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Unattainable Quotes

Then let us all do what is right, strive with all our might toward the unattainable, develop as fully as we can the gifts God has given us, and never stop learning
Ludwig van Beethoven

Then let us all do what is proper, work diligently toward the unfeasible, cultivate to the utmost the talents God has bestowed upon us, and never cease acquiring knowledge.
Authors on Unattainable Quotes: C. S. Lewis Dorothea Lange Lytton Strachey George Wald Seth Godin Elsa Barker Michael Shermer Nicholas of Cusa William Osler Joaquin Phoenix Kara Lindsay Alfred Lord Tennyson Gilbert Highet Robert Ardrey Cassius Jackson Keyser Emile Durkheim Mike Horn Nikki Sixx Samantha Barks Jodi Picoult J. R. D. Tata Alfred North Whitehead Heraclitus Stephanie Klein Aiden Wilson Tozer Edith Wharton Lisa Genova Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach Ralph Waldo Emerson Joseph B. Wirthlin Neale Donald Walsch Alma Powell Kiera Cass
Most of our troubles are due to poor implementation….wrong priorities and unattainable targets
J. R. D. Tata

Most of our misfortunes arise from inadequate execution....inappropriate priorities and unachievable objectives.
The impossible exists only until we find a way to make it possible
Mike Horn

To pursue a goal which is by definition unattainable is to condemn oneself to a state of perpetual unhappiness.
Emile Durkheim

Perfection is unattainable, so I like to live in imperfection.
Nikki Sixx

If you do not hope, you will not win that which is not hoped for, since it is unattainable and inaccessible.

Is it that your dream is unattainable or is it that you have the wrong dream?
Joaquin Phoenix

In the desert I had found a freedom unattainable in civilization; a life unhampered by possessions, since everything that was not a necessity was an encumbrance. I had found too, a comradeship inherent in the circumstances, and the belief that tranquility was to be found there.
Wilfred Thesiger

The scope for improvement is infinite, precisely because perfection is unattainable.
George Soros

Certainty is an unrealistic and unattainable ideal
William Lane Craig

The deluding passions are inexhaustible. I vow to extinguish them all. The number of beings is endless. I vow to save them all. The Truth cannot be told. I vow to explain it. The Way which cannot be followed is unattainable. I vow to attain it.
Gautama Buddha

In seeking absolute truth we aim at the unattainable and must be content with broken portions.
William Osler

The visual life is an enormous undertaking, practically unattainable.
Dorothea Lange

There is no death where the inner light shines, irradiating the fields of the within -- the beyond -- the unattainable attainment. You know where to find me.
Elsa Barker

Absolute certainty is a privilege of uneducated minds and fanatics. - It is, for scientific folk, an unattainable ideal.
Cassius Jackson Keyser

The knowledge that makes us cherish innocence makes innocence unattainable.
Irving Howe

Omnicompetence,' the ability to obtain whatever one wants or needs, is an unattainable but continuously approachable ideal for all mankind - past, present, and future.
Russell L. Ackoff

I tell my students to try early in life to find an unattainable objective.
George Wald

While we pursue the unattainable, we make impossible the realizable.
Robert Ardrey

Don't aim for perfect. Aim for complete. Perfection is an unattainable illusion.
Lisa Genova

Perfect is unattainable. Better is possible.
Barack Obama

For nothing keeps a poet In his high singing mood Like unappeasable hunger For unattainable food.
Joyce Kilmer

The good God would not inspire unattainable desires.
Therese of Lisieux

The history of the Victorian Age will never be written: we know too much about it.
Lytton Strachey

We know nothing like the divine holiness. It stands apart, unique, unapproachable, incomprehensibl e and unattainable... Holy is the way God is. To be holy He does not conform to a standard. He is that standard.
Aiden Wilson Tozer

The maxims tell you to aim at perfection, which is well; but it's unattainable, all the same.
Bayard Taylor

True perfection is unattainable, but if you chase perfection you will catch excellence!
Vince Lombardi

Taylor Swift is so flawless, and so unattainable, and I don't think it's breeding anything good in young girls.

You can't measure dreams when you're a dreamer, because most often the caliber is unattainable.
Adamo Macri

I have a tendency to run after people who are completely unattainable and uninterested and make a complete fool of myself.
Martha Wainwright

I was always reading those beauty magazines and wanting to become this unattainable thing.
Jennifer Aniston

For reason's measurements, which attain unto temporal things, do not attain unto things that are free from time-just as hearing does not attain unto whatever is not-audible, even though these things exist and are unattainable by hearing.
Nicholas of Cusa

All your life an unattainable ecstasy has hovered just beyond the grasp of your consciousness.
C. S. Lewis

Nothing is unattainable when America comes together around a common cause.
Alma Powell

Attain the unattainable.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

All your life an unattainable ecstasy has hovered just beyond the grasp of your consciousness. The day is coming when you will wake to find, beyond all hope, that you have attained it, or else, that it was within your reach and you have lost it forever.
C. S. Lewis

The worship of God is not a rule of safety - it is an adventure of the spirit, a flight after the unattainable.
Alfred North Whitehead

Philosophers say that perfection is unattainable. Lithographers redefine perfection according to SEMI standards.
Ken Goldberg

Love is as necessary to human beings as food and shelter; [but] without intelligence, ... love is impotent and freedom unattainable.
Aldous Huxley

Mass attention is almost unattainable and it's not clear that you want it.
Seth Godin

Machine intelligence of a human nature could be a century away, and immortality is at least a millennium away, if not unattainable altogether.
Michael Shermer

I'd always wanted to be on Broadway one day, but it seemed like a dream that might be unattainable. This business has a lot of ups and downs and I learned that pretty quickly.
Kara Lindsay

The young do not demand omniscience. They know it is unattainable. They do demand sincerity.
Gilbert Highet

It's one of those dreams I thought would be unattainable for someone like me, who came from nowhere.
Samantha Barks

love doesn't follow the rules... nothing is worth having so much as something unattainable.
Jodi Picoult

I could stand to lose 10 or 15 pounds, but honestly, I'm happy the way I am. I feel comfortable with it. I'd rather have that extra 10, 15 pounds on me than live a lifestyle of trying to sustain this unattainable weight.
Stephanie Klein

Something he knew he had missed: the flower of life. But he thought of it now as a thing so unattainable and improbable that to have repined would have been like despairing because one had not drawn the first prize in a lottery.
Edith Wharton

And of poetry, the success is not attained when it lulls and satisfies, but when it astonishes and fires us with new endeavours after the unattainable.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unattainable wishes are often "pious." This seems to indicate that only profane wishes are fulfilled.
Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

And a true God is not One with the most servants, but One who serves the most, thereby making Gods of all others. For this is both the goal and the glory of God: that His subjects shall be no more, and that all shall know God not as the unattainable, but as the unavoidable.
Neale Donald Walsch