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Bedroom Quotes

The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation.
Pierre Trudeau

Authors on Bedroom Quotes: Cassandra Clare Robert Reich Pierre Trudeau Sherrilyn Kenyon Richelle Mead Miranda July Phyllis Diller Zora Neale Hurston Corazon Aquino June Squibb Kevin Drew Steve Martin Taylor Swift Kristin Cashore Dorothy Eden Ernest Hemingway Margaret Kennedy Sophie Ellis Bextor Will Durst Merle Woo Patricia Briggs Jack Dee Cynthia Nixon John Green Jeremy Irvine Rodney Dangerfield Samuel Goldwyn Lynne Rae Perkins Carl Sandburg Margot Kidder Squarepusher William H. Masters Michael Chabon
I should thank Mussolini for having declared me to be of an inferior race. This led me to the joy of working, not any more unfortunately, in university institutes but in a bedroom.
Rita Levi-Montalcini

"What are you doing here anyway?" "'Here' as in your bedroom or 'here' as in the great spiritual question of our purpose here on this planet?"
Cassandra Clare

The best way to live above all fear of death is to die every morning before you leave your bedroom.
Charles Spurgeon

Anyone who has spent five seconds in my company, or two seconds in my bedroom knows that I am not a white supremacist.
Milo Yiannopoulos

The only interesting thing that can happen in a Swiss bedroom is suffocation by feather mattress.
Dalton Trumbo

[On the 1982 intruder into her bedroom:] I realized immediately that it wasn't a servant because they don't slam doors.
Queen Elizabeth II

I am never happier in the Lord than when I am in a bedroom with a sick person.
Smith Wigglesworth

I was raised with "Laurel and Hardy" and "I Love Lucy" and Jerry Lewis, and I just loved it. And I had a friend in high school and we would just laugh all day and put on skits. You know, it's the Andy Kaufman thing or the Marty Short thing where you're performing in your bedroom for yourself.
Steve Martin

It feels really sad, to me, to go to a dark bedroom. It's like surrendering to the night or something.
James Franco

I have a rotten habit of picturing the bedroom scenes of my friends.
Ernest Hemingway

Certainly one cannot ban cross burning in the sanctity of his bedroom.
Antonin Scalia

It is not I who have been consigned to the bedroom of history.
Corazon Aquino

I still frequent my parents' house. I go there to escape, back to the bedroom that I grew up in. Just to sit there and feel small.
Robert Smith

I'm gonna do the whole bedroom in camel color - it's an old lady color.
Amy Sedaris

They call it 'surfing' the net. It's not surfing. It's typing in your bedroom
Jack Dee

Nothing was happening in the bedroom. I nicknamed our waterbed the Dead Sea.
Phyllis Diller

Until we can all present ourselves to the world in our completeness, as fully and beautifully as we see ourselves naked in our bedrooms, we are not free.
Merle Woo

You remember some bedrooms you have slept in. There are bedrooms you like to remember and others you would like to forget.
Carl Sandburg

I seriously object to seeing on the screen what belongs in the bedroom.
Samuel Goldwyn

Radical conservatives want to police bedrooms.
Robert Reich

When things don't work well in the bedroom, they don't work well in the living room either.
William H. Masters

My bedroom is my sanctuary. It's like a refuge, and it's where I do a fair amount of designing - at least conceptually, if not literally.
Vera Wang

If you're gonna fall apart, do it in your own bedroom.
Margot Kidder

I am also a drummer of sorts. I've got an electronic set sitting in my bedroom.
Gary Cole

But I always communicate with the audience. I never pretend like I'm just in my bedroom making a track. The whole point of doing a gig is, like, a feedback thing between you and the audience.

It's great when you find somebody you're compatible with, but I'm really into separate bedrooms. You live your life and I live mine.
Claudia Christian

My dog learned how to beg by watching me through the bedroom door.
Rodney Dangerfield

It's not government's business what people do in their private bedrooms.
Robert Reich

It's okay to laugh in the bedroom so long as you don't point
Will Durst

My apartment is my stage, and my bedroom is my stage - they're just not stages you're allowed to see.
Lady Gaga

Under normal circumstances, you inviting me to the bedroom would be the highlight of my day.
Richelle Mead

I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I'm not there.
J. K. Rowling

A bedroom is just as nice as whoever sleeps in it with you.
Tennessee Williams

I have three closets in my bedroom.
Vanessa Hudgens

I'm recording our history now on the bedroom wall, and when we leave the landlord will come and paint over it all.
Ani DiFranco

Jared glared. Some people, Kami knew, had bedroom eyes. She was saddened to have to admit that Jared had filthy alleyway eyes.
Sarah Rees Brennan

I was celibate until the age of 21. I stayed in my bedroom reading Camus and Nietzsche
Richey Edwards

There is a crisis of public morality. Instead of policing bedrooms, we ought to be doing a better job policing boardrooms.
Robert Reich

But even the law cannot be in your bedroom at night.
Louis L'Amour

Bosoms are for bedrooms and breastfeeding.
Kathryn Stockett

how peaceful a bedroom is without a man in it.
Dorothy Eden

The only one who gets to canoodle in my bedroom is my magnificent self.
Cassandra Clare

Mind you, I'm going into the bedroom now to talk things over with Heavenly Father
Martha H. Tingey

I am heat obsessed. I crave the heat in my bedroom.
Cynthia Nixon

It's funny the more technological advanced everything gets, the more like acting in your bedroom when you're a kid it is.
Michael Sheen

the only door into her bedroom led through the church.
Frances Parkinson Keyes

There's a sculpture in our bedroom, a solid brass replica of Antonio's manhood. It's very expensive, he gave it to me as a romantic gift.
Melanie Griffith

Real intimacy depends on truth - lovingly told - especially in the bedroom.
Joyce Brothers

I was always told to be a cook in the kitchen, a lady in the parlor and a wh--e in the bedroom.
Melissa Gorga