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Airline Quotes

It's the old adage: You can make a pizza so cheap, nobody will eat it. You can make an airline so cheap, nobody will fly it.
Gordon Bethune

Authors on Airline Quotes: Gordon Bethune William Compton Chris Hadfield Jerry Seinfeld Gail Collins Verne Lundquist Colleen Barrett John Barrowman Harvey Mackay Vijay Mallya Alfred Kahn Joan Juliet Buck Paul Solman Thomas W. Horton Andy Weir Mickey Gilley Jason Biggs David Neeleman Tony Fernandes William Bushnell Stout Jeffrey Pfeffer David Letterman Stelios Haji-Ioannou
There are a lot of parallels between what we're doing and an expensive watch. It's very complex, has a lot of parts and it only has value when it's predictable and reliable.
Gordon Bethune

We’re in the Customer Service business—we just happen to provide airline transportation.
Colleen Barrett

Airlines are one of the last things to be liberalized.
Tony Fernandes

Southwest Airlines is successful because the company understands it's a customer service company. It also happens to be an airline.
Harvey Mackay

The thing about commuting internationally is that you have to be a lawyer or an airline steward to do it successfully.
Joan Juliet Buck

It's a great day for TWA.
William Compton

Most budget airlines anywhere in the world are going to leave you dissatisfied after using them.
Chris Hadfield

The only thing I don't like is the uneasiness of dealing with the airlines. Everything, except getting from point A to point B, I still find immensely pleasurable.
Verne Lundquist

A lot of airlines have come and gone.
David Neeleman

I had some airline stock, but the airlines tanked. I didn't have a lot of money in them, though.
Mickey Gilley

A commercial aircraft is a vehicle capable of supporting itself aerodynamically and economically at the same time.
William Bushnell Stout

If airline seat cushions are such great flotation devices, why don't you ever see anyone take one to the beach?
Jerry Seinfeld

Any serious airline has to look at a worldwide network.
Vijay Mallya

Pan Am can go to hell.
Alfred Kahn

When I was younger I wanted to be an airline pilot, but that lasted for about 30 seconds.
John Barrowman

Maybe the discipline in North America is just consolidation, right? I mean, it may be that if there were more vigorous pursuit of antitrust in America, there would have more competitors competing on price, and then airlines wouldn't be making any money again.
Paul Solman

Bankruptcy as a solution in kind of un-American.
Thomas W. Horton

Airlines need staff to fly and maintain their aircraft. They need to pay applicable taxes and gate fees. They need to buy new planes, repair worn-out parts, manage their company pension plan, and everything else a service industry has to do. But by far, the largest chunk of their non-payroll operating budget goes to fuel. That's what costs the most for any given flight.
Andy Weir

United Airlines: Passengers are our worst enemy. We're not too fond of luggage either.
David Letterman

Anyone wanna buy my Malaysian Airlines frequent flier miles?
Jason Biggs

This industry attracts more capital than it deserves.
Stelios Haji-Ioannou

Take care of your customers, and you will have a successful business. Don't, and you won't. The airlines need to figure this out - soon.
Jeffrey Pfeffer

If Christmas is for families, what do you do when there are families scattered all over the country? I am pretty sure God wants to make sure I touch all the bases, even if I spend his actual birthday with Delta Airlines.
Gail Collins