I have no intention of sharing my authority.
Louis XVI of France
I have no intention of relinquishing my power.
The interests of the state must come first.
Louis XVI of France
The welfare of the nation must take precedence.
One king, one law, one faith.
Louis XIV
'One sovereign, one statute, one creed.'
All parties without exception, when they seek for power, are varieties of absolutism.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Absolutism is a guarantee of objectionable morals in the same way that absolutism in government is a guarantee of objectionable government.
Robert Briffault
The absolutist trumpets his plain vision; the relativist sees only someone who is unaware of his own spectacles.
Simon Blackburn
The absolutist takes himself to read nature in her very own language, but the relativist insists that nature does not speak, and we hear only what we have elected to hear.
Simon Blackburn
Most people believe you have to have some moral absolutes if you want to hold back chaos.
Peter Kreeft
As Camille Paglia's success has demonstrated, what is most marketable is absolutism and attitude undiluted by thought.
Wendy Kaminer
One reason for the decline in moral values is that the world has invented a new, constantly changing and undependable standard of moral conduct referred to as "situational ethics." Now, individuals define good and evil as being adjustable according to each situation; this is in direct contrast to the proclaimed God-given absolute standard: "Thou shalt not!"-as in "Thou shalt not steal".
David B. Haight
Freedom should always be discussed within the context of responsibility.
Garry Trudeau
The absolutist parades his good solid grounding in observation, reason, objectivity, truth and fact; the relativist sees only fetishes.
Simon Blackburn
I mourn for the stake which was lost at Richmond more deeply than I rejoice over that which was saved at Waterloo.
Lord Acton
I want to give moral relativism the good spanking it deserves.
Peter Kreeft
The absolutist takes himself to speak to the ages, with the tongue of angels, but the relativist hears only one version among others, the subjectivity of the here and now.
Simon Blackburn
Moral relativism says morality is relative, not absolute, I want to show moral relativism, in its popular form, is logically incoherent.
Peter Kreeft
Some forms of absolutism are not bad; they may even be heroic.
D. A. Carson
Not only was one cartoonist gunned down, but riots erupted around the world, resulting in the deaths of scores. No one could say toward what positive social end, yet free-speech absolutists were unchastened.
Garry Trudeau
At some point free expression absolutism becomes childish and unserious.
Garry Trudeau
It is hubris, claim the critics of 'absolutism', to suppose that we could ever even approximate to a true description of how the world anyway is. It is bad faith or 'bullshit', respond 'absolutists', to suppose - as the rhetoric of postmodernism implies - that we could seriously live and act with the thought that truth and value are simply our own projections. An attractive feature of 'ineffabilism', as I see it, is that it evades these accusations.
David E. Cooper
There is nothing quite like the moral absolutism of the young." -Hodge
Cassandra Clare
When one turns from reason to faith, when one rejects the absolutism of reality, one undercuts the absolutism of one's consciousness - and one's mind becomes an organ one cannot trust any longer. It becomes what the mystics claim it to be: a tool of distortion.
Ayn Rand
Those who claim absolutism is merely a myth are right that it has been misused simply as a byword for political centralisation.
Peter Wilson