors of drug-addicted patients and my political colleagues. In Washington power is like morphine.
Tom Coburn
The longer a politician bears power, the more he is controlled by that power.
Tom Coburn
It's a lot easier to see, at least in some cases, what the long-term limits of the possible will be, because they depend on natural law. But it's much harder to see just what path we will follow in heading toward those limits.
K. Eric Drexler
The security intended to the general liberty consists in the frequent election and in the rotation of the members of Congress.
James Madison
Term limits mean that you don't trust the voters. 'Stop me before I vote again.'
Garry Wills
I am opposed to term limits because if we did not have seasoned professionals, we would not have the good government that we have.
George Will
Under my contract with the American voter, we are proposing a series of ethics reforms on day one to end government corruption. They include a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.
Donald Trump
Asking an incumbent member of Congress to vote for term limits is a bit like asking a chicken to vote for Colonel Sanders.
Bob Inglis
The founding fathers never once rationalized getting in power and having control so they could stay in power.
Tom Coburn
The Governor would serve a five-year term and be ineligible for reelection.
Thomas Jefferson
I am for making of terms annual, and for sending an entire new set every year.
John Adams
I think if you do term limits, you would really increase the power of lobbying.
Tim Kaine
Watching the debate this afternoon it was apparent they loved term limits in the House - as Brutus loved Caesar.
Bill Moyers
We can achieve much greater representation through term-limited members.
Tom Coburn