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Binary Quotes

XML combines the efficiency of text files with the readability of binary files
Andrew S. Tanenbaum

Authors on Binary Quotes: Kathleen Hanna John Updike Chuck Palahniuk Andrew S. Tanenbaum Richard Maxwell Robert A. Heinlein Carl Sagan
Faith is not so much a binary pole as a quantum state, which tends to indeterminacy when closely examined.
John Updike

If you're looking for like, a pure base for your behavior on stage, maybe it's better to say, "Yeah, you're not obliged to pretend. But, you're also obliged to not pretend." So you have access to both sides, if you will. It's never a pure binary thing, but you can pretend. If you have total agency as a performer, then both are at your disposal.
Richard Maxwell

I counted to ten slowly, using binary notation.
Robert A. Heinlein

I'm a very binary person in a bad way where it's like everything is either totally great or totally awful.
Kathleen Hanna

Any sufficiently crisp question can be answered by a single binary digit-0 or 1, yes or no.
Carl Sagan

Whatever your personality was before, an illness makes it that plus a thousand. I'm a very binary person in a bad way where it's like everything is either totally great or totally awful. I don't understand grey area that well, and I've been working at that.
Kathleen Hanna

Since we do operate in a binary world, if there's something that cannot be this or that, it drives us crazy.
Chuck Palahniuk