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Vantage Point Quotes

Unfortunately, from what I can see from my vantage point as the U.S. Attorney here, illegal insider trading is rampant and may even be on the rise.
Preet Bharara

Authors on Vantage Point Quotes: Siri Hustvedt Alan Cohen Peter Dobereiner Martha Ronk Ingeborg Bachmann Bruce Springsteen Preet Bharara Michelle Shocked Jack Nicholson Andrea Jung Abelardo Morell Nigel Kennedy Talib Kweli Bernard Beckett Jason Alexander Rhonda Byrne Bernard Haisch John Szarkowski
I can sing very comfortably from my vantage point because a lot of the music was about a loss of innocence, there's innocence contained in you but there's also innocence in the process of being lost.
Bruce Springsteen

Pure photography is a system of picture-making that describes more or less faithfully what might be seen through a rectangular frame from a particular vantage point at a given moment.
John Szarkowski

Ture stories can't be told forward, only backward. We invent them from the vantage point of an ever-changing present and tell ourselves how they unfolded.
Siri Hustvedt

For the facts that make up the world need the non-factual as a vantage point from which to be perceived.
Ingeborg Bachmann

Even if you're playing Brahms or a Beethoven concerto, you've got to have a different vantage point, slightly, each time.
Nigel Kennedy

You have to find a different approach to what is through a different vantage point.
Rhonda Byrne

Rule One: Whenever a spectator seeks out a really good vantage point and settles down on shooting stick or canvas chair, the tallest and fattest golf watcher on the course will take up station directly in front.
Peter Dobereiner

I'm one of the few that comes from this vantage point: I never tried to get a record deal.
Michelle Shocked

Looking out a window from different vantage points changes what you see and therefore what you write.
Martha Ronk

Life's gift to you is your unique vantage point. Your gift to life is expressing from it.
Alan Cohen

It has given me a global vantage point, being the daughter of immigrants from China, who had nothing when they came here. And now I am leading a company. It speaks to something deep in me, the concept that you don't have to start with anything.
Andrea Jung

... from our vantage point it is now clear that the only thing the population had to fear was fear itself.
Bernard Beckett

I found that looking at the Israeli/Palestinian conflict from an outside vantage point was actually quite distancing. The history of the conflict, the personalities, the violence, the distrust, and the seeming lack of viable solutions made meaningful involvement feel impossible. What changed that, for me, was changing the vantage point.
Jason Alexander

I love writing, but I stopped because I felt I was more effective approaching filmmaking from a different vantage point.
Jack Nicholson

I started making photographs as if I were a child myself. This got me to look at things more closely, more slowly, and from vantage points I hadn't considered before.
Abelardo Morell

I feel like people mislead themselves when they tell themselves they're into me because of the lyrics. From my vantage point, people aren't into me because of the content, because of the lyrics. Because there's a million of rappers who have great content.
Talib Kweli

It seems from my unique vantage point as both scientist and editor of JSE that substantial evidence exists of "something going on".
Bernard Haisch