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Alan Price Quotes

English keyboard player, Birth: 19-4-1942
The one phrase you can use is that success has a thousand fathers, and failure is an orphan.
Alan Price

I use a lot more chords than most organists and I'm careful to phrase them with the guitar.
Alan Price

I quite like childlike songs, which sometimes cross over.
Alan Price

The only time it dominates is during a solo, or when we play a low blues and I put figures in behind Eric's vocals. There's never any real problem fitting guitar and organ together.
Alan Price

Everybody's going through changes. No one knows what's going on. Everybody changes places, but the world still carries on.
Alan Price

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We had a missionary zeal about blues music, and I felt, particularly, that Mickie Most was attempting to homogenize, sweeten, and make it accessible for the mass market. Which is understandable if you're the producer, but aggravating if you're the artist.
Alan Price

Classical music's ability to translate emotional themes is fantastic.
Alan Price

I think it's like everything else; one shouldn't dig too deeply. It's silly to say that with a journalist, but sometimes there is not a truth to be found.
Alan Price