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Vocabulary Quotes

Do not confuse understanding with a larger vocabulary, sacred writings are beneficial in stimulating desire for inward realization, if one stanza at a time is slowly assimilated. Continual intellectual study results in vanity and the false satisfaction of an undigested knowledge.
Sri Yukteswar Giri

Authors on Vocabulary Quotes: Judith Butler Kehinde Wiley Alicia Keys Amos Oz Stephen D. Krashen Louise Hay Neil deGrasse Tyson Betty White Slash Grace Paley Jorge Luis Borges Tim Gunn Robert Frost David Levithan Malcolm X Aldous Huxley Jim Rohn Samuel Johnson Karen Russell Jay Leno Wynton Marsalis Pierre Schaeffer Tony Robbins Charles Frazier Marilyn Hacker Henry Giroux Lydia Davis Mark Twain Ursula K. Le Guin Martha Ronk Robert Farrar Capon Paul Crouch Karl Barth
The vocabulary of the political left is fascinating. For example, it is considered to be 'materialistic' and 'greedy' to want to keep what you have earned. But it is 'idealistic' to want to take away what someone else has earned and spend it for your own political benefit or to feel good about yourself.
Thomas Sowell

If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary.
Malcolm X

We are so impressed by scientific clank that we feel we ought not to say that the sunflower turns because it knows where the sun is. It is almost second nature to us to prefer explanations . . . with a large vocabulary. We are much more comfortable when we are assured that the sunflower turns because it is heliotropic. The trouble with that kind of talk is that it tempts us to think that we know what the sunflower is up to. But we don't. The sunflower is a mystery, just as every single thing in the universe is.
Robert Farrar Capon

We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.
Booker T. Washington

Good art provides people with a vocabulary about things they can't articulate.
Mos Def

WHY is the most important word in an actor's vocabulary.
Sanford Meisner

Compromise is a word found only in the vocabulary of those who have no will to fight.
Josemaria Escriva

Risk isn't a word in my vocabulary. It's my very existence.

We form ourselves within the vocabularies that we did not choose, and sometimes we have to reject those vocabularies, or actively develop new ones.
Judith Butler

One forgets words as one forgets names. One's vocabulary needs constant fertilizing or it will die.
Evelyn Waugh

The ambiguities of language, both in terms of vocabulary and syntax, are fascinating: how important connotation is, what is lost and what is gained in the linguistic transition.
Marilyn Hacker

Live today. Remove all blame from your vocabulary. Catch yourself when you find yourself using your past history as a reason for your failure to act today, and instead say, 'I am free now to detach myself from what used to be.'
Wayne Dyer

This African American Vernacular English shares most of its grammar and vocabulary with other dialects of English. But it is distinct in many ways, and it is more different from standard English than any other dialect spoken in continental North America.
William Labov

Subjective conscious mind is an analog of what is called the real world. It is built up with a vocabulary or lexical field whose terms are all metaphors or analogs of behavior in the physical world.
Julian Jaynes

Madonna can still produce a catchy pop song, but she hasn't expanded her artistic vocabulary since the 1990s. Her concerts are glitzy extravaganzas of special effects overkill. She leaves little space in them for emotional depth or unscripted rapport with the audience.
Camille Paglia

Being a man given to oratory and high principles, he enjoyed the sound of his own vocabulary and the warmth of his own virtue.
Sinclair Lewis

English language is the most universal language in history, way more than the Latin of Julius Caesar. Its the most punderful language because its vocabulary has a certain critical mass that makes a lingo good for punning.
Richard Lederer

We are writing stories with light and darkness, motion and colors. It is a language with its own vocabulary and unlimited possibilities for expressing our inner thoughts and feelings.
Vittorio Storaro

Truth is a property of sentences, since sentences are dependent for their existence upon vocabularies, and since vocabularies are made by human beings, so are truths.
Richard Rorty

I do think it's important that we experiment with new vocabularies. That new words help us conceptualize our social existence in a different way.
Judith Butler

I dream of lost vocabularies that might express some of what we no longer can.
Jack Gilbert

Your whole vocabulary's played out, admit it. Still wack if it came out my mouth and I spit it.

All war propaganda consists, in the last resort, in substituting diabolical abstractions for human beings. Similarly, those who defend war have invented a pleasant sounding vocabulary of abstractions in which to describe the process of mass murder.
Aldous Huxley

Sound is the vocabulary of nature.
Pierre Schaeffer

Drawing is the simplest way of establishing a picture vocabulary because it is an instant, personal declaration of what is important and what is not.
Betty Goodwin

A true lady should have the wit and the imagination, or at least the very restraint, to express herself without resorting herself to such base vocabulary.
Ari Marmell

Consonance, says the dictionary, is the combination of several tones into a harmonic unit. Dissonance results from the deranging of this harmony by the addition of tones foreign to it. One must admit that all this is not clear. Ever since it appeared in our vocabulary, the word 'dissonance' has carried with it a certain odor of sinfulness. Let us light our lantern: in textbook language, dissonance is an element of transition, a complex or interval of tones that is not complete in itself and that must be resolved to the ear's satisfaction into a perfect consonance.
Igor Stravinsky

I love ballet. Ballet is its own being. It has its own vocabulary. I feel as if I am in a different world when I am in the ballet studio.
Kiernan Shipka

To feel the soul without explaining it, without vocabulary, and to represent this sensation.
Yves Klein

Compassion is a piece of vocabulary that could change us if we truly let it sink into the standards to which we hold ourselves and others.
Krista Tippett

Free voluntary reading results in better reading comprehension, writing style, vocabulary, spelling, and grammatical development
Stephen D. Krashen

What is comfortable fashion? To be comfortable, that can't be in the vocabulary of fashion. If you want to be comfortable, stay home in your pajamas.
Donatella Versace

My research suggests that men and women may speak different languages that they assume are the same, using similar words to encode disparate experiences of self and social relationships. Because these languages share an overlapping moral vocabulary, they contain a propensity for systematic mistranslation.
Carol Gilligan

Retirement is not in my vocabulary. They aren't going to get rid of me that way.
Betty White

Notes and chords have become my second language and, more often than not, that vocabulary expresses what I feel when language fails me.

Threats are the last resort of a man with no vocabulary.
Tamora Pierce

I learned a long time ago that you don't have to go around using bad language and trying to hurt people to show how macho you are. That stuff won't get you anywhere, it just shows lack of vocabulary and character.
Bobby Bowden

The term 'laity' is one of the worst in the vocabulary of religion and ought to be banished from the Christian conversation.
Karl Barth

Those who prefer their English sloppy have only themselves to thank if the advertisement writer uses his mastery of the vocabulary and syntax to mislead their weak minds.
Dorothy L. Sayers

Im haunted a little this evening by feelings that have no vocabulary and events that should be explained in dimensions of lint rather than words. Ive been examining half-scraps of my childhood. They are pieces of distant life that have no form or meaning. They are things that just happened like lint.
Richard Brautigan

I am attracted to ellipsis, to the unsaid, to suggestion, to eloquent, deliberate silence. The unsaid, for me, exerts great power: often I wish an entire poem could be made in this vocabulary. It is analogous to the unseen.
Louise Glück

The most important thing is to read as much as you can, like I did. It will give you an understanding of what makes good writing and it will enlarge your vocabulary.
J. K. Rowling

It's important to read because it's really good for your vocabulary. It's really good for your imagination. I enjoy reading because I find it relaxing.
Emma Watson

Looking at virtual reality through computer screens, video game screens, and above all television screens is a denial of personality development. It's a denial of socialization, of expansion of vocabulary, of interaction with real human beings.
Ralph Nader

Certainly we must be strong, but strength is, to me, not just a force, but rather a vocabulary of many means
Doris Humphrey

Technology is a vocabulary and a language in which you can say many things.
Santiago Calatrava

Teaching vocabulary lists is inefficient - the time is better spent reading alone.
Stephen D. Krashen

Erase the word "failure" from your vocabulary. No case is ever truly closed, and no challenge is ever over.
Mary Lou Retton

A language is not just a body of vocabulary or a set of grammatical rules. ... Every language is an old-growth forest of the mind.
Wade Davis