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Brandy Quotes

A shot of brandy can save your life, but a bottle of brandy can kill you.
Cary Grant

Authors on Brandy Quotes: Sholom Aleichem James Huneker Robert Greene Robert Burns Cary Grant Georg C. Lichtenberg Douglas William Jerrold George Bernard Shaw Chuck Palahniuk George IV of the United Kingdom
Music is the brandy of the damned.
George Bernard Shaw

We started filming [with Brandy Burre ]and didn't really know, at first, what we were doing. Eventually, the thing just grabbed a hold of both of us and became what it is. But, yeah, we were very close before and we're even closer now.
Robert Greene

I never turn down a drink. Among friends it’s always appropriate. A man is only a man as they say, but brandy is still brandy. You’ll find that in the Talmud too.
Sholom Aleichem

Harris, I am not well; pray get me a glass of brandy.
George IV of the United Kingdom

There's some are fou o' love divine; There's some are fou o' brandy.
Robert Burns

As for the brandy, "nothing extenuate"; and the water, put nought in in malice.
Douglas William Jerrold

Liszt's so-called piano music is nothing but Chopin and brandy.
James Huneker

If brandy was made out of sparrows there would soon be no sparrows.
Georg C. Lichtenberg

You can't be beautiful," Brandy says about a thousand times, "until you feel beautiful.
Chuck Palahniuk