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Ann Aguirre Quotes

Ann Aguirre Quotes
More than most, I know the pain of surviving.
Ann Aguirre

Possessiveness isn’t love. I’m not even sure it qualifies as an emotion.
Ann Aguirre

I'll always want him. Until every sun goes dark in every sky, until I am nothing more than long-forgotten cosmic dust, I will want him. And even then I suspect my particles will long for his.
Ann Aguirre

Because I love you.' It was easy to say it this time now that I understood what it meant. Then I quoted his own words back to him. 'Not just when it's easy. All the time.
Ann Aguirre

Sometimes the past needed to stay buried; it was the only way you could move on. And sometimes you had to dig it up, because that too was the only way.
Ann Aguirre

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A huntress never stabbed anything she didn't want to.
Ann Aguirre

If this is the last time, let me say it so you never forget. I will always love you, Deuce. No matter where souls go, mine will be looking for you, solnyshko moyo." "No. I want a promise instead. Promise you'll fight like you never have, so when the dying stops, you'll be on your feet looking for me here." "I swear.
Ann Aguirre

Maybe I was just one of those people who couldn't rest easy unless things went catastrophically wrong.
Ann Aguirre

Quote Topics by Ann Aguirre: People Fighting World Moving Heart Eye Promise Hurt Thinking Stupid Cutting Fall Beautiful Want Matter Easy Hero Loss Hate Way Sometimes Dark Pain Missing Men Bears Two Knows Hands Broken
Most people can’t stomach silence; it provides too much opportunity to think about things they prefer to avoid.
Ann Aguirre

I think people can be trusted to know what makes them unhappy. Maybe we don't always know what we want exactly, but we can usually say what we don't with a fair amount of specificity.
Ann Aguirre

She carries chaos like an overcoat.
Ann Aguirre

Time is fluid, so the moments where everything feels perfect pass in a wink, and those where you're on your knees in despair drag on like the death of a thousand cuts.
Ann Aguirre

My skill didn't lie in planning battles, only in fighting them.
Ann Aguirre

I’ve lost so many people. Some I left on purpose and never looked back. Some were taken from me, and I never said good-bye.
Ann Aguirre

Don’t let them see you weak.
Ann Aguirre

Sometimes when you meet someone, there’s a click. I don’t believe in love at first sight but I believe in that click. Recognition.
Ann Aguirre

I’m not a woman you bring home to Mother, pick out china patterns with, or Mary forefend, breed. I’ve seen a chunk of the universe, true, but there’s still so much more to see. I doubt I’ll ever cure this wanderlust, and I’m content with dedicating my life to failing to sate it... He’s never going to sit at my feet and write me poems, which is good because I hate poetry, except dirty ones that rhyme.
Ann Aguirre

You can live without me." "I don't want to." I feared a love like this - that made us incomplete without each other. It was beautiful but treacherous, like snow that looked white and pure and lovely from the safety of your window, but when you stepped out to touch the softness, the cold first stole your breath, and then your will to move, until you could just lay down in it and let the numbness take you. yet I didn't want to be without him either, so I didn't chide him for the statement.
Ann Aguirre

I felt like the blonde in every horror movie who hears a noise in the basement and goes to investigate alone. Sometimes you smell the stupid all around you, but you step in it anyway.
Ann Aguirre

But the world moves on, even when you don’t want it to, even when change feels like the end of everything. It never stops. That’s harsh and magical and somewhat comforting because nothing is immutable, however much we want it to be. Moments cannot be caught like fossils in amber, ever- perfect,ever-beautiful. They go dark and raw, full of shadows, leaving you with the memories. And the world moves on.
Ann Aguirre

Sometimes broken things heal crooked. The pieces didn’t fit anymore.
Ann Aguirre

We stand a professional distance apart, as if I can’t feel his pain screaming in my head. Mine amplifies his; they share a joint sound—that of glass breaking—until they swell to a crescendo that deafens.
Ann Aguirre

You don’t know what it’s like to be alone until you’ve had someone inside your head.
Ann Aguirre

Sometimes I miss the old me.
Ann Aguirre

Once exposed, a secret loses all its power.
Ann Aguirre

People try to make sense of things, and if they don’t know the answers, they make them up,because for some, a wrong answer is better than none.
Ann Aguirre

If I ever win you," he said, anger bright in his pale eyes, "it will be because you want me more. Not because he's gone. I'm nobody's second best.
Ann Aguirre

Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be shelter for the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth for the other. Now there will be no loneliness, for each of you will be companion to the other. Now you are two persons, but there are three lives before you: His life, Her Life, and Your life together.
Ann Aguirre

I swept down the stairs to find Fade waiting for me at the bottom. His dark eyes widened, and for the first time since I'd known him, he was speechless. He stared up at me like I was everything he ever wanted.
Ann Aguirre

Mother Mary of Anabolic Grace, we got Teras incoming?” He levels angry blue eyes on me. “You’re a hex, lady, dark luck, powerful bad juju, ken?” “Only to people who try to kidnap me,” I tell him sweetly, and March snorts, so I feel obliged to add, “Or rescue me…” And then Dina makes a pfft sound. “Or who travel with me…” My gaze sweeps around the darkened interior, trying to find an ally, but nobody will hold my eyes more than two seconds, it seems. “Fine, frag you all, I’m dark juju, bad luck, and you’re all doomed.
Ann Aguirre

While sight may deceive you, touch rarely does.
Ann Aguirre

Caring too much could be dangerous; I saw that now. But the alternative was no better.
Ann Aguirre

But courage wasn't an absence of fear; it was fighting despite the knot in your stomach.
Ann Aguirre

Love sounded terrible if it made you so weak, you couldn't survive with out it.
Ann Aguirre

Show, not tell, right? Action, not words. You don’t want to hear how sorry I am or how things will be different this time. You want to see it with your own eyes. And until I can show you that, you won’t tell me what I want to hear.
Ann Aguirre

Because it takes more courage to heal the world's hurts than to inflict them.
Ann Aguirre

Did he die well?" No, I thought. Nobody did. They just died.
Ann Aguirre

For love to flourish there has to be trust. Promises don’t matter as much as personal choice.
Ann Aguirre

Don't worry he tells me tenderly. It doesn't matter who you've been, who you are, or who you become. I'm with you every step of the way.
Ann Aguirre

Beyond, the unknown lay before us once more, and another impossible task. The four of us emerged from the earth and turned our steps west, toward the last hope for Salvation.
Ann Aguirre

If there had been another female for him since we arrived in Salvation, I needed to cut off all her hair and beat her half to death. The strength of that impulse scared me, and I took a step back. Deuce the girl was every bit as vicious as the Huntress, it seemed
Ann Aguirre

A divided heart offers a strange sensation.
Ann Aguirre

I found it curious that people kept animals for companionship and not food. When I'd asked Mama Oaks when she planned to cook the fat creature that slept in a basket in the kitchen, her eyes almost popped out of her head. Since then, she'd kept her pet away from me, like she suspected I meant to turn it into stew. Clearly, I had a lot to learn.
Ann Aguirre

This is not a love story. It is my life, and as such, there is love, loss, war, death, and sacrifice. It's about things that needed to be done and choices made. I regret nothing.
Ann Aguirre

I couldn't help what I'd done before I learned it was wrong. I could only do better in the future.
Ann Aguirre

Perhaps that was the point; life, if you did it right, meant learning and changing. If you didn't, you died- or stopped growing - which amounted to more or less the same thing. So I would slide in and out of different roles until I discovered the one that fit me best. -Deuce, (183)
Ann Aguirre

Like most, I was a mix of good and bad, anger and protectiveness, kindness and pride. But right now, I had only strangled fear and the promise of revenge.
Ann Aguirre

Is that love? It seems like a pale word, too easily tossed about by people who don’t know the meaning of it, who twist it for their own ends. I’m afraid of it now, right up there with clowns, close spaces, and open flames.
Ann Aguirre

I always have someplace else I’d rather be, even if I don’t know where that is, yet.
Ann Aguirre

How can you miss someone who’s right beside you?
Ann Aguirre