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Very Good Quotes

Don't be a hero. Don't have an ego. Always question yourself and your ability. Don't ever feel that you are very good. The second you do, you are dead.
Paul Tudor Jones

'Curb your pride. Don't become overconfident. Continuously assess yourself and your proficiency. Never assume you are excellent - if you do, you have sealed your fate.'
Authors on Very Good Quotes: Donald Trump Nick Hornby Sarah Silverman Henry Rollins Brian Tracy Henry Ward Beecher Condoleezza Rice Barbara Eden George Lucas Bill Bryson Bob Iger Michael Dell Regina Spektor Ruth Bader Ginsburg Elaine Paige Ken Follett Cristiano Ronaldo Julie Halston Tamsin Egerton Stan Lee Paul Samuelson Jacob Zuma Diego Rivera Jessica Brown Findlay Wayne Thiebaud Lynn Swann Seth Godin Maggie Stiefvater David Anders Lewis Carroll Adam Savage Fred Willard Brian Jacques
I have an inferiority complex, but it’s not a very good one.
Steven Wright

I enjoyed carpentry, and it was very good to me for 12 years.
Harrison Ford

Everybody that I've ever seen that enjoyed their job was very good at it.
Chuck Yeager

My English is not very good-looking.
Celia Cruz

I try to be cool, but I'm not very good at it.
Liam Payne

There's only one very good life and that's the life you know you want and you make it yourself.
Diana Vreeland

The sooner you learn that life is not fair, the better off you'll be, because you'll spend less time railing against life's unfairness and feeling aggrieved and entitled, and more time figuring out how to maximize your assets, and your talents and how to deal with things that you're not very good at.
Condoleezza Rice

I don't like to say bad things about paleontologists, but they're not very good scientists. They're more like stamp collectors.
Luis Walter Alvarez

Every good composition is above all a work of abstraction. All good painters know this. But the painter cannot dispense with subjects altogether without his work suffering impoverishment.
Diego Rivera

If I’d only known which [photographs] would be very good and liked, I wouldn’t have had to do all the thousands of others.
Saul Leiter

Every good cause is worth some inefficiency.
Paul Samuelson

Reading is very good. And you can quote me!
Stan Lee

Every great or even every very good writer makes the world over according to his own specifications.
Raymond Carver

The more I learned about games, the more frustrated I became because the games weren't very good. I could tell a good game from a bad game. My conclusion was: let's make our own games.
Satoshi Tajiri

Every good thing that comes is accompanied by trouble.
Maxwell Perkins

I feel physically ill if I don't make work, I don't create. I don't feel very good. I don't feel right, I feel wrong.
Tracey Emin

But you will admit that it's a good thing to be alive.
L. Frank Baum

Everything I know about pop culture I know from 'The Simpsons,' and they say the Grammys aren't very good.
Jonny Greenwood

I adore not being me. I'm not very good at being me. That's why I adore acting so much.
Deborah Kerr

Every good work should have at least ten meanings.
Walter De Maria

Broadway has been very good to me. But then, I've been very good to broadway.
Ethel Merman

If I know you're very good in music, I can predict with just about zero accuracy whether you're going to be good or bad in other things.
Howard Gardner

It's probably true that everyone has a book in them, although it may not be a very good one.
Wilbur Smith

There are different ways to organise capitalism. Free-market capitalism is only one of them-and not a very good one at that.
Ha-Joon Chang

I think my acceleration is very good. That's the key for me.
Usain Bolt

I hope to be remembered as a very good jockey.
Chantal Sutherland

I am not very good at keeping secrets at all! If you want your secret kept do not tell me!
Miley Cyrus

Grace alone brings about every good work in us.
Saint Augustine

I was not a very good football player when I started out.
Lynn Swann

One can't write without having read - you have to read before beginning to write - and universities offer a very good opportunity to read.
Nathalie Sarraute

I haven't always been warmly welcomed for holding my conservative positions in Hollywood. Then again, I've never been very good at being politically correct either, on or off screen. So why start now?
Chuck Norris

I suspect that in every good marriage there are times when love seems to be over.
Madeleine L'Engle

We definitely aren't very good at staying in one place. There's not a domesticated bone in my body.
Brent Smith

I am not very good with relationships. With anyone. I can't be locked up with anyone for too long.
Anthony Hopkins

I'm not very good at taking compliments. It's better than getting slapped in the face, I suppose.
Jeremy Renner

I love my dad and we have a very good relationship now.
Norah Jones

Certainly not every good program is object-oriented, and not every object-oriented program is good.
Bjarne Stroustrup

Once I realised the value of making people laugh, I got very good at it. Fast.
Dick Gregory

Water is a very good servant, but it is a cruel master.
Charles G.D. Roberts

The secret of life', he said, 'is to become very very good at somethin' that's very very 'ard to do.
Roald Dahl

I have some ideas on how to fix that. They're not very good ideas, but at least they're ideas!
Adam Savage

I wasn't a very good illustrator so I became a designer.
Paula Scher

I am sure that as a woman I can do a very good skyscraper.
Zaha Hadid

Economists are very good at saying that something cannot go on forever, but not so good at saying when it will stop.
Herbert Stein

We have a very good head thing but we don't make love.
Marc Bolan

When I was 3 years old, I thought I was very good at skiing.
Mikaela Shiffrin

I can see that now. I can see everything once it’s already happened — I’m very good at the past. It’s the present I can’t understand.
Nick Hornby

I show off - I'm a very good show off. It's what I do, it's what I'm good at.
Robbie Williams

The next best thing to a very good joke is a very bad one.
Julius Charles Hare