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Thom Yorke Quotes

English singer-songwriter and guitarist, Birth: 7-10-1968 Thom Yorke Quotes
I think sometimes all the charities are doing is mopping up the blood. It’s a shame.
Thom Yorke

Yeah, after making Pablo Honey, we started experimenting with cloning myself in order to double the band's creative energy. However, the experiment was a failure, and the defective Thom Yorke clone escaped. And formed a band called Muse.
Thom Yorke

I want to be alone and I want people to notice me — both at the same time.
Thom Yorke

And true love waits In haunted attics And true love lives On lollipops and crisps
Thom Yorke

I think the most important thing about music is the sense of escape.
Thom Yorke

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Amnesiac was written to make fun of senior citizens with alzheimers. I hate them and I wish they'd die.
Thom Yorke

Sex is more than an act of pleasure, it’s the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected, so comfortable that it’s almost breathtaking to the point you feel you can’t take it. And at this moment you’re a part of them.
Thom Yorke

I think artists can influence only through making music that challenges people, excites them and flips them out. Music that repeats what you know in ever-decreasing derivation, that's unchallenging and unstimulating, deadens our minds, our imagination and our ability to see beyond the hell we find ourselves in.
Thom Yorke

Quote Topics by Thom Yorke: Thinking People Radiohead Song Names Kids Laughing Eye Men Looks Beautiful Music Mean Want Children Years World Listening Way Records Brilliant Talking Mother Running Would Be Artist Stupid Two Writing Trying
I don't eat food, I Thom Yorke it. What's the difference? When normal people "eat" food, they first chew it with their "teeth" until it's small enough to go through their "esophagus" and then be broken down in their "stomach" and absorbed. When I Thom Yorke food, I chew it with my Thom Yorkes until it's small enough to go through my Yorke tube. It's then broken down in my Thomach, where if I eat too much sweets, I get a mean Thommy ache! But it's okay because Jonny's usually there to rub the pain out.
Thom Yorke

The video of 'Paranoid Android' has been censored by MTV. They took all nipples out of the cartoon, but they had no problem with the scene in which a man cuts off his own arms and legs.
Thom Yorke

One of the interesting things here is that the people who should be shaping the future are politicians. But the political framework itself is so dead and closed that people look to other sources, like artists, because art and music allow people a certain freedom.
Thom Yorke

I grew up under Thatcher. I grew up believing that I was fundamentally powerless. Then gradually over the years it occurred to me that this was actually a very convenient myth for the state.
Thom Yorke

It's easy to be miserable. Being happy is tougher - and cooler.
Thom Yorke

The more you try to erase me The more, the more The more that I appear
Thom Yorke

I can't wait to die so I can be a skeleton and play my chest like a xylophone.
Thom Yorke

If I were to be any celebrity, I'd be Chris Martin. I've always wondered what it would be like to be jealous of Thom Yorke.
Thom Yorke

I became a vegan because I'm better than you
Thom Yorke

Hungry Hungry Hippos is so depressing. You continuously chomp away at those balls and you are alone and it's your birthday.'
Thom Yorke

I see fat kids on the street all the time and I give them free radiohead t-shirts with bullseyes on them. Later when I see them wearing the t-shirts I shoot at them with bb guns while riding a very large dog and singing kicking squealing gucci little piggy over and over
Thom Yorke

Like a fat raccoon rummaging through the garbage, that how I eat. Like a f-king fat raccoon.
Thom Yorke

If you want to be entertained, go and see Hanson.
Thom Yorke

If I could be any animal I would be a pony because then I could have sex with ponies.
Thom Yorke

I am all the days that you choose to ignore.
Thom Yorke

The only real difference between me and chocolate pudding is that I am not a black man.
Thom Yorke

Trying to find my flaws is like trying to find a black person at one of our concerts
Thom Yorke

I feel like as musicians we need to fight the Spotify thing. I feel that in some ways what's happening in the mainstream is the last gasp of the old industry. Once that does finally die, which it will, something else will happen.
Thom Yorke

Sometimes I stand in store windows and pretend to be a mannequin. People are like 'hey, that mannequin looks alot like thom yorke' Then I start to sing The Gloaming and lurch toward them and they run off horrified.
Thom Yorke

I can be very drunk in a club in Oxford on a Monday night and some guy comes up to you and buys you a drink and says that the last record you made changed his life. That means something.
Thom Yorke

Sometimes the nicest thing to do with a guitar is just look at it.
Thom Yorke

I stopped showering ever since I realized water causes people to drown. I cannot risk being so close to something that can murder me. Do you let killers into your house? Oh, but you let a murderer come out of your own faucet. Hypocrite.
Thom Yorke

Can you imagine a world in which the letter O does not exist? My name would be Thm Yrke. Think about that.
Thom Yorke

Alot of my lyrics are about beating my children. 'Hit the bottom and escape' is a cry for help. oh god someone stop me
Thom Yorke

It's hard being Thom Yorke. You have to get up every morning and look at that face and not shoot at it with a gun.
Thom Yorke

I'm terrified of lasagna. I think it was to eat ME!
Thom Yorke

Making music for Radiohead is like going to the bathroom, I'm just going to the bathroom constantly, and millions are watching me go to the bathroom.
Thom Yorke

If we got into a situation where people start burning our records, then bring it on. That's the whole point. The gloaming has begun. We're in the darkness. This has happened before. Go read some history.
Thom Yorke

We weren't listening to guitar bands, we were thoroughly ashamed of being a guitar band. So we bought loads of keyboards and learned how to use them, and when we got bored we went back to guitars.
Thom Yorke

Your fantasies are unlikely. But beautiful.
Thom Yorke

Radiohead is overrated. Thom Yorke's solo output, however, is brilliant.
Thom Yorke

Someone needs to tell the truth, but it shouldn't be my job.
Thom Yorke

Sonic the hedgehog is a beautiful statement on capitalism. You spend your whole life collecting yellow rings and then hit one spike and lose them all. And there is a fat man who wants to kill you.
Thom Yorke

I've never believed that pop music is escapist trash. There's always a darkness in it, even amidst great pop music.
Thom Yorke

The only thing worse than Radiohead fans is everything else except me
Thom Yorke

I'm achingly aware of my own limitations as both part of the human race and as an individual. I'm just, casting this out that, maybe, I'm not so perfect as is the affront I oft put on. After all, the lyric is 'I wish I was special'. I truly just want to be loved and accepted, I think, like all humans.
Thom Yorke

Someone once asked me how the universe was created, I told him it all began with Pablo Honey
Thom Yorke

I tied a bunch of balloons to a beach chair and tried to float up to heaven. *begins to weep* There's no heaven, and birds tried to kill me! *shrivels up*
Thom Yorke

In November I'll be releasing my new solo record, entitled 'Box Of Bees'. There's no music, it's just a box full of live bees. The deluxe edition comes with more bees.
Thom Yorke

I bought a blimp just so I could get a bunch of wankers excited over nothing, what did you do with your weekend?
Thom Yorke

Us on hard drugs? That would be horrible. We'd probably end up sounding like Bryan Adams.My girlfriend has this quote in her sketchbook: Remain orderly in your life so you can be free and chaotic in your work. I think basically you lose it when you destroy your brain or destroy yourself emotionally or burn yourself up.
Thom Yorke

I'm not afraid of computers taking over the world. They're just sitting there. I can hit them with a two by four.
Thom Yorke