A shot of brandy can save your life, but a bottle of brandy can kill you.
Cary Grant
We started filming [with Brandy Burre ]and didn't really know, at first, what we were doing. Eventually, the thing just grabbed a hold of both of us and became what it is. But, yeah, we were very close before and we're even closer now.
Robert Greene
I never turn down a drink. Among friends it’s always appropriate. A man is only a man as they say, but brandy is still brandy. You’ll find that in the Talmud too.
Sholom Aleichem
There's some are fou o' love divine; There's some are fou o' brandy.
Robert Burns
Liszt's so-called piano music is nothing but Chopin and brandy.
James Huneker
You can't be beautiful," Brandy says about a thousand times, "until you feel beautiful.
Chuck Palahniuk