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Wayne D. Dosick Quotes

Ancient wisdom offers . . . a simple yet profound formula to guide everyone who leads, anyone who aspires to leadership: 'Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly.'
Wayne D. Dosick

Gossip and slander are not victimless crimes. Words do not just dissipate into midair. . . . Words can injure and damage, maim and destroy - forcefully, painfully, lastingly. . . . Plans have been disrupted, deals have been lost, companies have fallen, because of idle gossip or malicious slander. Reputations have been sullied, careers have been ruined, lives have been devastated, because of cruel lies or vicious rumors. . . . Your words have such power to do good or evil that they must be chosen carefully, wisely, and well.
Wayne D. Dosick

Being aloof, gruff, or stern never got anyone anywhere. Who wants to be treated like that? Certainly not you. And surely not the people you meet.
Wayne D. Dosick

In every single job, in every single business, in every single profession - in whatever you do - there can be the satisfaction and the happiness that comes from knowing that what you do is important, that what you do makes a difference in the lives of the people you serve.
Wayne D. Dosick

If you cheat, if your weights and measures are inaccurate, if your financial dealings are shoddy, if you take things that do not belong to you, you won't be able to hide it forever. People will find out. Then your reputation and your business will suffer, because people don't want to deal with someone who can't be trusted.
Wayne D. Dosick

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It's the same in the office, the lab, the factory. Employees and coworkers are more productive, more loyal - satisfied and happy - when they are treated fairly, decently, and with dignity than when they are used and taken for granted, when they feel like no more than a tiny cog in a giant corporate wheel.
Wayne D. Dosick

Modern technology has conveniently provided a measuring stick by which you can determine whether or not you are conducting your business in an acceptable, ethical way. . . . You can ask yourself: How will I feel if my business dealings today are secretly recorded on a hidden video camera, and appear on this evening's television newscast for all to see?
Wayne D. Dosick

Being surrounded by artistic and musical beauty soothes the soul, bringing both quiet calm and creative inspiration. . . .
Wayne D. Dosick