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Aesthetic Quotes

We like to juxtapose our music with a more dour aesthetic.
Matthew Healy

Authors on Aesthetic Quotes: Avey Tare Elliott Sober Julia Restoin Roitfeld Neil Gaiman Bocafloja Jerry Saltz Robert Schumann Catherine Opie Friedrich Nietzsche Tomas Maier Walter Benjamin Erika Lust Mo Willems Marcel Duchamp Alan Parker John Maus Olafur Eliasson Cecil Beaton Lidia Yuknavitch Stephen Shore Vijay Iyer Evelyn Waugh Matthew Healy Helen Levitt Alice Eve Jonathan Haidt Zack Snyder Christopher Bollen Hermann Broch Romola Garai Sarah Ruhl Eva Zeisel Lisa Marie Presley
Aesthetic delectation is the danger to be avoided.
Marcel Duchamp

Light has an evident, functional and aesthetic impact on our lives.
Olafur Eliasson

Ethics and aesthetics are one.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

My aesthetic is that of the sniper on the roof.
Jean-Luc Godard

All I can say about the work I try to do, is that the aesthetic is in reality itself.
Helen Levitt

I'm always interested in finding new aesthetic problems to deal with and challenge myself, even if the aesthetic problem is one of content.
Stephen Shore

The aesthetic principle is the same in every art, only the material differs.
Robert Schumann

Elephant and Piggie have a very large input. They have a distinct aesthetic taste. They like books that are philosophical. They like books that are dialogue-driven. They like books that are about issues that they live with, in their own elephantine and porcine ways.
Mo Willems

It's my own personal unconscious that ultimately creates the novel's aesthetic facade.
Manuel Puig

All efforts to render politics aesthetic culminate in one thing: war.
Walter Benjamin

Kitsch tends to wallow in beauty - its shortcoming is not aesthetic, but ethical
Hermann Broch

One does afford oneself the luxury to come into the studio and all day, every day, spend one's life making aesthetic propositions. What an immense luxury
Anish Kapoor

I'm intrigued with figuring out the places [where] the horrible and the beautiful meet - that aesthetic fascinates me.
Neil Gaiman

It's so important what you're doing in your life. It's tremendously important to the work, and no aesthetic theories take that into account.
John Maus

We can tolerate great diversity in our aesthetic beliefs, but we can't tolerate much diversity in our moral beliefs.
Jonathan Haidt

I think I have a basic sound aesthetic that is in most of what I do
Pat Metheny

Nearly all of the advances in structural and aesthetic innovation is coming from abroad.
Arthur Erickson

Robert Rauschenberg was not a giant of American art; he was the giant. No American created so many aesthetic openings for so many artists.
Jerry Saltz

Rules of taste enforce structures of power.
Susan Sontag

On the aesthetic level, decolonized music presents itself as a direct antagonist to the traditional values promoted by the culture industry.

I would describe my aesthetic as definitely personal and harmonious with an eclectic yet bohemian sensibility.
Lisa Marie Presley

I have tried to draw the human effigy (and all the other subjects dealt with in my paintings) in an immediate and effective way without any reference to the aesthetic.
Jean Dubuffet

Art is the aesthetic ordering of experience to express meanings in symbolic terms.
Daniel Bell

I like simple, I like quality, and I like less. Do I like a certain aesthetic? Yeah.
Tomas Maier

I like the concept of shooting beautiful, aesthetic, cinematographic pieces, and still allowing them to be explicit
Erika Lust

Aesthetic value is often the by-product of the artist striving to do something else.
Evelyn Waugh

What always seems miraculous is when aesthetic necessities yield an insight which otherwise I would have missed.
Susan Griffin

There's no specific aesthetic other than a sense of the beautiful itself, I suppose.
Kristoffer Rygg

It's not so much a philosophy as much as it is a pace. We need to be personally involved with every aspect of the records including the artwork, we want everything to have a similar aesthetic.
Avey Tare

I don't buy jewelry just for the aesthetic side.
Julia Restoin Roitfeld

In many contexts, simplicity is not an aesthetic frill.
Elliott Sober

If there is to be art, if there is to be any aesthetic doing and seeing, one physiological condition is indispensable: frenzy.
Friedrich Nietzsche

There's a lesbian aesthetic, just as there's gay camp, but I don't know if there's such a thing as 'lesbian art.'
Catherine Opie

I was once described by one of my critics as an aesthetic fascist.
Alan Parker

A technical failure that shows some attempt at aesthetic expression is of infinitely more value than uninspired success.
Cecil Beaton

I'm kind of still down with Virg Woolf on this one: "women must kill the aesthetic ideal through which they themselves have been 'killed' into art."
Lidia Yuknavitch

If we reject the word, or any word that labels music, what's left? That's the question we should all ask ourselves. Ben Ratliff asked it, and he came up with aesthetic categories. That's not what I would say. What's left are communities who make music together, or among whom music circulates. That's it.
Vijay Iyer

Women are less aesthetic than men.
Alice Eve

Of course it would depend on the project, but I don't think I could ever separate myself from my aesthetic.
Zack Snyder

There's something about fear and aesthetic that go hand in hand.
Christopher Bollen

You don't have to conform to a very specific aesthetic today, whereas 1950s women definitely had to.
Romola Garai

Novelty is a concept of commerce, not an aesthetic concept.
Eva Zeisel

Being dead is the most airtight defense of one's own aesthetic.
Sarah Ruhl

Material Girl is about having your own personal style, and my personal style reflects the brand's aesthetic.
Georgia May Jagger

Black metal - especially from the '90s - contains a certain production aesthetic that keys you into the emotive content. You feel it more intimately than, say, technical death metal, where everything is produced super-precisely.
Jorge Elbrecht

I always just been a fan of the music... and the aesthetic only in an abstract sense.
Colin Marston

The aesthetic serviceability of objects of beauty is not greatly nor universally heightened by possession.
Thorstein Veblen

Aesthetic isn't simply about good design for good design's sake.
Noah Kerner

The aesthetic experience has to be given. And beauty is a regular experience of every person - every person who is not clinically depressed!
Peter Schjeldahl