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Boxers Quotes

There is no such thing as a natural boxer. A natural dancer has to practice hard. A natural painter has to paint all the time. Even a natural fool has to work at it.
Joe Louis

No one is a born master; even the most talented must toil diligently to hone their craft.
Authors on Boxers Quotes: Muhammad Ali Floyd Mayweather, Jr. George Foreman John Henrik Clarke Manny Pacquiao Liam Neeson Olivier Martinez Larry Holmes Adrien Broner Sugar Ray Leonard Chris Algieri Ludwig Wittgenstein Nonito Donaire Gene Tunney Richelle Mead Daniel Tosh Mickey Kaus T. S. Eliot John McCain Ronda Rousey Clint Eastwood Lynsay Sands Mark McGrath Jake Gyllenhaal Rick Riordan Carson Kressley Mickey Rourke Gary Vaynerchuk Vijender Singh Joyce Carol Oates Royce Gracie Bruce Lee Nicole Kidman
I'm a boxer who believes that the object of the sport is to hit and not get hit.
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.

The best fighter is not a Boxer, Karate or Judo man. The best fighter is someone who can adapt on any style. He kicks too good for a Boxer, throws too good for a Karate man, and punches too good for a Judo man.
Bruce Lee

We are like boxers, one never knows how much longer one has
Clint Eastwood

A philosopher who is not taking part in discussions is like a boxer who never goes into the ring.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Being a public servant, this is a serious job, not like a boxer, you're entertaining people.
Manny Pacquiao

Mike Tyson’s a great boxer. The greatest boxer - but boxer. Not the best fighter.
Royce Gracie

When I was a boxer, I wanted to be champion of the world, not the richest man in the world.
George Foreman

I've got a new life now, a new future, there's a lot more to Lennox Lewis than just being a boxer.
Lennox Lewis

Being a white boxer is like being a republican. No matter how hard you work, you'll always lose because of the Mexicans.
Daniel Tosh

I may not be a pin-up, but I'm one hell of a boxer.
Jean-Paul Belmondo

It's about stories. If I can tell the story to America, whether it's Riesling or a boxer from Harlem, it will sell. I know on my gravestone it's going to be, 'Storyteller.'
Gary Vaynerchuk

Allah is the Greatest. I'm just the greatest boxer.
Muhammad Ali

These guys from the nation's capital - now they do a lot of thinking. Referring to boxers from D.C., not politicians.
George Foreman

With a nation, as with a boxer, one of the greatest assurances of safety is to add reach to power.
Dean Acheson

I fought tall fighters, short fighters, strong fighters, slow fighters, sluggers and boxers. It was either learn or get knocked off.
Sugar Ray Leonard

From what I hear is happening, young Indian boxers have started to do well on the world stage and started to gain the attention of the general audience.
Evander Holyfield

A boxer must exercise and develop every part of his body.
Gene Tunney

There's something so familial and intimate between a boxer and his trainer.
Jimmy Smits

I think I'm a boxer, but then when I get hurt, I'll start scrapping.
Joel Kinnaman

Whoever gets up and comes to grips with Love like a boxer is a fool.

I should warn you that underneath these clothes I'm wearing boxer shorts and I know how to use them.
Robert Orben

They called me a 'rapist' and a 'recluse.' I'm not a recluse.
Mike Tyson

I've never had sex with boxers on and it's an odd thing to watch actors do. That's not saying I haven't tried... I just don't recommend it!
Jake Gyllenhaal

Barbara Boxer is the most bitterly partisan, most anti-defense senator in the United States Senate today. I know that because I've had the unpleasant experience of having to serve with her.
John McCain

If you compare me to an actor, I'm probably one of the best boxers in the profession. But if you compare me as a boxer, I'm probably one of the best actors.
Olivier Martinez

To be knocked out doesn't mean what it seems. A boxer does not have to get up.
Joyce Carol Oates

It's like all the signs were telling me that I shouldn't be a boxer, so I quit.
Olivier Martinez

I walk around at 150-152 pounds to weigh 147 pounds. Other boxers weigh around 160-170 before coming down.
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.

I was too slow a mover to be a boxer. It was much easier to be a poet.
T. S. Eliot

As a boxer, you have to put risk in to get to another level.
Nonito Donaire

Dealing with these emotions as an actress is like being a boxer put into the ring.
Nicole Kidman

We never see ourselves as heroes and sometimes when we do it is a hero that has made a fortune as a clown or a boxer. And there is no lasting value in either one of those.
John Henrik Clarke

No boxer in the history of boxing has had Parkinson's. There's no injury in my brain that suggests that the illness came from boxing.
Muhammad Ali

I have to say that after chemotherapy, Barbara Boxer just isn't that scary anymore.
Barbara Boxer

I used to stay at my hotel... I remember looking out of the window once and I saw (GB boxers) Tom Stalker and Kal Yafai skipping out of the Premier Inn and they jumped into a Range Rover to go to training.
Anthony Joshua

This boxer is doing what is expected of him, bleeding from his nose.
Harry Carpenter

You can't act being a boxer. It's like being on stage.
Liam Neeson

Joe Frazier was the easiest boxer to work with that I ever trained.
Eddie Futch

I think that Floyd Mayweather is the best boxer that's ever lived; like actual technical boxer.
Ronda Rousey

When I walk for a designer, I walk the ramp as Vijender Singh, the boxer. I believe that by doing so, boxing will at least, in some way, get promoted in our entertainment industry. Plus, if cricketers can, why can't I?
Vijender Singh

I land a higher percentage of punches than any boxer in boxing.
Floyd Mayweather, Jr.

Boxers are hot, and by boxers I mean guys who box, not the underwear. So get rid of 'em!
Carson Kressley

A boxer makes a comeback for two reasons: either he’s broke or he needs the money.
Alan Minter

I am an aggressive style boxer and I will be in there to mix it up, but it's going to be in a smart way.
Chris Algieri

He was almost naked too, but I hadn't quite gotten to his boxers yet. (They were silk because, honestly what else would Adrian wear?)
Richelle Mead

Joe Louis was a good Heavyweight, good boxer but he was kind of in the same boat as Marciano, weighing about 190 to 200 lbs.
Larry Holmes

Desjardins was literally fuming. His tattered robes still smoked from battle. (Carter says I shouldn’t mention that his pink boxer shorts were showing, but they were!)
Rick Riordan

I guess we both lose the bet. What bet Thomas asked entering the room. Boxers or briefs Jeanne Louise answered. I was betting boxers and Elspeth thought briefs. Instead he went commando!! So be warned ladies, don't assume they are wearing any undies!!
Lynsay Sands

With experience in boxing, you learn how to be a scientific boxer and how to fight easy.
Manny Pacquiao