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Amy Grant Quotes

American singer-songwriter, Birth: 25-11-1960 Amy Grant Quotes
The more time you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes.
Amy Grant

Do I think all contemporary Christian music is good? No.
Amy Grant

But my experience is that people who have been through painful, difficult times are filled with compassion.
Amy Grant

Every good relationship, especially marriage, is based on respect. If it's not based on respect, nothing that appears to be good will last very long.
Amy Grant

If I had my life to live over again, I'd run barefoot, relax a bit more, I'd talk more to children, and I'd learn how they laugh.
Amy Grant

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Get outside. Watch the sunrise. Watch the sunset. How does that make you feel? Does it make you feel big or tiny? Because there's something good about feeling both.
Amy Grant

More important than talent, strength, or knowledge is the ability to laugh at yourself and enjoy the pursuit of your dreams.
Amy Grant

Anybody who's ever gone through a hard time - any outsider's perception, no matter how much information they're given, they have no idea what the person's life is like.
Amy Grant

Quote Topics by Amy Grant: Thinking People Years Song Real Christian Believe Way Writing Children Ideas Men Life Is Color Integrity Beautiful Feelings Inspirational Religious Crazy Littles Learning Growing Up Kids Home Stuff Doe Mom Philosophy Records
I can look at the future with anticipation. And it's comforting to know that someday, as Christians, we'll be able to look back and have a little more clarity on why certain things in life happened.
Amy Grant

[Sunbathing nude] was a liberating experience. It felt unbelievably crazy to take off all my clothes and play in the sun. I've not had that much fun in so long.
Amy Grant

I feel a part of the congregation. I've never had to do special music. The kids sing in the choir. It's just normal. We're treated like everybody else.
Amy Grant

I count myself really fortunate that I have some lifelong friends. The best thing about a friend is when you are being your own worst enemy a friend can help snap you out of it.
Amy Grant

Without black, no color has any depth. But if you mix black with everything, suddenly there's shadow - no, not just shadow, but fullness. You've got to be willing to mix black into your palette if you want to create something that's real.
Amy Grant

I think our culture encourages all of us to always put our best foot forward. I think it's a good thing. I think it's nice to rise to the occasion, to be kind and considerate, and have self control.
Amy Grant

You have to treat people gently because we're all in a process. What might seem like a good idea to somebody at 21 is probably not going to seem like a good idea at 50, but you don't know that until you get there.
Amy Grant

Life is a process, and you just take it a day at a time, and you can't live in tomorrow, and you can't reach back and be in yesterday. No matter how much you want to, you just have what's right there in front of you.
Amy Grant

Its true. Im a simple person. Some people tend to live from trauma to trauma, and that energizes them. I have a hectic schedule, but my mind seeks simplicity - like being in nature, a long bike ride, or sitting on the back porch.
Amy Grant

The same rain that drowns the rat will grow the hay.
Amy Grant

There is not a formula for the way that God heals. There's not a timetable.
Amy Grant

There's a beauty to wisdom and experience that cannot be faked. It's impossible to be mature without having lived.
Amy Grant

I think what I mostly realize is just that life is unpredictable. So don't be afraid, but just enjoy the day you're in. Really make the most of it.
Amy Grant

I did the best I could, and in some arenas, my best was not good enough. I've made some bad choices.
Amy Grant

I'm frustrated by something, it's my fault for exposing myself to it in the first place. The rumor mill always seemed like a grass fire to me. Why walk out in the middle of the field, it's just going to flame out and go away just like everything else does?
Amy Grant

I think a woman can have all of the ideas and mental pictures. She can be a real planner and a motivator. But in the end, I think a woman does best when she responds to a man.
Amy Grant

Life goes by really fast, and it seems that there are times when you're burying a lot of friends and family. And then there are times that feel really precious and everybody is doing okay. This is one of those times.
Amy Grant

I'm not anxious to be anywhere other than where I am right now.
Amy Grant

Everybody needs a helping hand, take a look at your fellow man.
Amy Grant

Come Christmas Eve, we usually go to my mom and dad's. Everybody brings one gift and then we play that game when we all steal it from each other. Some are really cool, others are useful and some are a bit out there.
Amy Grant

Love's for fools wise enough to take a chance.
Amy Grant

If you went to your closet today, would you pull out the same outfit you wore 10 or 15 years ago? You wear feelings and faith differently as well.
Amy Grant

How we absorb music is unique. I know what I do. When I'm listening to music, I tend to find myself in a song. That's what really makes you connect is if you feel what that song is saying.
Amy Grant

I've found that music allows years to fold like an accordion over each other, so I guess you don't feel the passage of time as much.
Amy Grant

If a politician isn't doing it to his wife , then he's doing it to his country.
Amy Grant

But now it's kind of a given that a 15-year-old would have a record deal and sell a quarter of a million records. No one's expecting her to answer any deep theological questions. And I'll tell you, I was asked some deep theological questions from the git-go.
Amy Grant

I just think music is such a beautiful thing. It lifts the heart and buoys up your spirits - all kinds of music.
Amy Grant

All I ever have to be is what you made me.
Amy Grant

The secret to overcoming a feeling of loneliness is not going outside to meet people. That will only keep you from being alone. The secret is going inside yourself, to realize your true kinship with God and with all the human beings that he created.
Amy Grant

The fact of the matter is, when I'm on tour, I'm juggling so hard to keep all the balls in the air that I don't often get to really enjoy what I'm out there doing.
Amy Grant

I can look back at different times in my life when I felt I could not find my way out of whatever it was. I'm not necessarily talking about marriage, but I wanted to pack it in. I wanted to disappear. A lot of that has to do with being in the public eye.
Amy Grant

Since I travel so much, it's always great to be home. There's nothing like getting to raid my own refrigerator at two in the morning.
Amy Grant

I think that if my kids are completely convinced of God's unfailing love for them, whether they fail or not, they'll have confidence to persevere in life
Amy Grant

For me, the backdrop of half the experiences of life includes music.
Amy Grant

It's human nature to be curious about people, and to be more curious about young people than old people. We want to cheer something on at the same time we want to tear it down. That's just so normal.
Amy Grant

But to make a holiday record that involves favorite American songs and then also get to sing about Jesus birth, it just seemed like a real easy, subtle way to combine a couple of things that I love.
Amy Grant

The people I've been exposed to have been people of amazing integrity.
Amy Grant

I was taught a lot of Bible at home and had a voracious appetite for reading the Bible.
Amy Grant

Depending on what day of the week it is and what time of the month it is, I'm a good friend or not a good friend. I'm more or less a good mom or not a good mom, more or less a good mate or not a good mate. That's just life, whether or not you're public.
Amy Grant

I love being with my children. They're fascinating people.
Amy Grant

You do your best, you do all this stuff, but the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
Amy Grant

People are going to come into your life that need you, and being there for them makes the day worth living. People are going to come into your life that you need, and that's the really crazy thing.
Amy Grant