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Wu Bangguo Quotes

No legislative, administrative or judicial activity in the Hong Kong SAR is allowed to contradict the Basic Law, let alone to go against the Basic Law.
Wu Bangguo

Especially when there are difficulties in our relations, parties and statesmen in China and Japan should look over the situation from a higher point of view and preserve the political foundation of bilateral ties.
Wu Bangguo

In promoting Sino-Swiss economic ties, transnational companies, such as Nestle,played an active role.
Wu Bangguo

We should always settle disputes through dialogue and cooperation, and should not resort to the use or threat of force on the slightest provocation. We should get rid of Cold War thinking and broaden the converging points of our common interests, notwithstanding the differences in social systems and ideologies.
Wu Bangguo

The Chinese side stands ready to work with Morocco to consolidate and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation and continuously push forward the development of Sino-Moroccan ties in the spirit of boosting understanding, broadening cooperation for common development.
Wu Bangguo

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To realize lasting peace and sustainable development in human society, members of the international community have to cooperate with one another fully and make concerted efforts.
Wu Bangguo