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Breeding Quotes

Two years work wasted, I have been breeding those flies for all that time and I've got nothing out of it.
Thomas Hunt Morgan

Authors on Breeding Quotes: Thomas Hunt Morgan William Congreve Lord Chesterfield Benjamin Franklin Ned Sublette Susan Cain William Wycherley Democritus Joseph Addison Stanisław I Leszczyński Sam Shepard Donald Davidson Martin Gardner Fanny Kemble Violet Bonham Carter Charisma Carpenter Max Stirner Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. Thomas Carlyle Chris LeDoux Michio Kaku Caroline Knapp Ilona Andrews
Good breeding in cattle depends on physical health, but in men on a well-formed character.

Good-breeding shows itself most where to an ordinary eye it appears the least.
Joseph Addison

Stillness of person and steadiness of features are signal marks of good breeding.
Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

The breeding programs for the bulls have improved significantly. The bulls are at a much higher caliber.
Chris LeDoux

Solitude is a breeding ground for idiosyncrasy, and I relish that about it, the way it liberates whim.
Caroline Knapp

Women of quality are so civil, you can hardly distinguish love from good breeding.
William Wycherley

Terminological infelicities have a way of breeding conceptual confusion.
Donald Davidson

Simplicity is a great element of good breeding.
Fanny Kemble

Good breeding differs, if at all, from high breeding only as it gracefully remembers the rights of others, rather than gracefully insists on its own rights.
Thomas Carlyle

Sides are being divided now. It's very obvious. So if you're on the other side of the fence, you're suddenly anti-American. It's breeding fear of being on the wrong side.
Sam Shepard

I'm a mixed breed and hope to live longer because of it.
Charisma Carpenter

He is not well bred, that cannot bear ill breeding in others
Benjamin Franklin

The computers are not replacing mathematicians; they are breeding them.
Martin Gardner

Outer space is no place for a person of breeding.
Violet Bonham Carter

There are few defects in our nature so glaring as not to be veiled from observation by politeness and good-breeding.
Stanisław I Leszczyński

Though shyness per se was unacceptable, reserve was a mark of good breeding.
Susan Cain

Yes, yes, children must early be made to practise piety, godliness, and propriety; a person of good breeding is one into whom good maxims have been instilled and impressed, poured in through a funnel, thrashed in and preached in.
Max Stirner

In general, the larger the breeding population, the slower the rate of evolution.
Michio Kaku

I always take blushing either for a sign of guilt, or of ill breeding.
William Congreve

Good-breeding carries along with it a dignity that is respected by the most petulant. Ill-breeding invites and authorizes the familiarity of the most timid.
Lord Chesterfield

Every farm with slaves was a slave-breeding farm. Raising slaves was mostly a cottage industry.
Ned Sublette

Nothing can constitute good-breeding that has not good-nature for its foundation.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton

I’d signed six things and my stack wasn’t getting any smaller. It was like the paperwork was breeding while I worked.
Ilona Andrews