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Annoyed Quotes

Justin Salinger showed up one day with a pink cowboy hat on and everyone else got really annoyed because somehow he'd managed to get the pink cowboy hat.
Alex Cox

Authors on Annoyed Quotes: Cassandra Clare Moliere Larry Wall Alain de Botton Grace Slick Francois Fenelon Kim Kardashian Regina Spektor Friedrich Nietzsche Frank Stella Paul Lynde Asa Gray Neil Young Julie Walters Blaise Pascal Roland Emmerich Libba Bray David Beckham Tim Cahill Rands Frank Lampard Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley Ann Coulter John D. Rockefeller Slavoj Žižek Kerry Greenwood Eve Best Howie Mandel Abbi Glines William Graham Sumner Gene Tierney Hesketh Pearson Alonzo Church
Anyone who has declared someone else to be an idiot, a bad apple, is annoyed when it turns out in the end that he isn't.
Friedrich Nietzsche

Name anything - high-definition TV, computer obsolescence - and I'm pretty much annoyed by it.
Martin Freeman

Pharmaceutical companies are very annoyed with niacin because their products have to compete with it. Some of their cholesterol-lowering drugs cost up to $150 a month while niacin costs about $10.
Abram Hoffer

We met a people who loved it when it was said to them “Fear Allah the most high!“. Today you find people become annoyed at this.
Sufyan al-Thawri

Never lose interest in life and the world. Never allow yourself to become annoyed.
John D. Rockefeller

I was annoyed from the start by the attitude of doubt by the spectators that I would never really make the flight. This attitude made me more determined than ever to succeed.
Harriet Quimby

I have this theory about words. There's a thousand ways to say "Pass the salt". It could mean, you know, "Can I have some salt?" or it could mean, "I love you.". It could mean, "I'm very annoyed with you". Really, the list could go on and on. Words are little bombs, and they have a lot of energy inside them.
Christopher Walken

This is New York, and there's no law against being annoying.
William Kunstler

So you are a vampire." "I most certainly am not." He looked annoyed. "That's such a common phrase, such a cliche, and so unflattering. I suppose you believe in werewolves and aliens too. I blame television.
Margaret Stohl

To be governed is, under pretext of public utility and in the name of the general interest, to be laid under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, exhausted, hoaxed and robbed; then, upon the slightest resistance, at the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, annoyed, hunted down, pulled about, beaten, disarmed, bound, imprisoned, shot, judged, condemned, banished, sacrificed, sold, betrayed, and, to crown all, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored.
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

My dreams were all my own; I accounted for them to nobody; they were my refuge when annoyed - my dearest pleasure when free.
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley

He was highly annoyed by the series of triumphs by the marvelous colored American runner, Jesse Owens. People whose antecedents came from the jungle were primitive, Hitler said with a shrug; their physiques were stronger than those of civilized whites and hence should be excluded from future games.
Albert Speer

What annoys the hell out of me is the arrogance of some people. They don't even listen to our music, they decided in advance that they don't like it.
Billie Joe Armstrong

It is quite annoying that we have to change the sound we invented just to avoid sounding like people who simply copy us, but... it is flattering and of course challenging.
Jonathan Davis

Pierre Curie voluntarily exposed his arm to the action of radium for several hours. This resulted in damage resembling a burn that developed progressively and required several months to heal. Henri Becquerel had by accident a similar burn as a result of carrying in his vest pocket a glass tube containing radium salt. He came to tell us of this evil effect of radium, exclaiming in a manner at once delighted and annoyed: "I love it, but I owe it a grudge."
Marie Curie

I am annoyed by individuals who are embarrassed by pauses in a conversation. To me, every conversational pause refreshes.
George Sanders

If you have made a mistake or committed an inaccuracy there is no need to become annoyed and to think that everything is lost. You have to reorientate yourself quickly and find a new plan in the new situation.
David Bronstein

I am what you might call abstractly anti-capitalist. For instance, I am suspicious of the old leftists who focus all their hatred on the United States. What about Chinese neo-colonialism? Why are the left silent about that? When I say this, it annoys them, of course. Good!
Slavoj Žižek

I feel like I'm a time traveler from the future who has been sent back to be annoyed.
Adam Carolla

Being dubbed as a hunk sort of annoys me. It gives me a yucky feeling.
Leonardo DiCaprio

I go from exasperation to a state of collapse, then I recover and go from prostration to Fury, so that my average state is one of being annoyed.
Gustave Flaubert

I'm always annoyed about why black people have to bear the brunt of everybody else's contempt. If we are not totally understanding and smiling, suddenly we're demons.
Toni Morrison

We who have the final word can speak softly or angrily. We can seek to challenge and annoy, as we need not stay docile and quiet.
William O. Douglas

People who annoy people are the luckiest people in the world.
Howie Mandel

The want of logic annoys. Too much logic bores. Life eludes logic, and everything that logic alone constructs remains artificial and forced.
Andre Gide

All that attention to the perfect lighting, the perfect this, the perfect that, I find terribly annoying.
Meryl Streep

If we were faultless we should not be so much annoyed by the defects of those with whom we associate.
Francois Fenelon

Commitments are one of the worst things to have in the music business. They're very annoying.
Neil Young

I love football and I love winning, and when things aren't going right I get annoyed.
David Beckham

Today I got so annoyed with myself that I lost my patience and walked away from a game that, with hindsight, I should have continued [on quitting a game early on against Hendry]
Ronnie O'Sullivan

When I said I didn't have a cent, I didn't. I used to get annoyed with people who said they were broke when they had five dollars.
Paul Lynde

If I were gay, life would be a lot simpler. I'm kind of annoyed that I'm not.
Grace Slick

New Yorkers, by reputation, are fast-talking, assertive and easily annoyed; I fit right in.
Jane Pauley

Almost all of us have an elevator or two in our lives somewhere. We wait for them, we ride on them. We're annoyed by the wait but pleased with the lift.
Andy Rooney

The misconception is that standup comics are always on. I don't know any really funny comics that are annoying and constantly trying to be funny all the time.
Joe Rogan

I prefer a pleasant vice to an annoying virtue.

The whole character of Justin and the club life he lives - I have no experience with it. It's really foreign to me, which is annoying, but that's just how it is.
Randy Harrison

Isn't it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? Isn't it also great when friends visit from distant places? If one remains not annoyed when he is not understood by people around him, isn't he a sage?

I used to annoy my father by telling him how much I felt luck was with me.
Gene Tierney

People who don't listen make me annoyed. That's the normal stuff, isn't it?
Domhnall Gleeson

Watch with awe and amazement at how quickly an engineer will become totally annoyed by inefficiency.

I do get very angry at things. My wife has to count to ten because if she gets annoyed at me being annoyed, then I get annoyed at her being annoyed at me being annoyed.
Simon Pegg

An annoyed and joyless Christian is the devil's greatest billboard.
Mark Hart

I try to put in every one of my movies some sort of message. I don't want to overdo it, because I don't want people to get annoyed by it, but it's good to have a message.
Roland Emmerich

I was always annoyed by too much explaining.
Clint Eastwood

Ah! how annoying that the law doesn't allow a woman to change husbands just as one does shirts.

I just don't know a couple that's been married more than three years that doesn't annoy the heck out of each other every 15 minutes.
Patricia Heaton

I pop gum. My parents get so annoyed with me. I know my dad wishes he never taught me how to do that.
Hilary Duff

During our session, I told Tove about how I'd done mind-speak on Duncan, but it only worked when I was irritated. Using that logic,Tove spent most of the morning trying to irritate me into using it. Sometimes it worked, but most of the time I just got pointlessly annoyed.
Amanda Hocking