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Western Quotes

When in doubt, make a western.
John Ford

Authors on Western Quotes: Judd Nelson Ti West Satyajit Ray Daniel Goleman Jacques Maritain Richard Jenkins Ayshay Herman Melville Damon Albarn Malala Yousafzai Bryan Brown Bertrand Russell Heidi Julavits J. B. Priestley Sam Peckinpah Bell Hooks Gene Simmons Robert A. Williams, Jr. Azim Premji Julie Benz Kiefer Sutherland Camille Paglia Karl Urban Tony Abbott Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Bill Maher Ken Curtis Zadie Smith Samuel L. Jackson Ben Katchor Franco Nero Roberto Orci Andre Bazin
In Western Civilization, our elders are books.
Gary Snyder

The western is a universal frame within which it's possible to comment on today.
Sam Peckinpah

Western humanism has religious and transcendent sources without which it is incomprehensible to itself.
Jacques Maritain

Western man is schizophrenic.
J. B. Priestley

The most important word in American, in Western culture, is "I."
Gene Simmons

You know you're screwed when a Western doctor recommends acupuncture.
Heidi Julavits

Every time I go to Africa, I see the future. I see what the Western world is going to become. It's a very futuristic place.
Damon Albarn

Scandals are the fertilizer of Western democracy.
Dario Fo

I think the only music I didn't listen to was country and western, and that holds to this day.
David Bowie

The 'Western' is the only genre whose origins are almost identical with those of the cinema itself.
Andre Bazin

Writers, you know, are the beggars of Western society.
Octavio Paz

Every western I did and will do; I will do it for the never ending young kid inside of me.
Franco Nero

Go is to Western chess what philosophy is to double-entry accounting.

I would love to do a Western again if Westerns came back into fashion.
Bruce Boxleitner

The western will always be here. And it just depends on how good you make one. And one movie doesn't kill it. And one movie doesn't preserve it. It's storytelling. It's a very American thing. I'll continue to do it.
Kevin Costner

I mix Indian instruments with Western instruments all the time.
Satyajit Ray

I consider Western Christianity in its practical working a negation of Christ's Christianity.
Mahatma Gandhi

I also like Western classical music and jazz.
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan

Unforgiven, I think, is the best Western ever.
Michael Biehn

Western business people often don't get the importance of establishing human relationships.
Daniel Goleman

I have always insisted on the need for local self-government for Russia, but I never opposed this model to Western democracy. On the contrary, I have tried to convince my fellow citizens by citing the examples of highly effective local self-government systems in Switzerland and New England, both of which I saw first-hand.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The notion that Western religions are more rigid than those of Asia is overdrawn. Ours is the most permissive society history has ever known - almost the only thing that is forbidden now is to forbid - and Asian teachers and their progeny play up to this propensity by soft-pedaling Hinduism's, Buddhism's, Sufism's rules.
Huston Smith

I like the Western genre, I think it's uniquely American.
Keith Carradine

Psychosis is a very Western phenomena.
Alberto Villoldo

I was interested in both Western and Indian classical music.
Satyajit Ray

Art is the Western myth, with which we both console ourselves and make ourselves.
Zadie Smith

Experimentation has been the key factor in the success of Western capitalism
Nathan Rosenberg

Any story that Billy Wilder told, you can tell in a Western.
Lawrence Kasdan

Elections are a Western jerk-off.
John le Carre

The legacy of Greece to Western philosophy is Western philosophy.
Bertrand Russell

I wouldn't say when you've seen one Western you've seen the lot; but when you've seen the lot you get the feeling you've seen one.
Katharine Whitehorn

The Western world loves liberalisation, provided it doesnt affect them.
Azim Premji

Education is neither Eastern nor Western, it is human.
Malala Yousafzai

I've always thought of the western as American storytelling at its best.
Kiefer Sutherland

Savagery was a word that Westerners used to, again, to consciously differentiate them from non-Westerners, to assert that superiority, that cultural superiority. It goes back to the British Empire, and again, you know, what was the purpose of the British Empire? To bring civilization to the savage no matter where they were, whether it was India or Asia or Australia or whatever. It's that civilizing mission that characterizes so much of the history of Western colonialism.
Robert A. Williams, Jr.

Fandango is not really a Western. It's really just set in Texas. It's a road picture. And then I did one that hasn't come out yet called Kreep, which is set in Texas, but it's not really a Western. But it has a more rural-Texas feel to it.
Judd Nelson

Everyone keeps saying the western's dead, but it's not.
Edward Norton

For the whole of Western Europe, I know the business community quite good.
Anatoly Chubais

Western civilisation came to this country in 1788 and I'm proud of that...
Tony Abbott

I've always wanted to do a Western.
Karl Urban

Canada has had populist movements in the past, virtually since its inception. I don't think the central Canadian elites have ever understood populism at all, particularly the Western version of it.
Preston Manning

Westerns pop up every so often, everybody does a western and then they all die.
Bruce Campbell

Of course, western is my native music.
Ken Curtis

Western Costume, and the old Universal wardrobe that is huge and they're getting rid of so much of it now, which is sad.
Sally Field

Sci fi allowed us to be more true to the western than maybe even doing a literal western.
Roberto Orci

But I never worked with a northern horse before. They are very different from western horses.
Julie Benz

I'm quite fond of the writer who told a beginning author, "If you've got a message, use Western Union."
Arthur C. Clarke

What [Russians] want to do is undermine the Western liberal order.
Daniel Fried

The intelligentsia has disdained commerce throughout Western history.
Peter Saunders