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Ashley Graham Quotes

Ashley Graham Quotes
It doesn't matter if you're a size 2 or 22, you can be healthy as long as you're taking care of your body, working out, and telling yourself 'I love you' instead of taking in the negativity of beauty standards.
Ashley Graham

I know my curves are sexy and I want everyone else to know that theirs are too. There is no reason to hide and every reason to flaunt.
Ashley Graham

I am confident in my appearance and I want others to feel the same way. There is no justification for concealing oneself, and all reasons to show off!
I felt free, once I realized i was never going to fit the narrow mold that society wanted me to fit in.
Ashley Graham

I felt liberated when I understood that I would never conform to the stringent standards of society.
There is not one standard definition of beauty or one perfect size.
Ashley Graham

I don't like to use the words "real women," honestly. I like to use the word woman. And I say that because there are so many women out there who are naturally thin, or are naturally curvy, and I think when we start putting a label on the type of woman it gets misconstrued and starts to offend people. At the end of the day we just all want to be known as women or models or actresses or whatever.
Ashley Graham

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There is no reason to hide and every reason to flaunt.
Ashley Graham

I am always being asked to gain or lose weight, but I am at a point now where I don't care anymore. I love my body, I love my super-hourglass shape and I love showing it off.
Ashley Graham

It's really important that we stop body shaming people online and on social media. The rude comments under pictures, comparing women in "who looks better" posts - all that does is force us to judge each other. It only sets us back and women, now more than ever, need to empower each other.
Ashley Graham

Quote Topics by Ashley Graham: Basketball Thinking Size Fashion People Sports Body Reason Looks Husband Impact Want Differences Firsts Love You Mother Media Style Long Stars Perfect Lucky Sailor Goal Helping Judging Sleep Bigger Facts Daughter
I don't want women to hold themselves back. I think there are too many women who are self-conscious about the way they look - the way they see themselves in the mirror.
Ashley Graham

Don't let your image, don't let your size, hold you back. If I had let my hips or my jiggly thighs hold me back or the fact that I've got these big heavy breasts, then I would not be where I am today.
Ashley Graham

Love yourself. Be proud of who you are.
Ashley Graham

For me, wearing lingerie isn't about anyone else but me. If I dressed for others I would be a miserable person.
Ashley Graham

Embracing uniqueness and showcasing the beauty of our differences is what I am all about so the fact that my words and image can impact positive change is a perk of this job I never expected I would have.
Ashley Graham

We are lucky to live in a world made up of so many different kinds of people and I am confident in the direction we are going.
Ashley Graham

I have been so blessed not only to talk about things that I want to talk about in my industry, but also to have a platform - and people want to hear about it. People want the change; people want the difference; people want to know what's going on. People want to see themselves in the industry that for so long has ostracized girls of my size.
Ashley Graham

I always say wear what makes you feel most confident, and confidence doesn't always come over night.
Ashley Graham

I got most of my confidence by having a mother who never said "I don't like this or this." It was just, "You've got to love what you have because it is the only body that has been given." I know that is where a lot of my confidence came from.
Ashley Graham

Growing up I didn't have curvy role models, mainly because I didn't see enough curvy women represented in major ads.
Ashley Graham

Who doesn't want to be comfortable all day long?
Ashley Graham

I feel like we have to have [plus size models] as soon as possible. We're the norm. We're the majority.
Ashley Graham

As a model, I'm used to having my body scrutinized, and I have a tough skin so I can shake it off. I know I'm the only person that gets to decide how my body should look.
Ashley Graham

The sense of pride I take away from doing something I know will be inspire women to feel confident about their bodies.
Ashley Graham

I really hope that the fashion community will not accept anything that does not represent everyone.
Ashley Graham

There's no such thing as being perfect, and that doesn't just mean the perfect body. I talk about my body, my relationship with food, men, and sleeping around to find love, my relationship with my family - trials and tribulations. I want people to know they're not alone. And this isn't just about people younger than 30. I have fans who are 30 or 40 telling me, This is exactly what I needed to hear.
Ashley Graham

I think the simpler the better.
Ashley Graham

Christie Brinkley told me that I needed to become a movie star because I have that something, and then we actually just became friends on set. She has such a young spirit, and is so vivacious. It was such a fun, fun shoot.
Ashley Graham

I'm going to be pulling my pants up all day, and I'm just going to have a terrible day. Because if your clothes don't fit, just like bras or anything, it's not a good day.
Ashley Graham

I didn't even think about hiding anything - I honestly went into it [with the idea that] I'm going to show myself off because no one of my size has ever been in this magazine [Sports Illustrated] and I need other women to know that they are just as beautiful.
Ashley Graham

I've learned a lot about fashion through modeling, but you know what they say, mother knows best. She used to tell me, "Your shoes, bags and belt better match before you walk out the door." I love her, but I don't necessarily agree with that advice anymore!
Ashley Graham

I think that the work that's left to be done - and I see the end in sight at this point - is to just let go and stop talking about it. It's definitely 'stop talking about the whole size thing.' I don't go to my girlfriend's house and say, 'Hey, I'm your big friend, let's talk about big things.' It's not a topic of conversation within my friend group - I'm ready for society, Hollywood, the press, magazines, everyone, to just catch up and say, 'These women are just like the women we've been using for so long. Let's just throw them into the mix and stop talking about it.'
Ashley Graham

Some people might only recognize me half naked in my bikini and bra!
Ashley Graham

Since I first started playing basketball, I have just loved it, and nothing has ever made me lose that love.
Ashley Graham

I wasn't put on the cover of Sports Illustrated as a plus-size model, I was put on the cover of Sports Illustrated as a model, as a rookie, as Ashley Graham. This is exactly where we're headed, and yes, there are so many more things we need to do in the curve/plus-size industry.
Ashley Graham

It's just amazing to be a part of something that you so strongly agree with.
Ashley Graham

The SI Swim cover was life changing, not just for myself but for women everywhere who've been told they can't do something because of their size. Body positivity is no longer a side conversation, it's mainstream.
Ashley Graham

Some styles don't look good on bigger women.
Ashley Graham

If a plus-size woman is not represented in fashion or on TV, what the hell are we doing?
Ashley Graham

For me, I don't do nip or bush. I won't do it. And that's because I talk to numerous young women in high school and I talk to them about owning who they are, and not giving up their sexuality because they have to.
Ashley Graham

Everyone wants to be an "expert" on social media and share their opinion behind the keyboard.
Ashley Graham

I hear that players tend to burn out of basketball, but I absolutely never had that experience myself. There were many times in my life where I got cut from a team I wanted to make, or didn't get playing time in high school, and even into college. But setbacks always inspired me to work harder, spend more time in the gym, play more, learn more, and watch more basketball.
Ashley Graham

I might sound like a crazy person, but that's the way I pump myself up. You know how some people are just like 'I have to talk about it'? Sometimes I'll call my husband and we'll talk about it, sometimes I have to talk to myself in the mirror. So I start talking to myself: 'You got this. Don't think of this as Sports Illustrated, just think about this as the best swimsuit campaign you've done in your life. And just kill it and own it and don't put that pressure on yourself.'
Ashley Graham

I actually love modeling clothing and showing women that clothing and style can help your confidence shine.
Ashley Graham

When NYDJ called me and told me that Christie Brinkley was going to be on set with me I freaked out. And when I met Christie, she had a little freak out because she said that her daughter Sailor loved me so much.
Ashley Graham

My fans are incredible. Don't you dare talk bad about me on my Instagram, because my fans will come out and they will eat you alive.
Ashley Graham

I think knowing you're not alone is important. This generation is already better at standing up for themselves, saying, "No! You're not going to treat me like that. My standards are higher." But we can provide more education through stories. Just because someone who is older or with more authority says you have to do something, there's no reason you need to. One good thing is that there are new rules about how old you can be on set - more regulations. I think those are good.
Ashley Graham

College basketball was one of the hardest, most rewarding experiences of my life. Every single day on the court was a mental and physical challenge.
Ashley Graham

Basketball, and the people I have met through the game have far and away had the largest impact on my life. Almost every positive role model I have ever had was a coach, mentor, or teammate.
Ashley Graham

Basketball really is a metaphor for life - the intangible skills I have learned on the court, have helped shape the person I am today.
Ashley Graham

Basketball has taught me that no matter how unlikely something is, if you set a goal, and follow after that goal with all your heart, anything is possible.
Ashley Graham

We're seeing more inclusivity in fashion when it comes to size, and we have to continue featuring more and more diversity.
Ashley Graham