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You Make Me Feel Quotes

You make me feel like a natural man
Carole King

Authors on You Make Me Feel Quotes: Nora Roberts A. Meredith Walters Elizabeth Scott Carole King Francesca Lia Block
You make me feel like I have wings when you touch me.
Francesca Lia Block

Do you know what I feel about you, Devin? About us?...Dazzled, you dazzle me. You make me feel things, and want things I never knew I could have. -Cassie
Nora Roberts

Cloud walking. I like that. And yeah, that's exactly how you make me feel. Like my feet will never touch the ground.
A. Meredith Walters

I lied to Julia, I didn't know what else to do because you - you make me feel..." I had to stop. Not because I didn't have words. I did. But I was afraid to say them. He looked at me, and I knew then I could love him. That if I let myself I would. "You make me feel too," he said, and held out one hand.
Elizabeth Scott