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Upper Hand Quotes

It's funny how the hippies and the punks tried to get rid of the conservatives, but they always seem to get the upper hand in the end.

Authors on Upper Hand Quotes: Ronnie Montrose Al Ries Mahatma Gandhi Bjork Ari Fleischer Tahir Shah Richard N. Haass
In the absence of evidence to the contrary, always assume you have the upper hand.
Ronnie Montrose

I felt sure we could gain the upper hand by putting ourselves in the mindset of the Incas.
Tahir Shah

The upper hand is with those who are pushing regime change rather than those who are advocating more diplomacy.
Richard N. Haass

It's the first company to build the mental position that has the upper hand, not the first company to make the product. IBM didn't invent the computer; Sperry Rand did. But IBM was the first to build the computer position in the prospect's mind.
Al Ries

Throughout the history of mankind there have been murderers and tyrants; and while it may seem momentarily that they have the upper hand, they have always fallen. Always.
Mahatma Gandhi

The press is hostile to Donald Trump, they always will be. And Donald Trump is happy to return the favor. And you know what, he actually has the upper hand in that relationship.
Ari Fleischer