I have no intention of sharing my authority.
Louis XVI of France
I have no intention of relinquishing my power.
There is a higher power, a higher influence, a God who rules and reigns and controls circumstances and situations that are beyond your area and realm of authority.
T. D. Jakes
There is a divine presence, a superior force, a deity who oversees and governs affairs that are beyond your jurisdiction and authority.
If you find from your own experience that something is a fact and it contradicts what some authority has written down, then you must abandon the authority and base your reasoning on your own findings.
Leonardo da Vinci
What we must eliminate are systems of representation that carry with them the authority which has become repressive because it doesn't permit or make room for interventions on the part of those represented.
Edward Said
There is no power or authority without responsibility, and he who accepts the one cannot escape or evade the other.
Haile Selassie
There is no privilege without accountability, and those who seek one must accept the other.
It is not wisdom but Authority that makes a law
Thomas Hobbes
It is not discernment but Power that establishes a statute.
The sovereign power of all civil authority is founded in the consent of the people.
Roger Williams
The ultimate source of all governmental authority is derived from the assent of the populace.
I have asked some of the great white chiefs where they get their authority to say to the Indian that he shall stay in one place, while he sees white men going where they please. They cannot tell me.
Chief Joseph
I have inquired of some of the eminent white leaders from where they gain their right to tell Indigenous people that they must remain in one location while witnessing Caucasian individuals move wherever they desire. They are unable to provide me with an answer.
I had the greatest respect for the authorities of my day--until I studied things for myself, and came to my own conclusions.
Sigmund Freud
A substantial proportion of people do what they are told to do, irrespective of the content of the act, and without pangs of conscience, so long as they perceive that the command comes from a legitimate authority.
Stanley Milgram
Distrust of authority should be the first civic duty.
Norman Douglas
The foundation of authority is based upon the consent of the people.
Thomas Hooker
Authority is supposedly grounded in wisdom, but I could see from a very early age that authority was only a system of control and it didn't have any inherent wisdom. I quickly realised that you either became a power or you were crushed
Joe Strummer
Don't deny the existence of a mountain in your life; deny its authority to stay, and refuse to allow it to stop the plan of God in your life.
Jesse Duplantis
Liberty is the proper end and object of authority, and cannot subsist without it; and it is liberty to that which is good, just, and honest.
John Winthrop
But constant experience shows us that every man invested with power is apt to abuse it, and to carry his authority as far as it will go.
Baron de Montesquieu
Every sin is an act of cosmic treason, a futile attempt to dethrone God in His sovereign authority.
R. C. Sproul
We too often bind ourselves by authorities rather than by the truth.
Lucretia Mott
Authority has always attracted the lowest elements in the human race
P. J. O'Rourke
Relatively few people have the resources needed to resist authority.
Stanley Milgram
Your former Fathers the Spaniards have now no further Authority over you.
Zebulon Pike
Molecular evolution is not based on scientific authority. . . . There are assertions that such evolution occurred, but absolutely none are supported by pertinent experiments or calculations. Since no one knows molecular evolution by direct experience, and since there is no authority on which to base claims of knowledge, it can truly be said that . . . the assertion of Darwinian molecular evolution is merely bluster.
Michael Behe
The Bible is the ultimate authority and infallible, not the pastor and not the elders. And it doesn't mean that you believe everything he says without examining it.
John Piper
God speaks with authority on every subject including marriage and His advice trumps Oprah's every time.
Kirk Cameron
... my convictions led me to adhere to the sufficiency of the light within us, resting on truth as authority, rather than 'taking authority for truth.'
Lucretia Mott
Until we stand in a place where we have met God, we have no authority to change a Nation
Lou Engle
Knowledge is that possession that no misfortune can destroy, no authority can revoke, and no enemy can control. This makes knowledge the greatest of all freedoms.
Bryant H. McGill
I cannot find any authority in the Constitution for public charity.
Franklin Pierce
Authority that does not exist for Liberty is not authority but force.
Lord Acton
You have the freedom, ability and authority to love your life. Just be you, then wait.
To live coram Deo is to live one’s entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God.
R. C. Sproul
The commander must establish personal and comradely contact with his men, but without giving away one inch of authority.
Erwin Rommel
When we oppose God's delegated authority, we oppose God Himself.
John Bevere
Discretion, like the hole in a doughnut, does not exist except as an area left open by a surrounding belt of restriction. It is therefore a relative concept. It always makes sense to ask, "Discretion under which standards?" or "Discretion as to which authority?
Ronald Dworkin
Freedom is not possible without authority - otherwise it would turn into chaos and authority is not possible without freedom - otherwise it would turn into tyranny.
Stefan Zweig
It's true that most people find it far more comfortable to trust an authority than to have their faith questioned.
Daniel Ellsberg
We must always keep in mind all legitimate authority is from God, and is given for protection, provision, and peace.
John Bevere
You can't stop a teacher when they want to do something. They just do it.
J. D. Salinger
You are your own highest authority. Do not place your source of authority outside of you. Go within to see if the truth you've found is in harmony with the truth you find in your heart.
Neale Donald Walsch
Relationships are negotiated and if you deal with ultimatums and authority all the time, then you're not going to get anywhere.
Phil McGraw
If a murder is committed privately it is considered a crime. But if it happens with the authority of the state, they call it courage.
Modern intelligence won't accept anything on authority. But it will accept anything without authority.
Gilbert K. Chesterton
Part of the reason images of women in positions of authority are marked by their gender is that the very notion of authority is associated with maleness.
Deborah Tannen
No moral system can rest solely on authority.
A.J. Ayer
In revolutions authority remains with the greatest scoundrels.
Georges Danton