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Unfair Quotes

We've all been acculturated into accepting the inevitability of wrongful convictions, unfair sentences, racial bias, and racial disparities and discrimination against the poor.
Bryan Stevenson

Authors on Unfair Quotes: John Green Joel Osteen Roselyne Bosch Donald Trump Neil Gaiman Haruki Murakami Bryan Stevenson Daniel Kahneman Marc Rotenberg Sheldon Adelson Luc de Clapiers Charlie Munger Marianne Moore Paul Hauck Garrison Wynn Victor Levin Multatuli Julian Schnabel David Foster Hassanal Bolkiah Robert Waterman McChesney Ann Coulter Albert Ellis John Brunner Becca Fitzpatrick Nelson A. Miles Shirley Eaton Chris Rock George H. W. Bush Damian Lewis Oscar Wilde Viggo Mortensen Matt Kenseth
I think the penalties are grossly unfair. I think it's borderline shameful.
Matt Kenseth

Life is not unfair. Life is what you make of it.
Hrithik Roshan

A writer is unfair to himself when he is unable to be hard on himself.
Marianne Moore

Although I know it's unfair, I reveal myself one mask at a time.
Stephen Dunn

Sometimes in the fashion industry we come across some unfair rules, but no one is obliged to follow them.
Sonia Rykiel

The world is an inherently unfair place.
Haruki Murakami

God never said that we wouldn’t have unfair situations, that we wouldn’t experience loss. But He promised if we would stay in faith, He would restore everything that was stolen.
Joel Osteen

This is a form of double taxation and it's simply unfair.
Doc Hastings

Nobody expects a footballer to have any kind of an IQ, which is a bit of an unfair stereotype.
Frank Lampard

I think it's unfair, but they have the right as fallible, screwed-up humans to be unfair; that's the human condition.
Albert Ellis

It's so unfair that we should die, just because we are born.
Anna Magnani

It's unfair that I've been treated unfair - but it doesn't stop me.
Sheldon Adelson

I regard it as very unfair, but capitalism without failure is like religion without hell.
Charlie Munger

Yeah, it's unfair that you can get judged by something you didn't do, but it's also unfair that you can inherit money that you didn't work for.
Chris Rock

A lot of horrible, unfair, untrue things have been said about me. I can only say that the best revenge is success.
Kate Moss

To doubt is a misfortune, but to seek when in doubt is an indispensable duty. So he who doubts and seeks not is at once unfortunate and unfair.
Blaise Pascal

The rules of capitalization are so unfair to words in the middle of a sentence.
John Green

Keeping your emotions all locked up is something that’s unfair to you. When you clearly know how you feel. You should say it.
Taylor Swift

Life is unfair. And it's not fair that life is unfair.
Edward Abbey

If our view is limited to mortal life, some things become unbearable because they seem so unfair and so permanent.
Boyd K. Packer

All that is unfair, offends us if it's not beneficial for us
Luc de Clapiers

First impression is unfair, because a first impression of somebody is guarded, and you don't know the person.
Frank Oz

Joel Osteen Ministries God never said that we wouldn’t have unfair situations, that we wouldn’t experience loss. But He promised if we would stay in faith, He would restore everything that was stolen Joel Osteen Ministries God never said that we wouldn’t have unfair situations, that we wouldn’t experience loss. But He promised if we would stay in faith, He would restore everything that was stolen
Joel Osteen

I never thought of having cancer as something that was unfair. I just braced myself and tried to get through it.
Sam Taylor-Wood

Fashion is ephemeral, dangerous and unfair.
Karl Lagerfeld

I'm not afraid of death, but I resent it. I think it's unfair and irritating.
Viggo Mortensen

Life, after we'd had a few millennia to observe it, turned out to be dreadfully unfair, so we invented sports.
Barbara Holland

It is unfair to suppose that one party has invariably acted rightly, and that the other is responsible for every wrong that has been committed.
Nelson A. Miles

Employers who violate rules of fairness are punished by reduced productivity, and merchants who follow unfair pricing policies can expect to lose sales.
Daniel Kahneman

Penalties are awful, unfair, but what else is there?
Laurent Blanc

You're no help," he told the lime. This was unfair. It was only a lime; there was nothing special about it at all. It was doing the best it could.
Neil Gaiman

It's an unfair comparison because when things are developed in the UK, they're developed at script stage only.
Damian Lewis

You really can't stereotype people or put them in boxes, it's unfair.

If you think about it, an unfair society is a society that makes it possible for you to exploit your abilities to the limit.
Haruki Murakami

There are so many candidates, so it's very hard to get over that number. It's very unfair, in a we are - but because of the fact that there's so many candidates and so many candidates are grabbing delegates.
Donald Trump

A huge parasite in the marketplace, feeding and fattening itself off of local television stations and copyright owners of copyrighted material. We do not like it because we think it wrong and unfair.
Jack Valenti

I found that a bit unfair. However, I did feel quite liberated when I left. I'm very grateful to the show - it revived a flagging career, but I'm glad to be away from it now.
Louise Jameson

It's incredibly unfair. You don't see a lot of 60-year-old women with 20-year-old men onscreen.
George Clooney

Never complain or make excuses. If something seems unfair, just prove yourself by working twice as hard and being twice as good.
Amy Chua

It's a noir world. Unfair things happen.
Rob Thomas

It is something that I always found quite unfair: wondering why the Jews never rebelled when deported.
Roselyne Bosch

You don't need a blanket of can't do this, that's illegal, that's unfair, that's unjust, all of these can'ts, all these won'ts never helped anybody.
Rush Limbaugh

Try to let what is unfair teach you.
David Foster

When someone breaks up with you, their beauty-- which you took such satisfaction in-- suddenly becomes unfair.
David Levithan

Since liberals never print retractions, they can say anything. What they said in the past is always deemed inadmissible and unfair to quote.
Ann Coulter

In the US, commercial interests stole the airwaves early on, before public broadcasters could get a stab at it. And the deal that was made with public broadcasting was, "Okay, we'll allow there to be a handful of public stations to do the educational programming that commercial broadcasters don't want to do, but the deal is they can't do anything that can generate an audience, anything that's commercially viable." Anything they do that could be commercially viable could be considered unfair competition to commercial interests and should only be on the commercial stations.
Robert Waterman McChesney

As hard as it was, as terrible and unfair as the way things turned out, i wouldn't have traded the few days i spent with him for anything
Nicholas Sparks

When I started working, women were working at 59 cents to the dollar. We got a raise, but it's still unfair. We're still 16 percent of Congress, even though we're 51 percent of the population. We're a low percentage of our CEOs. We're a low percentage of boards and being part of boards.
Carolyn Maloney

It seems unfair that anyone can set up on Twitter using my name, or the name of any famous person, without any checks at all.
Shirley Eaton