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Jonathan Safran Foer Quotes

American novelist, Birth: 21-2-1977 Jonathan Safran Foer Quotes
I love you also means I love you more than anyone loves you, or has loved you, or will love you, and also, I love you in a way that no one loves you, or has loved you, or will love you, and also, I love you in a way that I love no one else, and never have loved anyone else, and never will love anyone else.
Jonathan Safran Foer

We can't plead ignorance, only indifference. Those alive today are the generations that came to know better. We have the burden and the opportunity of living in the moment when the critique of factory farming broke into the popular consciousness. We are the ones of whom it will be fairly asked, What did you do when you learned the truth about eating animals?
Jonathan Safran Foer

We often use technology to save time, but increasingly, it either takes the saved time along with it, or makes the saved time less present, intimate and rich. I worry that the closer the world gets to our fingertips, the further it gets from our hearts.
Jonathan Safran Foer

If the thrill of hunting were in the hunt, or even in the marksmanship, a camera would do just as well.
Jonathan Safran Foer

You cannot protect yourself from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness.
Jonathan Safran Foer

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She was a genius of sadness, immersing herself in it, separating its numerous strands, appreciating its subtle nuances. She was a prism through which sadness could be divided into its infinite spectrum.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Just how destructive does a culinary preference have to be before we decide to eat something else? If contributing to the suffering of billions of animals that live miserable lives and (quite often) die in horrific ways isn't motivating, what would be? If being the number one contributor to the most serious threat facing the planet (global warming) isn't enough, what is? And if you are tempted to put off these questions of conscience, to say not now, then when?
Jonathan Safran Foer

Quote Topics by Jonathan Safran Foer: People Thinking Animal Book Writing Mean Want Children World Doe Beautiful Trying Way Ifs Memories Dream Long Hurt Dog Believe Hands Needs Made Years Sadness Eye Dad Suffering Would Be Morning
The sky slowly pulled up its blue dress to reveal night.
Jonathan Safran Foer

The more you love someone, he came to think, the harder it is to tell them. It surprised him that strangers didn't stop each other on the street to say I love you.
Jonathan Safran Foer

His voice was handsome and broken, like a cobblestone street.
Jonathan Safran Foer

To feel alone is to be alone.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Words are capable of making experience more vivid, and also of organizing it. They can scare us, and they can comfort us.
Jonathan Safran Foer

There were things I wanted to tell him. But I knew they would hurt him. So I buried them, and let them hurt me.
Jonathan Safran Foer

When we eat factory-farmed meat we live, literally, on tortured flesh. Increasingly, that tortured flesh is becoming our own.
Jonathan Safran Foer

She wants to know if I love her, that's all anyone wants from anyone else, not love itself but the knowledge that love is there, like new batteries in the flashlight in the emergency kit in the hall closet.
Jonathan Safran Foer

It has shown me that everything is illuminated in the light of the past. It is always along the side of us...on the inside, looking out.
Jonathan Safran Foer

I put my hand on him. Touching him has always been important to me, it was something I lived for. I never could explain why. Little, nothing touches, my fingers against his shoulder, the outsides of our thighs touching as we squeeled together on the bus. I couldnt explain it, but I needed it. Sometimes I imagined stiching all of our little touches together. How many hundreds of thousands of fingers brushing against each other does it take to make love?
Jonathan Safran Foer

It took me as long as I had known him to get rid of all of his words. Like turning an hourglass over.
Jonathan Safran Foer

From the movie "Everything is Illuminated" based on a book by Jonathan Safran Foer: I have reflected many times upon our rigid search. It has shown me that everything is illuminated in the light of the past. It is always along the side of us, on the inside, looking out. Like you say, inside out. Jonathan, in this way, I will always be along the side of your life. And you will always be along the side of mine.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Is there really anyone, besides Rudy Giuliani, who prefers the new Times Square?
Jonathan Safran Foer

I think and think and think, I‘ve thought myself out of happiness one million times, but never once into it.
Jonathan Safran Foer

They learned to hate her unknowability, her untouchability, the collage of her.
Jonathan Safran Foer

No matter how much I feel, I’m not going to let it out. If I have to cry, I’m gonna cry on the inside. If I have to bleed, I’ll bruise. If my heart starts going crazy, I’m not gonna tell everyone in the world about it. It doesn’t help anything. It just makes everyone’s life worse.
Jonathan Safran Foer

I hope that one day you will have the experience of doing something you do not understand for someone you love.
Jonathan Safran Foer

I dreamt four nights ago of clock hands descending from the universe like rain, of the moon as a green eye, of mirrors and insects, of a love that never withdrew. It was not the feeling of completeness that I so needed, but the feeling of not being empty.
Jonathan Safran Foer

I will describe my eyes and then begin the story. My eyes are blue and resplendent. Now I will begin the story.
Jonathan Safran Foer

I love sushi, I love fried chicken, I love steak. But there is a limit to my love.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Our love was the affliction for which only our love was the cure.
Jonathan Safran Foer

There's nothing wrong with not understanding yourself.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Dogs are wonderful, and in many ways unique. But they are remarkably unremarkable in their intellectual and experiential capacities. Pigs are every bit as intelligent and feeling, by any sensible definition of the words. They can't hop into the back of a Volvo, but they can fetch, run and play, be mischievous, and reciprocate affection. So why don't they get to curl up by the fire? Why can't they at least be spared being tossed on the fire?
Jonathan Safran Foer

Everything that's born has to die, which means our lives are like skyscrapers. The smoke rises at different speeds, but they're all on fire, and we're all trapped.
Jonathan Safran Foer

I am not a bad person. I am a good person who has lived in a bad time." Alex's grandfather..Everything is Illuminated
Jonathan Safran Foer

We know, at least, that this decision (ending factory farming) will help prevent deforestation, curb global warming, reduce pollution, save oil reserves, lessen the burden on rural America, decrease human rights abuses, improve publish health, and help eliminate the most systematic animal abuse in history.
Jonathan Safran Foer

So many people enter and leave your life! Hundreds of thousands of people! You have to keep the door open so they can come in! But it also means you have to let them go!
Jonathan Safran Foer

Why are entire flocks of industrial birds dying at once? And what about the people eating those birds? Just the other day, one of the local pediatricians was telling me he's seeing all kinds of illnesses that he never used to see. Not only juvenile diabetes, but inflammatory and autoimmune diseases that a lot of the docs don't even know what to call. And girls are going through puberty much earlier; and kids are allergic to just about everything, and asthma is out of control. Everyone knows it's our foods... Kids today are the first generation to grow up on this stuff.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Think of the beginning of the story of the beginning of everything: Adam (without Eve and without divine guidance) names the animals. Continuing his work, we call stupid people bird-brained, cowardly people chickens, fools turkeys. Are these the best names we have to offer? If we can revise the notion of women coming from a rib, can’t we revise our categorizations of the animals that, draped with barbecue sauce, end up as the ribs on our dinner plates — or for that matter, the KFC in our hands?
Jonathan Safran Foer

It was not the feeling of completeness I so needed, but the feeling of not being empty.
Jonathan Safran Foer

What were we spending so much time doing if not getting to know each other?
Jonathan Safran Foer

Shyness is when you turn your head away from something you want.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Not responding is a response - we are equally responsible for what we don't do.
Jonathan Safran Foer

It's the tragedy of loving, you can't love anything more than something you miss.
Jonathan Safran Foer

The only way to overcome sadness is to consume it.
Jonathan Safran Foer

She laughed enough to migrate an entire flock of birds. That was how she said yes
Jonathan Safran Foer

I like to see people reunited, I like to see people run to each other, I like the kissing and the crying, I like the impatience, the stories that the mouth can't tell fast enough, the ears that aren't big enough, the eyes that can't take in all of the change, I like the hugging, the bringing together, the end of missing someone.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Humans are the only animals that have children on purpose, keep in touch (or don't), care about birthdays, waste and lose time, brush their teeth, feel nostalgia, scrub stains, have religions and political parties and laws, wear keepsakes, apologize years after an offense, whisper, fear themselves, interpret dreams, hide their genitalia, shave, bury time capsules, and can choose not to eat something for reasons of conscience. The justifications for eating animals and for not eating them are often identical: we are not them.
Jonathan Safran Foer

One day you will do things for me that you hate. That is what it means to be family.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Imagine being served a plate of sushi. But this plate also holds all of the animals that were killed for your serving of sushi. The plate might have to be five feet across.
Jonathan Safran Foer

Maybe I'll try to be more patient with morons.
Jonathan Safran Foer

We were trying to make our lives easier, trying, with all our rules, to make life effortless. But a friction began to arise between Nothing and Something, in the morning the Nothing vase cast a Something shadow, like the memory of someone you've lost, what can you say about that, at night the Nothing light spilled from the guest room spilled under the Nothing door and stained the Something hallway, there's nothing to say.
Jonathan Safran Foer