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Wolfgang Petersen Quotes

What are you going to do now? I just wrapped a remake of The Poseidon Adventure .. Lady in the Water.
Wolfgang Petersen

I'm an unashamed realist, and actually, I try to make whatever the script is the reality of that situation, even though it's fictional.
Wolfgang Petersen

Achilles was like a rock star of his day so it made sense to have Brad Pitt playing him.
Wolfgang Petersen

Every film starts with the script.
Wolfgang Petersen

Theaters are always going to be around, and doing fine. With computers and technology, we're becoming more and more secluded from each other. And the movie theater is one of the last places where we can still gather and experience something together. I don't think the desire for that magic will ever go away.
Wolfgang Petersen

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I always look for nature or natural lighting within buildings and within rooms that has been done by somebody else to suit their needs. I look at it very closely as a photographic thing, then enhance it.
Wolfgang Petersen

You sit and you read that, and you have to imagine turning it into a film that people are going to sit and watch. And you have an awful lot of input from a lot of other people. That's the way I work.
Wolfgang Petersen