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Adorable Quotes

I said that I thought the secret of life was obvious: be here now, love as if your whole life depended on it, find your life's work, and try to get hold of a giant panda. If you had a giant panda in your back yard, anything could go wrong — someone could die, or stop loving you, or you could get sick — and if you could look outside and see this adorable, ridiculous, boffo panda, you'd start to laugh; you'd be so filled with thankfulness and amusement that everything would be O.K. again.
Anne Lamott

Authors on Adorable Quotes: Katharine Hepburn Mindy Kaling Tina Fey Justin Bieber Trey Parker Vladimir Nabokov Chuck Palahniuk Michael Nutter Polly Bergen Jackie Kennedy Ilona Andrews William Shakespeare Dave Grohl Maya Banks Richelle Mead Ana Monnar Kristin Scott Thomas Eugene de Mazenod Frederic Auguste Bartholdi Therese of Lisieux Craig Ferguson Callie Khouri Isabelle Fuhrman Ingmar Bergman Valentino Garavani Dorothy Kilgallen Meg Cabot Sophie Swetchine Anne Lamott Edward St Aubyn Jana Oliver Scott Cohen Clarence Day
Armadillos make affectionate pets, if you need affection that much.
Will Cuppy

We must never be discouraged or give way to anxiety. . . but ever have recourse to the adorable Heart of Jesus.
Margaret Mary Alacoque

America is an adorable woman chewing tobacco.
Frederic Auguste Bartholdi

Upon receiving Holy Communion, the Adorable Blood of Jesus Christ really flows in our veins and His Flesh is really blended with ours.
John Vianney

I'd like to have money. And I'd like to be a good writer. These two can come together, and I hope they will, but if that's too adorable, I'd rather have money.
Dorothy Parker

If you have a deep-seated need to be loved and admired every day, you shouldn't be in politics. You should go work at a pet store.
Michael Nutter

I love animals and feel very strongly that people should not be allowed to buy a pet if they are not able to look after it.
Kirsty Gallacher

Maybe humans are just the pet alligators that God flushed down the toilet.
Chuck Palahniuk

I've made forty-three pictures. Naturally I'm adorable in all of them.
Katharine Hepburn

No matter how much I try, I cant figure out how to not be adorable!
Justin Bieber

My hounds are bred out of the Spartan kind; So flew'd, so sanded; their heads are hung with ears that sweep away the morning dew.
William Shakespeare

[On Hillary Rodham Clinton:] She always looks so adorable, and she's intrepid; she's the biggest bargain America ever got, bigger than that Louisiana Purchase from my French friends.
Jackie Kennedy

I wish I could pass my life at the foot of the holy tabernacles in which our adorable Saviour dwells.
Eugene de Mazenod

To women, drummers seem like these adorable, sexy Neanderthals, but lead singers seem mysterious and dangerous. So while the lead singers all want to be David Bowie, floating into parties and being the center of attention, it's the drummers who are in the corner doing keg stands and breaking tables. Usually it's the drummers who get the fun-loving ladies and the singers who get the nutcases.
Dave Grohl

Women are most adorable when they are afraid; that's why they frighten so easily.
Ludwig Borne

I like movies about women behaving badly, because women behave badly just like men, and we're not always adorable and cute about it.
Greta Gerwig

French people are charming, adorable but not extremely generous with foreigners, but they believe in what they do. I feel proud in exchange because what I did in restoration is something I did for La France.
Valentino Garavani

People think that I'm tough and strong and that I kicked my way through everything. But they are wrong. The truth is that when I was young I was adorable and a trembling wreck.
Katharine Hepburn

That's actually pretty tame, but the fact that it was coming from this unexpected adorable little 17-year-old, I thought I'd be getting a letter about her first rock show, but it's nothing like that - she gives me a tampon. It's a true testament to how the majority of our fan base - and I say this in the most respectful and best way I can - they're little freaks.
Lzzy Hale

Ah, babies! They’re more than just adorable little creatures on whom you can blame your farts.
Tina Fey

Some people know that they are so adorable looking, all they have to do is smile and dress up and they get plenty from that. Then there are some of us who, early on, see that that doesn't work. So we joke about it.
Merrill Markoe

Why can't I be the adorable one?
Dorothy Kilgallen

He's a very strange guy, my father. I can't get mad at him because he's so adorable.
Carrie Fisher

Eugenie, my sweet, your outraged protests are adorable, but they only continue to slow us down. If you want me to help you, then let me. If you don't, then take me to one of those places where human women wear revealing clothing and quickly lose their virtue through alcohol.
Richelle Mead

The most adorable thing about Toronto is that she remains fiercely aloof and indifferent to the fads and entrepreneurial fevers of her lovers. She is intractably herself, admissive to the most vagrant, sober in a way that gets misinterpreted as stodginess. Her generosity extends to the meek as well as the gold diggers. Mercifully, she doesn't give a hoot about our portraits of her, but just waits, patiently, for our affection and citizenship.
Pier Giorgio Di Cicco

I should probably never describe myself as adorable.
Lee Pace

Through Clinton and Monica, Clinton and Hillary, the scandal, the impeachment, Iraq, Bruce and Demi, Ellen and Anne, I have remained consistently and nauseatingly adorable. I have, in fact, been known to cause diabetes.
Meg Ryan

The monster licked his lips, long lines of whiskers twitching, and spoke in a deep growl. "Pretty, aren't I?" Curran. In midform. I broke from his gaze. "Adorable.
Ilona Andrews

I find Mormons adorable.
Trey Parker

Look at His adorable face. Look at His glazed and sunken eyes. Look at His wounds. Look Jesus in the Face. There, you will see how He loves us.
Therese of Lisieux

Gotta love speaking to the mother. What a unique and adorable woman.
Gregg Sulkin

I once overheard the sweetest old woman behind me on a train tell her adorable old husband as he scoffed down a ham sandwich she had brought along, "If you ever yell at me to "stop bringing a ham sandwich with me every where we go" again? Next time I'm bringing a gun. And I'm blowing your God damn head off."
Dane Cook

Mary found again in the adorable Host the adorable fruit of her womb... and began in the Cenacle her new maternity at the feet of Jesus in the Eucharist
Peter Julian Eymard

I had decided that I wanted a dog from an animal shelter. Normally, presidents have purebred dogs, but my is a Labrador-griffon mix. Absolutely adorable.
Emmanuel Macron

Better and sweeter than health, or friends, or money, or fame, or ease, or prosperity, is the adorable will of our God.
Hannah Whitall Smith

As a kid it's adorable to have a gap in your teeth. But then, because of the shifting in my mouth, I started whistling through it, and as a 32-year-old woman, whistling while you speak in sort of annoying.
Mindy Kaling

Be adorable always to each other; respect is everlasting.
Clarence Day

I hated the Naked Chef. Fine, yes, he did good things for school food or whatever, but, you know, I don't want my chefs to be cute and adorable.
Anthony Bourdain

You sell yourself. The part that I sell is the creature. The adorable part.
Katharine Hepburn

I liked Truffaut a lot, I've felt a lot of admiration for his way to address the audience, and his storytelling.... La nuit américaine is adorable, and another film I like to see is L'enfant sauvage, with its fine humanism.
Ingmar Bergman

A dog is adorable and noble, a dog is a true and loving friend. A dog is also a hedonist.
Mary Oliver

Lena Horne is the sweetest and most adorable woman in the world.
Alvin Ailey

My Lolita remarked: "You know, what's so dreadful about dying is that you are completely on your own"; and it struck me, as my automaton knees went up and down, that I simply did not know a thing about my darling's mind and that quite possibly, behind the awful juvenile cliches, there was in her a garden and a twilight, and a palace gate - dim and adorable regions which happened to be lucidly and absolutely forbidden to me, in my polluted rags and miserable convulsions.
Vladimir Nabokov

Our pets are our family.
Ana Monnar

Let's face it, we were all once three-year-olds who stood in the middle of the living room and everybody thought we were so adorable. Only some of us grow up and get paid for it.
Meryl Streep

When I was 16... I worked in a pet store. And they fired me because... they had three snakes in there, and one day I braided them.
Steven Wright

The guy behind the counter had been seriously adorable. Model-level cute. She had mentioned that, and Allan, her then boyfriend, hadn't taken it well. That's when she'd learned that male egos and fruit had a lot in common: Both bruised easily.
Jana Oliver

I find Mormons adorable. I love Disneyland and old musicals, and, to me, Mormonism fits right in with all of that.
Trey Parker

Kelly Clarkson is the most adorable person on the planet. She is just so nice.
Callie Khouri