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Marcus Aurelius Quotes

Roman emperor (d. 180), Birth: 26-4-121, Death: 17-3-180 Marcus Aurelius Quotes
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.
Marcus Aurelius

The contentment of your life hinges on the caliber of your ideas.
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
Marcus Aurelius

When you wake in the morning, consider it a remarkable blessing to be alive - to inhale, to cogitate, to relish, to adore.
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.
Marcus Aurelius

'Every sound we hear is a judgment, not an undeniable truth. Every vision we have is a standpoint, not the real picture.'
Think of all the years passed by in which you said to yourself "I'll do it tomorrow," and how the gods have again and again granted you periods of grace of which you have not availed yourself. It is time to realize that you are a member of the Universe, that you are born of Nature itself, and to know that a limit has been set to your time. Use every moment wisely, to perceive your inner refulgence, or 'twill be gone and nevermore within your reach.
Marcus Aurelius

It never ceases to amaze me: we all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinions than our own.
Marcus Aurelius

I am constantly astonished: we are all more devoted to ourselves than anyone else, yet we place greater value on the views of others than our own.
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Say to yourself in the early morning: I shall meet today ungrateful, violent, treacherous, envious, uncharitable men. All of these things have come upon them through ignorance of real good and ill... I can neither be harmed by any of them, for no man will involve me in wrong, nor can I be angry with my kinsman or hate him; for we have come into the world to work together.
Marcus Aurelius

Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.
Marcus Aurelius

You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.
Marcus Aurelius

Exert control over your thoughts - not external circumstances. Recognize this and you will gain fortitude.
Quote Topics by Marcus Aurelius: Men Life Mind Inspirational Philosophical Soul Thinking Art Doe People Pain Past Happiness Giving Change Death Littles Done World Self Opinion Nature Fate Time Love Lying Justice Ignorance May Evil
The opinion of 10,000 men is of no value if none of them know anything about the subject.
Marcus Aurelius

The collective judgment of 10,000 individuals is worthless if none of them have any expertise on the topic.
If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.
Marcus Aurelius

If you are disturbed by any external factor, the agony is not caused by the object itself but to your perception of it; and this you can renounce at any instant.
You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone.
Marcus Aurelius

Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?
Marcus Aurelius

Whenever you are on the cusp of condemning someone, ask yourself this: What imperfection of mine is most similar to the one I am about to criticize?
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.
Marcus Aurelius

The aim of life is not to be part of the mainstream, but to avoid joining the ranks of lunacy.
Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.
Marcus Aurelius

Not much is essential for a joyful existence; it all lies within you, in your outlook.
A man's true greatness lies in the consciousness of an honest purpose in life, founded on a just estimate of himself and everything else, on frequent self-examinations, and a steady obedience to the rule which he knows to be right, without troubling himself about what others may think or say, or whether they do or do not that which he thinks and says and does.
Marcus Aurelius

Most of what we say and do is not essential. If you can eliminate it, you'll have more time, and more tranquillity. Ask yourself at every moment, 'Is this necessary?'
Marcus Aurelius

'A great deal of our communication and activity is unnecessary. Cut it out, and you will have more time and peace. Ponder to yourself always: 'Is this truly necessary?'
Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.
Marcus Aurelius

Cease expending energy discussing the qualities of an ideal individual. Act on them instead.
It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.
Marcus Aurelius

One should not fear the end of life, but rather dread never having experienced it.
What we do in life ripples in eternity.
Marcus Aurelius

The consequences of our actions are felt throughout eternity.
Death smiles at us all, all a man can do is smile back.
Marcus Aurelius

'Fate beckons us all, and the only response one can give is a grin.'
If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one's own self-deception and ignorance.
Marcus Aurelius

The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.
Marcus Aurelius

'The roadblock to doing begets accomplishment. What blocks the path turns into the pathway.'
Our anger and annoyance are more detrimental to us than the things themselves which anger or annoy us.
Marcus Aurelius

Our ire and vexation are more detrimental to us than the matters which enrage or irritate us.
One of the recurring themes in Marcus' handbook is leadership's responsibility to work intelligently with what it is given and not waste time fantasizing about a world of flawless people and perfect choices.
Marcus Aurelius

Do not indulge in dreams of having what you have not, but reckon up the chief of the blessings you do possess, and then thankfully remember how you would crave for them if they were not yours.
Marcus Aurelius

Do not yearn for possessions that you lack, but count the most important of what you do have and be grateful for them as if they were not yours.
Our life is what our thoughts make it.
Marcus Aurelius

Our existence is formed by our musings.
Dwell on the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.
Marcus Aurelius

Contemplate the loveliness of life. Gaze at the constellations, and envision yourself soaring with them.
Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present.
Marcus Aurelius

'Do not allow the future to unsettle you. You will confront it, if need be, with the same weapons of wisdom which arm you against the present.'
Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself.
Marcus Aurelius

Exercise forbearance with others and adhere rigorously to your own standards.
I'm going to be meeting with people today who talk too much - people who are selfish, egotistical, ungrateful. But I won't be surprised or disturbed, for I can't imagine a world without such people.
Marcus Aurelius

I'm expecting to encounter those who are verbose and self-absorbed, unappreciative today. Nonetheless, this is not unexpected to me; I cannot envision a reality without people of this kind.
The happiness of those who want to be popular depends on others; the happiness of those who seek pleasure fluctuates with moods outside their control; but the happiness of the wise grows out of their own free acts.
Marcus Aurelius

All things are linked with one another, and this oneness is sacred; there is nothing that is not interconnected with everything else. For things are interdependent, and they combine to form this universal order. There is only one universe made up of all things, and one creator who pervades them; there is one substance and one law, namely, common reason in all thinking creatures, and all truth is one-if, as we believe, there is only one path of perfection for all beings who share the same mind.
Marcus Aurelius

The things you think about determine the quality of your mind. Your soul takes on the color of your thoughts.
Marcus Aurelius

Your musings shape the caliber of your intellect. Your spirit reflects the hue of your reflections.
When you are annoyed at someone's mistake, immediately look at yourself and reflect how you also fail; for example, in thinking that good equals money, or pleasure, or a bit of fame. By being mindful of this you'll quickly forget your anger, especially if you realize that the person was under stress, and could do little else. And, if you can, find a way to alleviate that stress.
Marcus Aurelius

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.
Marcus Aurelius

The contentment of your life is contingent upon the calibre of your ideas: hence, be vigilant and make sure that you do not entertain any views contrary to morality and logic.
If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.
Marcus Aurelius

"If it is not just, abstain; if it is not accurate, don't utter it."
Adapt yourself to the life you have been given; and truly love the people with whom destiny has surrounded you.
Marcus Aurelius

Acclimate to the circumstances life has bestowed upon you; and genuinely cherish those with whom fate has surrounded you.
Everything that happens happens as it should, and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so.
Marcus Aurelius

Everything that occurs transpires according to a preordained design, and if you pay close attention, you will notice this is the case.
The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit. The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.
Marcus Aurelius

A person's worth is measured by the worth of what he values.
Marcus Aurelius

The most complete revenge is not to imitate the aggressor.
Marcus Aurelius

No matter what anyone says or does, my task is to be emerald, my color undiminished.
Marcus Aurelius

He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.
Marcus Aurelius

Give yourself a gift: the present moment.
Marcus Aurelius

Natural ability without education has more often raised a man to glory and virtue than education without natural ability.
Marcus Aurelius

When you need encouragement, think of the qualities the people around you have: this one's energy, that one's modesty, another's generosity, and so on. Nothing is as encouraging as when virtues are visibly embodied in the people around us, when we're practically showered with them. It's good to keep this in mind.
Marcus Aurelius

The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.
Marcus Aurelius

Because your own strength is unequal to the task, do not assume that it is beyond the powers of man; but if anything is within the powers and province of man, believe that it is within your own compass also.
Marcus Aurelius

Whatever anyone does or says, I must be emerald and keep my colour.
Marcus Aurelius

If you are pained by any external thing, it is not this that disturbs you, but your own judgment about it.
Marcus Aurelius