I am still the Hitler of the time. This Hitler has only one objective, justice for his own people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people, and their rights to their resources. If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler tenfold. Ten times, that is what we stand for.
Robert Mugabe
The only white man you can trust is a dead white man.
Robert Mugabe
'Put no confidence in a living Caucasian.'
The Commonwealth is a mere club, but it has become like Animal Farm, where some members are more equal than others. How can Blair claim to regulate and direct events and still say all of us are equals?
Robert Mugabe
We don't mind having sanctions banning us from Europe. We are not Europeans.
Robert Mugabe
'We have no qualms with being barred from Europe through sanctions. We are not part of that continent.'
We have fought for our land, we have fought for our sovereignty, small as we are we have won our independence and we are prepared to shed our blood... So, Blair keep your England, and let me keep my Zimbabwe.
Robert Mugabe
Our economy is a hundred times better, than the average African economy. Outside South Africa, what country is [as good as] Zimbabwe?.. What is lacking now are goods on the shelves - that is all.
Robert Mugabe
Our economy is a hundred times superior to the norm of African economies. Apart from South Africa, which other nation can match Zimbabwe's level?.. All that is needed now are commodities on the shelves - nothing else.
I think that the movement is weak in Zimbabwe, much weaker than it is in Italy for example, much weaker than it is in Spain, much weaker than it is even in Germany, although there the groups are small they are very vociferous and you get them speaking loudly and organising.
Robert Mugabe
The white man is not indigenous to Africa. Africa is for Africans. Zimbabwe is for Zimbabweans.
Robert Mugabe
The Caucasian race is not native to Africa. Africa belongs to the African people. Zimbabwe is the nation of Zimbabweans.
It could never be a correct justification that, because the whites oppressed us yesterday when they had power, that the blacks must oppress them today because they have power.
Robert Mugabe
It could never be acceptable to contend that, merely because the whites mistreated us when they were in a position of authority, the blacks must take revenge now that they have authority.
We expected anyway that the democratic forces which have agreed with us in Zimbabwe would have rallied behind us. But it was a difficult struggle.
Robert Mugabe
We anticipated that the pro-democracy groups with whom we had aligned ourselves in Zimbabwe would have stood by us. Nevertheless, it was a hard battle.
So, Blair keep your England, and let me keep my Zimbabwe.
Robert Mugabe
I went to Zimbabwe. I know how white people feel in America now; relaxed! Cause when I heard the police car I knew they weren't coming after me!
Richard Pryor
People see him as a hero. Not just in Zimbabwe or here in Zambia but across the whole of southern Africa. It's no good demonising Robert Mugabe.
Kenneth Kaunda
I strongly support European sanctions against Mugabe and his ruling clique. We must do all in our power to help the people of Zimbabwe achieve their freedom and prosperity once again.
Peter Hain
The cumulative effects of the economic and financial sanctions might well bring the rebellion to an end within a matter of weeks rather than months.
Harold Wilson
I think it is its time for the leaders of Africa to say to President Mugabe that the people of Zimbabwe's deserve a free and fair election.
Raila Odinga
The people of Zimbabwe have a responsibility to ensure that the government that they elected behaves properly.
Thabo Mbeki
It is my view that it is a big embarrassment for Africa . It is hypocritical for African leaders to talk about democracy and human rights and to be silent when these things are happening in Zimbabwe .
Raila Odinga
I would like to get out to the region in the Caspian sea. I would like to go there. I would like to get to Darfur. I would like to get to Khartoum in Northern Sudan. I would like to get to Zimbabwe. I would like to go back to North Korea, if I could. I would like to go to Yemen. I would like to get to Kashmir. Most of those destinations I will get to.
Henry Rollins
When we shot "Cry Freedom," I wasn't even allowed in South Africa. They told me I could come but I wasn't going to leave. I had heavy death threats at that time. So we shot in Zimbabwe. In 1995, I had the privilege and the honor to meet Desmond Tutu and Nelson Mandela the same day: I had breakfast with Desmond Tutu and lunch with Nelson Mandela. Then I had the good fortune to have Mr. Mandela actually come to my house in California. There's been a tremendous amount of change.
Denzel Washington
My view is that the time has come for the international community to act on Zimbabwe in the way that it did in Bosnia. I do not think that we are going to get free and fair elections in Zimbabwe.
Raila Odinga
If you print money like in Zimbabwe... the purchasing power of money goes down, and the standards of living go down, and eventually, you have a civil war.
Marc Faber
I don't want the United States to be in a global economy where our economic future is bound to that of Zimbabwe. We can't necessarily trust the decisions that are being made financially in other countries.
Michele Bachmann
Having travelled to some 20 African countries, I find myself, like so many other visitors to Africa before me, intoxicated with the continent. And I am not referring to the animals, as much as I have been enthralled by them during safaris in Kenya, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. Rather, I am referring to the African peoples.
Dennis Prager
Zimbabwe's stock market was the best performer this decade - but your entire portfolio now buys you 3 eggs
Kyle Bass
Obama sees America as another country on the UN role call. Somewhere between Albania and Zimbabwe.
John Bolton
The matter of who governs Zimbabwe is a matter that is in the hands of the people of Zimbabwe.
Thabo Mbeki
Tanzania is standing by the people of Zimbabwe including President Mugabe... Mugabe is there, he is president, he has been elected. If Tanzania had simply said, stupid, you're hopeless, a murderer, a violator of basic human rights; does that remove Mugabe from office? It doesn't.
Jakaya Kikwete
Well, no one gives aid to Zimbabwe through the Mugabe government.
Bill Gates
Zimbabwe is a lost country. There is no money in Zimbabwe, everything stands still. The economy of the country is in shambles, the inflation is the highest in this world.
Thomas Mapfumo
I've worked with farmers in Zimbabwe who've lost their lands. I've worked with people in Venezuela, under threat of kidnappings, whose external world is unstable. But they have very strong social connections with their family and friends. And as a result, they're able to maintain a greater level of happiness and optimism than I've seen from bankers, consultants, or salespeople who are on the road all the time, who follow jobs separated from their families, and, as a result, find themselves missing out on the happiness that comes from those very connections that they severed.
Shawn Achor
Well in the end the world can crank itself up to sanctions, as it has with Zimbabwe, another sad case.
Helen Clark
To any honest observer, Zimbabwe's sin is that it has taken the position to right a wrong, whose resolution has been too long overdue--to return its land to its people.
Cynthia McKinney
If I went back to Zimbabwe, I am not afraid of the police or the soldiers. I am afraid of those elements which are being used by the regime. People who have nothing, I mean, who don't care whether they are paid $50 to kill someone, they could just do it for.
Thomas Mapfumo
...the current Human Rights Commission's working group is made up of the Netherlands, Hungary, Cuba, Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe. No, I'm not making that up.
Andrew Sullivan
The matter of who governs Zimbabwe is a matter that is in the hands of the people of Zimbabwe. The matter of who governs the people of South Africa is in the hands of the people of South Africa.
Thabo Mbeki
Zimbabwe, once the breadbasket of Africa, is now its dust bowl.
Ilana Mercer
If the situation in Zimbabwe continues to deteriorate, Britain will argue for Zimbabwe's suspension from the Commonwealth at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in March.
Jack Straw
It has been hard to muster the resources to support fledgling democracies and to intervene on behalf of the most desperate. The AIDS orphans in Uganda, the refugee fleeing Zimbabwe, the young woman who has been trafficked into the sex trade in Southeast Asia. It has been hard, yet this assistance together with the compassionate work of private charities, people of conscience and people of faith, has shown the soul of our country.
Condoleezza Rice
I was born in Norwich in 1946, and educated in England, Zimbabwe, and Australia, before my family settled in North Wales.
Philip Pullman
The things had been made a half a dozen times from silent pictures through the '30s and '40s. In fact, I think there's a version in the '50s. And then, of course, Spielberg eventually did a version of The Lost World, but this [filming] was '91, I think. And we shot it in Zimbabwe.
Eric McCormack
What is the worst, is that you will have the meltdown of Zimbabwe that the IMF is talking about. And indeed what you will have is growing unemployment in Zimbabwe, growing impoverishment among the people, growing social conflict. And I think that is the worst sort of outcome, that collapse of Zimbabwe certainly would have a much, much worse effect on the region than mere image.
Thabo Mbeki