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William C. Brown Quotes

William C. Brown Quotes
You must try to make the most of all that comes but also don't forget to learn a lot of all that goes.
William C. Brown

A murderer is nothing but an enzyme. In the end he does nothing but catalyze an inevitable process. As a good precursor, in fact, he anticipates it.
William C. Brown

The real fighter knows perfectly well that there is no difference between victory and defeat, friend and enemy, day and night, life and death.
William C. Brown

When you are a great scholar of stupidity, logics and marketing, you can do practically everthing, from business to trading, from spiritual research to artistic criticism.
William C. Brown

A stupid disgusting bore is a guy who has nothing to say, and nonetheless says it anyway.
William C. Brown

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Once I was adviced never to trust a pretty face. Well, and what should I do when a meet a shithead?
William C. Brown

We all live in a small unique world, that's why we need at least one sole common language.
William C. Brown

An aphorism is a mental exercise, psychical, logical, linguistic, spiritual, ritual, emotional and rational, it is a major conceptual and literary activity, a mixture of prose and poetry that conveys, in addition to ideology, sympathy or antipathy.
William C. Brown

Quote Topics by William C. Brown: Stupidity Stupid Italian Art Political Power Practice Religious Real Men World Gambling Marketing Management Philosophy Needs Order Doe Party Enemy Trying Criminals Pain Media Spiritual Lasts Thanks Pleasure Disgusting Language
Examples of human stupidity. Blasphemy in Pakistan can now include spelling errors by children or throwing away a card bearing the name "Muhammad".
William C. Brown

The deviant that does not observe the trivial uses of the language is a poet, a deviant who violates the banal customs of society is a criminal.
William C. Brown

If you can't share wealth, prosperity and happiness, then you must at least share suffering, pain and death. To destroy in order to create!
William C. Brown

One of the main purpose of art has ever been that of making its indispensable contribution to the growth of entropy of the universal stupidity.
William C. Brown

When I was young I used to practice a martial art that was a mixture of karate, kung fu, Jujitsu, Yawara Kubotan, Aikido, Okinawan kobudo, Newaza, etc.; now I am just a theoretical samurai or a bushido scholar if you prefer.
William C. Brown

The goal of Computer Science is to build something that will last at least until we've finished building it.
William C. Brown

Appeal to all scholars of stupidity in the world. Come to Italy, this country has the highest rate of morons of the universe, especially among political, bureaucratic, judicial, religious, intellectual, artistic, and mass media members, so it is the best place to develop your own field research.
William C. Brown

I am a scholar of stupidity, so thanks for existing.
William C. Brown

Money management is the only strategy to survive in this crazy, stupid and doped financial world market.
William C. Brown

If you don't like trading, gambling and betting, then you don't like living.
William C. Brown

Another soldier has been killed. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.
William C. Brown

What's the meaning of "giornalista professionista"? I have always thought a professional to be a good prostitute!
William C. Brown

Since the universe is stupid, it's no wonder that social Darwinism tends to support, promote and finance the evolution of fools.
William C. Brown

Never underestimate the enemy, above all if he is a stupid one and deserves to be killed.
William C. Brown

Invest in stupidity, its stocks never go down.
William C. Brown

Literature can be divided into two large families: the religious and the secular one. The first reveals the origin of stupidity, the second follows its evolution.
William C. Brown

Man is certainly the most disgusting kind of worm that has ever crawled on this stupid ugly planet.
William C. Brown

The poor should learn what has always been the motto of the rich: "What's mine is mine and what is yours if I can I steal it."
William C. Brown

Life is deceitful because all warfare is based on deception.
William C. Brown

All art is political, all art is a martial one.
William C. Brown

In Italy, above all in view of the next general election, political parties, movements and new politicians continue to proliferate, naturally all inspired by the logic of the most severe, rigorous and atavistic stupidity.
William C. Brown

Italian politicians are too stupid to deserve my vote, but they can get over it with my critical, denunciatory, satirical, vitriolic and vituperative invectives.
William C. Brown

First of all you must understand that practising martial arts means studying a certain oriental philosophy of life, otherwise it's merely a vacuous sport devoid of any significance.
William C. Brown

The more you find out about the world economy, the less you may truly know.
William C. Brown

How can you fight stupidity effectively? The answer is simple: it's not easy.
William C. Brown

The common curse of mankind, folly, ignorance and stupidity.
William C. Brown

Dear doctor, you must not only let the patient tells his story, but you should also try to understand it.
William C. Brown

As far as humanity is concerned the origin of stupidity is itself.
William C. Brown

Repetita iuvant. Italy, a land of great saints, poets, sailors, artists, statesmen, businessmen, lawyers, intellectuals, professors, journalists, whores, gangsters, religious parasites and dickheads.
William C. Brown

The true language of commerce is the natural conversation between human beings.
William C. Brown

It's an extremely good thing that money sometimes changes hands.
William C. Brown

Italian politicians are stupid and expensive, that's why they should be fired, abolished, or better eliminated.
William C. Brown

Political parties in Italy are so stupid and expensive that they deserve to be abolished.
William C. Brown

In hard times of severe crisis if you want to create new jobs, I recommend you to start killing some people. It's the old "topos" of war in time of peace.
William C. Brown

Communism has failed; capitalism has failed; common sense has failed; now has to fail stupidity.
William C. Brown

What's the advantage to have hundreds of words to define stupidity, when the essence is always the same.
William C. Brown

The media and their journalists are merely megaphones for stupidity, the verb par excellence.
William C. Brown

Only eliminating all pains in the ass the real mild and gentle man can live in peace.
William C. Brown

Life is nothing but a bet that in the end everyone is doomed to lose. So you'd better get used!
William C. Brown

Never undervalue the enemies, especially if they are stupid.
William C. Brown

Would you like to do something good for the future of the human race; well, start killing some of its powerful members.
William C. Brown

It was a strange man, a kind of black humorist, a true philosopher. One day he said: "If my books could ensure an increase in the number of murders, well, it will mean that they have been quite useful in some way or another."
William C. Brown