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Annie Laurie Gaylor Quotes

Religion's greatest "sin" lies in displacing human endeavor, thought, time, resources and efforts from this world, our only world, in order to exalt a highly unlikely, unknowable, unseeable, unprovable and unbelievable pretend afterworld. The only afterlife that ought to concern us is leaving our descendants (along with the other animals and life we share our planet with) a secure and pleasant future.
Annie Laurie Gaylor

Organized religion always has been and remains the greatest enemy of women's rights. . . .
Annie Laurie Gaylor

Let's forget about the mythical Jesus and look for encouragement, solace and inspiration from real women... Two thousand years of patriarchal rule under the shadow of the cross ought to be enough to turn women toward the feminist 'salvation' of this world
Annie Laurie Gaylor

Our cemeteries are full of people who prayed to live.
Annie Laurie Gaylor

The word 'religion' takes on a sinister cast when one examines its root, religare, meaning 'to bind,' which in turn means 'to hold, to make prisoner, to restrain.
Annie Laurie Gaylor

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It's so simple: Right to marriage is a civil right, which like all civil rights should not depend on what state you happen to live in.
Annie Laurie Gaylor