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Bosnia Quotes

Yet, only years after the Nazi-era, millions were sent to their deaths in places such as Cambodia, Bosnia and Rwanda, and the world once again took too long to act.
Allyson Schwartz

Authors on Bosnia Quotes: Alija Izetbegovic John Keegan Paddy Ashdown Fatos Nano Allyson Schwartz Hillary Clinton Carl Froch Jack Valenti Wendy McElroy Matt Welch Edward James Olmos Harold Evans Robert Fisk Michael Scheuer Christopher Hitchens Ivo Andric Robert M. Schoch Miep Gies Coolio Gloria Steinem Susan Meiselas
We Bosniaks would for sure fight for integrity of Bosnia.
Alija Izetbegovic

Our inability to relate to one another is very, very, very important. When we don't have it, we get situations like Bosnia
Edward James Olmos

I certainly think that another Holocaust can happen again. It did already occur; think of Cambodia, Rwanda, and Bosnia.
Miep Gies

I would sacrifice peace for a sovereign Bosnia-Herzegovina ... but for that peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina I would not sacrifice sovereignty.
Alija Izetbegovic

The international community is pushing things forward in Bosnia... but it is doing it at expense of the Muslim people. I feel it as an injustice, these are the things that I cannot live with.
Alija Izetbegovic

As far as the sovereignty of Bosnia-Hercegovina is concerned we agreed to have limited sovereignty for a limited time and that is clear from the Dayton Agreement.
Alija Izetbegovic

Truth and reconciliation' are always combined, but I would split them: I don't think Bosnia is ready for reconciliation, but I do think it is ready for truth.
Paddy Ashdown

I don't think that what's going on in Bosnia is political activity. It's partly political, but it's partly atavistic as well.
John Keegan

Bosnia is a country of hatred and fear.
Ivo Andric

It's not Beirut or Bosnia.
Carl Froch

As the United Nations pushes for jurisdiction over the globe, it is important to remember how it has acted in Bosnia. The character of an institution, no less than of an individual, is revealed through actions, not words.
Wendy McElroy

If it wasn't for the military I probably would not have ever come to Bosnia for vacation.

What worries me is that we want to close down our relationship to the world at large. In other words, people's instincts are overwhelmed by the amount of images, or they can't distinguish anymore between Rwanda or Bosnia or Somalia.
Susan Meiselas

[Today's left] would have left us with Slobodan Milosevic in power, Bosnia ethnically cleansed, Kosovo part of Greater Serbia, Afghanistan under the Taliban, and Iraq the property of a psychopathic crime family. Now, I'm sorry to say, I've no patience with that leftist mentality anymore.
Christopher Hitchens

I maintain my conviction that there are NO pyramids at Visoko, Bosnia. Rather, all the so-called pyramids are the result of natural geological processes and phenomena that are currently being 'excavated' (i.e., modified) to look like pyramids.
Robert M. Schoch

I am hopeful that no one will forget what happened in Bosnia.
Fatos Nano

To many Congressmen and Senators right now, there's a ceaseless antagonism toward Hollywood because politically, it is high-reward and low-risk. So when you can't do anything about poverty or the budget deficit, and you can't deal with Bosnia or the possibility of nuclear explosions in Russia, what do you do? You bash Hollywood and get on the front pages.
Jack Valenti

Consider that in a galaxy far, far away (otherwise known as the 1990s), President Clinton felt that he had to assure an isolationist Republican Congress - repeat after me, an isolationist Republican Congress - that the 20,000 U.S. peacekeeping troops he promised Bosnia as part of the Dayton Accords would only stay deployed for a single calendar year.
Matt Welch

I wrote about Bosnia at the time. Somebody looked out their window and saw gangsters coming down the street and doing ethnic cleansing. I said that was the thing that would happen in the future, someone phoning in what they were seeing on the scene. Whether it's the Huffington Post, the Daily Beast, Drudge Report or the BBC, all those reports, you have to assume there's a real person [who] has credibility.
Harold Evans

In just one year in Bosnia, thirty of my colleagues died. There is a little Somme waiting for all innocent journalists.
Robert Fisk

One of the reasons they didn't go to Bosnia, bin Laden has explained extensively, was because they couldn't establish a base anywhere. Not in Catholic Croatia. Not in Orthodox Serbia. So they sent some trainers and a lot of money.
Michael Scheuer

Why are women raped far away (say, Bosnia) called victims, while those raped nearby (say, a local campus) are playing victim politics?
Gloria Steinem

I remember, particularly, a trip to Bosnia where the welcoming ceremony had to be moved inside because of sniper fire.
Hillary Clinton