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Aircraft Carriers Quotes

Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets.
Barack Obama

Authors on Aircraft Carriers Quotes: Barack Obama Stacy Schiff John F. Kerry Donald Rumsfeld Al Ries Alan Shepard
Obviously I was challenged by becoming a Naval aviator, by landing aboard aircraft carriers and so on.
Alan Shepard

Changing the direction of a large company is like trying to turn an aircraft carrier. It takes a mile before anything happens. And if it was a wrong turn, getting back on course takes even longer.
Al Ries

I'm trying to move an aircraft carrier here, I'm not just steering the speedboat.
Barack Obama

I know something about aircraft carriers for real.
John F. Kerry

Strangely enough, politics may just be the one realm in which having kids imposes no penalty on women. Kids are practically a necessity. For scientists, or Supreme Court justices, or chief executives, or the woman who wants to learn to fly F-l8s off an aircraft carrier, it works differently.
Stacy Schiff

Is it likely that an aircraft carrier or a cruise missile is going to find a person?
Donald Rumsfeld