Because of them I can now live the dream. I am the seed of the free, and I know it. I intend to bear great fruit.
Sojourner Truth
'As a result of them, I can now pursue my aspirations. I am the progeny of liberty, and I recognize it. I am determined to yield profuse harvest.'
My philosophy is: if you don't bear a cross, you can't wear a crown so you gotta go through some form of humiliation to reach tribulation.
Peter Tosh
My belief is: if you don't endure suffering, you can't reap glory so you must accept some level of embarrassment to get to triumph.
God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.
Paul the Apostle
God is reliable; He will not subject you to more than you can handle. However, when challenged, He shall supply an avenue of escape so that you may survive it.
Every leaf that grows will tell you: what you sow will bear fruit, so if you have any sense my friend, don't plant anything but Love.
Every sprig that blooms will tell you: what you nurture will yield a harvest, so if you have any wisdom my companion, don't cultivate anything but Love.
What does a mama bear on the pill have in common with the World Series? No cubs.
Harry Caray
'What does a sterilized she-bear have in common with the World Series? No offspring.'
All I did was to look at what the universe showed me, to let my brush bear witness to it.
Claude Monet
I merely beheld the wonders of nature and employed my brush to document what I saw.
Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Paul the Apostle
A martyr is the one who bears witness that the Shari'ah of Allah is more valuable to him than his own life.
Sayyid Qutb
A devotee is the individual who attests that the Divine Law of Allah is more precious to him than his own existence.
He who carries God in his heart bears Heaven with him wherever he goes.
Ignatius of Loyola
He who holds divine presence within himself brings paradise with him wherever he strides.
For the dead and the living, we must bear witness. Not only are we responsible for the memories of the dead, we are responsible for what we do with those memories
Elie Wiesel
'For the past and present, we must bear witness. Not only are we accountable for recollecting the memories of those who have passed, but we are accountable for how we utilize these memories.'
Don’t be overwise; fling yourself straight into life, without deliberation; don’t be afraid - the flood will bear you to the bank and set you safe on your feet again.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
'Take the plunge; dive headlong into life without hesitation; have no fear - the current will guide you to safety and place you back on solid ground.'
Awake! thou that sleepest, arise from the dead! The Lord still lives today. His power has never abated. His Word has never changed. The things He did in Bible days, He still lives to do today. Not a burden is there He cannot bear nor a fetter He cannot break.
Aimee Semple McPherson
When you can bear your own silence, you are free.
To experience conflicts knowingly, though it may be distressing, can be an invaluable asset. The more we face our own conflicts and seek out our own solutions, the more inner freedom and strength we will gain. Only when we are willing to bear the brunt can we approximate the ideal of being the captain of our ship. Spurious tranquillity rooted in inner dullness is anything but enviable. It is bound to make us weak and an easy prey to any kind of influence.
Karen Horney
All true artists, bear within themselves a deeply rooted and often unconscious desire for transformation.
Michael Chekhov
It’s absolutely absurd to say you are a disciple of Jesus Christ yet not bear the fruit of Jesus Christ.
Paul Washer
If I thought you weren't my friend, I just don't think I could bear it.
Doc Holliday
I'm not a very gregarious person. I can't bear attention being called to me in a public place, which is ridiculous in a business that pays you to be noticed.
Gabriel Byrne
Either grant me the bliss of the ignorant or give me the strength to bear the knowledge.
Elif Safak
Each of us bears the imprint of a friend met along the way; In each the trace of each.
Primo Levi
There are two things that if you do them you will attain the good of this world and the hereafter; [They are] that you bear what you dislike if it is beloved to Allah and you leave what you like if it is disliked by Allah.
Ibn Hazm
If we do not bear the cross of the Master, we will have to bear the cross of the world, with all its earthly goods. Which cross have you taken up? Pause and consider.
Sadhu Sundar Singh
You are my koala bear, and I am your tree.
Zoe Sugg
We must sometimes bear with little defects in others, as we have, against our will, to bear with natural defects in ourselves. If we wish to keep peace with our neighbor, we should never remind anyone of his natural defects.
Philip Neri
One of the greatest evidences of God's love to those that love him is, to send them afflictions, with grace to bear them.
John Wesley
Anyone can deal with victory. Only the mighty can bear defeat.
Adolf Hitler
A gentleman accepts the responsibility of his actions and bears the burden of their consequences.
William Faulkner
Buildings don't exist to be pinned, like brooches, on the front of bigger structures to which they bear only the most distant of relationships.
Paul Goldberger
In the theatre, every form once born is mortal; every form must be reconceived, and its new conception will bear the marks of all the influences that surround it.
Peter Brook
No metal can--no, not the hangman's axe--bear half the keenness of thy sharp envy.
William Shakespeare
For the dead and the living, we must bear witness.
Elie Wiesel
Just because something bears the aspect of the inevitable one should not, therefore, go along willingly with it.
Philip K. Dick
Lady bartenders live a tougher life than anybody knows.
James Crumley
Christianity is the only religion whose God bears the scars of evil.
Os Guinness
Kermit was the Everyman, the original Tom Hanks, but I have a special place in my heart for Fozzie Bear. The classic borderline hacky entertainer.
Jason Segel
If the constitutional right to keep and bear arms is to mean anything, it must, as a general matter, permit a person to possess, carry and sometimes conceal arms to maintain the security of his private residence or privately operated business.
David Prosser, Jr.
When you go through a hard period, When everything seems to oppose you, ... When you feel you cannot even bear one more minute, NEVER GIVE UP! Because it is the time and place that the course will divert!
What is demanded of man is not, as some existential philosophers teach, to endure the meaninglessness of life, but rather to bear his incapacity to grasp its unconditional meaningfulness in rational terms.
Viktor E. Frankl
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
Horatio Spafford
I've always been quite thrifty. I can't bear to spend hundreds of pounds on designer clothes. I shop in second-hand shops in Portobello Road and go to Sue Ryder.
Ashley Jensen
From my many years experience I can unhesitatingly say that the cross bears those who bear the cross.
Sadhu Sundar Singh
It would be a very short pint. It would be gummy bears and matzah, and be called Chewy Jewy.
Stephen Colbert
Too much ice is really bad for polar bears.
Willie Soon
For me, the moral difficulties lie in the continual pressure brought to bear on my friends and immediate family, pressure which is not directed against me personally but which at the same time is all around me.
Andrei Sakharov
Most writers are not quick-witted when they talk. Novelists, in particular, drag themselves around in society like gut-shot bears.
Kurt Vonnegut