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Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes

Alfred Lord Tennyson Quotes
If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

If I had a blossom for every time I reminisced about you...I could wander through my botanical paradise for eternity.
It's better to have tried and failed than to live life wondering what would've happened if I had tried
Alfred Lord Tennyson

It is preferable to have taken a chance and not succeeded than to go through life wondering what could have been if I had taken the risk.
Though much is taken,
much abides;
and though We are not now that strength which in old days Moved earth and heaven,
that which we are,
we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate,
but strong in will To strive,
to seek,
to find,
and not to yield.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

It is preferable to have experienced love, even if it was fleeting, rather than never having felt the emotion.
More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

'Intercession brings about more than the conscious mind can imagine.'
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We are all a part of every person we have ever met.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

'Every individual we have encountered has left a lasting impression on who we are.'
Love's arms were wreathed about the neck of Hope, And Hope kiss'd Love,
and Love drew in her breath In that close kiss and drank her whisper'd tales. They said that Love would die when Hope was gone. And Love mourn'd long,
and sorrow'd after Hope; At last she sought out Memory,
and they trod The same old paths where Love had walked with Hope, And Memory fed the soul of Love with tears.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

I can't sleep without knowing there's hope.
Half the night I waste in sighs.
In a wakeful doze I sorrow.
For the hands,
for the lips...
the eyes.
For the meeting of tomorrow.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

I can't rest without believing that something positive is on the horizon. I squander away half of my night with sighs. I lie awake in a troubled stupor, pining for the touch of hands, lips, and eyes... longing to reunite tomorrow.
Quote Topics by Alfred Lord Tennyson: Men Life Heart Love Lying Dream Sweet Flower Years Fall World Nature Death Time May Night Stars Light Soul Summer Eye Hands Science Long Happiness Prayer Voice Hate Blow Music
Hope Smiles from the threshold of the year to come,
Whispering 'it will be happier'.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Anticipation beams from the beginning of the upcoming year, murmuring 'it will be brighter.'
The happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

The contentment of a person in this life does not reside in the suppression but in the control of his desires.
Knowledge comes,
but wisdom lingers.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Sleep sweetly,
tender heart,
in peace;Sleep,
holy spirit,
blessed soul,While the stars burn,
the moons increase,And the great ages onward roll.
Sleep till the end,
true soul and sweet.
Nothing comes to thee new or strange.
Sleep full of rest from head to feet;Lie still,
dry dust,
secure of change.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

...and our spirits rushed together at the touching of the lips.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

There has fallen a splendid tear From the passion-flower at the gate. She is coming,
my dove,
my dear; She is coming,
my life,
my fate; The red rose cries,
"She is near,
she is near;" And the white rose weeps,
"She is late;" The larkspur listens,
"I hear;
I hear;" And the lily whispers,
"I wait."
Alfred Lord Tennyson

the shell must break before the bird can fly.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Ours is not to wonder why.
Ours is just to do or die.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Music that gentlier on the spirit lies,
Than tired eyelids upon tired eyes.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

if you don't concentrate on what you are doing then the thing that you are doing is not what you are thinking.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

God gives us love! Something to love He lends us;
but when love is grown To ripeness,
that on which it throve Falls off,
and love is left alone: This is the curse of time.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

In the Spring a livelier iris changes on the burnish'd dove; In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

and sun! A rainbow in the sky!
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Nor is it wiser to weep a true occasion lost,
but trim our sails,
and let old bygones be.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

And men,
whose reason long was blind,
From cells of madness unconfined,
Oft lose whole years of darker mind.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

For I dipped into the future,
far as human eye could see,
Saw the Vision of the world,
and all the wonder that would be.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

But for the unquiet heart and brain A use in measured language lies; The sad mechanic exercise Like dull narcotics numbing pain.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

I am a part of all that I have met.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

She left the web,
she left the loom,
She made three paces through the room,
She saw the water-lily bloom,
She saw the helmet and the plume,
She look'd down to Camelot.
Out flew the web and floated wide;
The mirror crack'd from side to side;
"The curse is come upon me," cried The Lady of Shalott.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ringed with the azure world,
he stands.
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

It is the little rift within the lute That by and by will make the music mute,
And ever widening slowly silence all.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

That man's the best cosmopolite Who loves his native country best.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

oh! never,
nothing will die;
The stream flows,
The wind blows,
The cloud fleets,
The heart beats,
Nothing will die.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

So sad,
so fresh the days that are no more.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Half a league,
half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death Rode the six hundred.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

As she fled fast through sun and shade The happy winds upon her play'd,
Blowing the ringlet from the braid.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Willows whiten,
aspens quiver,
Little breezes dusk and shiver.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

I loved you,
and my love had no return, And therefore my true love has been my death.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

these three alone lead one to sovereign power.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

To strive,
to seek,
to find,
and not to yield.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

A lie which is half a truth is ever the blackest of lies.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

All experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that untravelled world whose margin fades for ever and for ever when I move.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

No man ever got very high by pulling other people down.
The intelligent merchant does not knock his competitors.
The sensible worker does not work those who work with him.
Don't knock your friends.
Don't knock your enemies.
Don't knock yourself.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Speak to Him,
for He hears,
and Spirit with Spirit can meet- Closer is He than breathing,
and nearer than hands and feet.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

I must lose myself in action,
lest I wither in despair.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

So many worlds,
so much to do,
so little done,
such things to be.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

like nature,
half reveal and half conceal the soul within.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

All experience is an arch wherethro' gleams that untraveled world whose margins fade forever and forever as we move.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

My strength is as the strength of ten,
because my heart is pure.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Battering the gates of heaven with the storms of prayer.
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Sweet is true love that is given in vain,
and sweet is death that takes away pain.
Alfred Lord Tennyson