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Austin Quotes

You can talk about your Psalms and your John 3:16. Well, Austin 3:16 says I just whooped your *ss.
Stone Cold Steve Austin

You can expound on your scriptures and spiritual discourse. Well, Austin 3:16 proclaims I just trounced you soundly.
Authors on Austin Quotes: Jay Roach Stone Cold Steve Austin J. L. Austin Vince McMahon Elizabeth Crook Verne Troyer Antony C. Sutton Laurence Sterne Corey Smith Mary Kay Andrews Robert Plant John Hawkes Whit Stillman Keith Richards Charlotte Bronte Kyle Chandler Robert Rodriguez Sarah Dessen Philip Kitcher John Cale Willie Nelson Mark Twain Beyonce Knowles Tim Gunn Jim Ross Uma Thurman Mark Zupan Amber Heard Al Yankovic Jeff Britting Seth Rogen R. Lee Ermey Jane Urquhart
Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your @$$!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Austin 3:16 proclaims I just vanquished your posterior!
Does anybody have, a cold beer for Steve Austin?!??!!?
Stone Cold Steve Austin

Does anybody have, a refreshing beverage for Steve Austin?!??!!?
The success of the second 'Austin Powers' caught us by surprise a little bit. We had decided not to do even a second one, unless the audience wanted it and we could do something better.
Jay Roach

People don't live in Austin to work, they work to live there.
Robert Rodriguez

I would love to do something like Austin Powers to show off my comic timing.
Uma Thurman

I always love to come to Austin.
R. Lee Ermey

Me being able to beat up Austin Powers? I mean, how great can that be?
Verne Troyer

Become a champion like Stone Cold Steve Austin!
Stone Cold Steve Austin

I like it here in Austin. Anybody got a room?
Keith Richards

There's a freedom you begin to feel the closer you get to Austin, Texas.
Willie Nelson

Steve Austin will never be employee of the month!
Jim Ross

To me [Edgar Allen Poe's] prose is unreadable—like Jane Austin's [sic]. No there is a difference. I could read his prose on salary, but not Jane's. Jane is entirely impossible. It seems a great pity that they allowed her to die a natural death.
Mark Twain

If you ask, what is the first step in the way of truth? I answer humility," saith St. Austin. "If you ask, what is the second? I say humility. If you ask, what is the third? I answer the same - humility.
Antony C. Sutton

Going back into the history of a word, very often into Latin, we come back pretty commonly to pictures or models of how things happen or are done.
J. L. Austin

Infelicity is an ill to which all acts are heir which have the general character of ritual or ceremonial, all conventional acts.
J. L. Austin

It was me, Austin. It was me all along, Austin!
Vince McMahon

I love Austin, but last time I was in town for twelve hours. I was exhausted, drunk and miserable. But none of that was Austin's fault.
Anthony Jeselnik

I hadn't done a comedy for a while. I had directed a very low budget movie called The Ape and it was playing at a festival in Austin. Judd [Apatow] was there and he came and saw it and it's kind of funny.
Seth Rogen

In cities like New York and Austin, there's much more of a social context for music than in other places.
John Cale

Let us distinguish between acting intentionally and acting deliberately or on purpose, as far as this can be done by attending to what language can teach us.
J. L. Austin

The improbability of a malicious story serves but to help forward the currency of it, because it increases the scandal. So that, in such instances, the world is like the pious St. Austin, who said he believed some things because they were absurd and impossible.
Laurence Sterne

When it comes to Project Runway, for me the most memorable look ever presented goes back to season one, episode one, when Austin Scarlett created a ravishing cocktail dress out of cornhusks. It was really amazing.
Tim Gunn

I would like to undermine the stereotype of "strict philosophy." J.L. Austin remarked that, when philosophy is done well, it's all over by the bottom of the first page. I take him to have meant that the real work comes in setting up the problem with which you are dealing, and thus getting your reader to take particular things for granted.
Philip Kitcher

Sentences are not as such either true or false.
J. L. Austin

I grew up just outside of Austin, and my upbringing was fairly rural.
Amber Heard

What kind of morons do you have working at newspapers in Austin that would base an entire review of an artist's performance on whether or not they had a good seat?
Al Yankovic

Mini-Me was the pint sized clone that was the perpetuation of Dr. Evil's own legacy [in Austin Powers]. That concept earned the sequel.
Jay Roach

Labels don't mean much to me one way or another -- except when they close the minds of potential readers. I'd much rather we do away with genres and simply file everything under fiction. I know it can work -- one of my favourite record stores (Waterloo Music in Austin) simply files everything alphabetically and no one seems to have much problem finding what they're looking for.
Charles de Lint

Athens, much like Austin, is a difficult music scene. There are so many musicians there that it is hard to get gigs and hard for people to take you seriously.
Corey Smith

If you rent a U-Haul to move your company, it costs twice as much to go from San Francisco to Austin than the other way around, because you can't find enough trucks to leave the Golden State.
Rick Perry

Get drunk, Austin, have a love affair. It would be a tragedy to die and discover that you hadn't completely used up your body.
Jane Urquhart

I assaulted Stone Cold Steve Austin and got away with it! It was indeed a very special night for me.
Vince McMahon

There's so much music in Austin, and it's all so different.
Gary Clark, Jr.

You have more issues than National Geographic by Austin LeFleur in Hissy Fit
Mary Kay Andrews

I think Austin is read more now than Charles Dickens, and Dickens was much more popular in his day. She endures because of her classicism.
Whit Stillman

I do all kinds of roles - nerd, psycho, nerd, psycho, nerd, psycho - and occasionally someone kind of normal. It's weird, when I lived in Austin I was always cast as pretty normal people. But when I moved to Los Angeles I was immediately branded a psycho
John Hawkes

Jane Austin was a complete and most sensible lady, but a very incomplete and rather insensible (not senseless) woman. If this is heresy, I cannot help it.
Charlotte Bronte

I treat everywhere as being a center from which I can enjoy the surroundings. And so Austin is very stimulating. I'm familiar with a lot of very charming people who have brought a lot of color to my life and a lot of love.
Robert Plant

When we had ideas that earned there way in [Austin Powers], it began to get okay. The hook for me was 'Mini-Me.' We only auditioned one guy - Verne Troyer - and at the time I said, 'we have to get this guy, get him life insurance, whatever he needs' because there was no other way or actor to do it. It was amazing to me just to talk to him...he was Mini-Me.
Jay Roach

I love the writers in Austin. We stick together. We all like each other and go to each other's book signings in case no one else shows up.
Elizabeth Crook

Austin is such a free and creative place, but I can't enjoy it as much because everyone I love is back in L.A.
Kyle Chandler

I've had the same car for five years - it's a convertible Jag which I bought with my own money. It's very Austin Powers.
Beyonce Knowles

I love Austin. It's great here. I don't mind the heat.
Elizabeth Crook

D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, Austin... and you. I'll be there soon.
Sarah Dessen

To this day, people ask me where is Austin Powers 4? I don't have that answer, it so hard to come up with a story that deserves an encore like that.
Jay Roach

After each performance of an Austin Shakespeare production, audiences are invited to stay for a ten-minute discussion of the work. And this tradition continues in our New York run.
Jeff Britting

When we did the first sequel [of the Austin Powers] , it was on coattails of the first one doing so well when it was released on video, so we really didn't know what to do with the second plot.
Jay Roach

I am lucky to live in Austin, so I can enjoy the live music.
Mark Zupan

I went to film school at UT Austin. I learned a lot and that school's good for puking up all your bad movies early and quick. But ultimately, no one can teach you to be an artist.
Jay Duplass