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Bureaucracy Quotes

Britain has invented a new missile. It's called the civil servant - it doesn't work and it can't be fired.
Walter Walker

Authors on Bureaucracy Quotes: Evan Esar Jennifer Pahlka Hannah Arendt Newt Gingrich John Kenneth Galbraith Rush Limbaugh William S. Burroughs Barack Obama Nong ?uc Manh Ian Somerhalder Albert Einstein Kofi Annan George W. Bush Simone Weil David Cay Johnston Eugene Ionesco John Sununu Walter Walker Paul Solman Lev Grossman Malcolm Forbes Aneurin Bevan Hortense Calisher Gerald R. Ford Robert Baer Donald Trump Edward T. Hall Nicholas II of Russia Scott Belsky Philip Berrigan Janusz Korwin-Mikke Karl Marx Arthur Helps
An efficient bureaucracy is the greatest threat to liberty.
Eugene McCarthy

We must fight against negativeness - especially bureaucracy, corruption and wastefulness.
Nong ?uc Manh

Bureaucracy is the death of all sound work.
Albert Einstein

I do not rule Russia: ten thousand clerks do.
Nicholas II of Russia

The church is a major bureaucracy, and major bureaucracies are disobedient to the gospel.
Philip Berrigan

When you start separating people from their rivers, what have you got? Bureaucracy!
Jack Kerouac

By their very nature bureaucracies have no conscience, no memory, and no mind.
Edward T. Hall

Bureaucracies are designed to perform public business. But as soon as a bureaucracy is established, it develops an autonomous spiritual life and comes to regard the public as its enemy.
Brooks Atkinson

Bureaucracy is like a fungus that contaminates everything.
Jaime Lerner

A bureaucrat is an official who is clothed with power and whom it doesn't fit.
Evan Esar

Bureaucracy, the rule of nobody.
Hannah Arendt

This always confuses liberals, that conservatives like the military and don't like the bureaucracy. That's because the military has their guns pointed out and the bureaucracy has them pointed in.
Grover Norquist

Entrenched bureaucracies are always opposed to fundamental changes.
Christopher Dodd

Poor fellow, he suffers from files.
Aneurin Bevan

The CIA is an incompetent bureaucracy, generally.
Robert Baer

the rule of Nobody ... is what the political form known as bureaucracy truly is.
Hannah Arendt

Things there are no solution to: Inflation, bureaucracy & dandruff.
Malcolm Forbes

Officialdom is hostile to inquiring outsiders.
Martha Gellhorn

Remove the document—and you remove the man.
Mikhail Bulgakov

There is something about a bureaucrat that does not like a poem.
Gore Vidal

Nothing can be more contemptible than to suppose Public Records to be true.
William Blake

So many signatures for such a small heart.
Mother Teresa

Any change is resisted because bureaucrats have a vested interest in the chaos in which they exist.
Richard M. Nixon

The civil servant is primarily the master of the short-term solution.
Indira Gandhi

Society is cancerous and bureaucracy is its cancer.
William S. Burroughs

We must get rid of the IRS. It's a bureaucracy fraught with totalitarianism.
Sonny Bono

An official man is always an official man, and has a wild belief in the value of Reports.
Arthur Helps

Up or out" greatly magnified the careerist emphasis on holding a position rather than doing a job.
James Fallows

We say that word [bureaucracy] with such contempt. But it's that contempt that keeps this thing that we own and we pay for as something that's working against us.
Jennifer Pahlka

There's so much in the 21st century that is stymied by bureaucracy and mediocrity and committee.
Benedict Cumberbatch

Bureaucracy is more people doing less things, and taking more time to do them worse.
Evan Esar

Bureaucracy is adept at protecting its nest.
Ronald Reagan

I really hate bureaucracy and the idea that I'm not a free person.
Paloma Faith

I have an institutional fear of big government. I have an institutional opposition to bureaucracy.
Rush Limbaugh

What comes after the revolution is inevitably bureaucracy. Whoever wins the revolution builds a bureaucracy
Sean Parker

It is the nature of the pig, that if there's nothing to stop her from stepping into abreuvoir - then it will. Nothing will stop bureaucracy from continuing to serve us "good" and protecting us from "evil" - if we'll let them do that.
Janusz Korwin-Mikke

A civil servant doesn't make jokes.
Eugene Ionesco

The bureaucracies that are in place now, they're not going to change, they're not going to stop.
Ian Somerhalder

Bureaucracy by its nature resists change and nullifies progress.
James Cook

The bureaucracy takes itself to be the ultimate purpose of the state
Karl Marx

We'll always have bureaucracies, but bureaucracies led by bureaucrats might be too much of a bad thing.
John Sununu

Bureaucracies tend to grow and to brag about their growth based on how many individuals they have and how much money they spend.
Darrell Issa

UN is made even more complex by the constant interplay of politics and bureaucracy and can certainly be bewildering for a novice.
Kofi Annan

America isn't Wollman Rink, but I think almost everybody watching, and certainly the people who voted for him, have had frustrating experiences with bureaucrats and bureaucracy, private as well as public, pushing them around.
Paul Solman

I talked about the consolidation of power in the hands of the corporate bureaucracy, as distinct from the stockholders. To this view, I still strongly adhere.
John Kenneth Galbraith

Congress is supposed to fund the IRS, and it has been steadily reducing the number of auditors and tax collectors the IRS has at the very time that the tax system has become vastly more complicated. And of course America continues to grow, so there's an increasing number of tax returns coming in. The IRS responds by doing exactly what Congress expects of them. That shouldn't surprise anyone. All bureaucracies do what they are told.
David Cay Johnston

The whole of our civilization is founded on specialization, which implies the enslavement of those who execute to those who coordinate.
Simone Weil

Anything devised by man has bureaucracy, corrpution and error hardwired at inception.
Jasper Fforde

How clerks love refusing. It salves them for being clerks.
Hortense Calisher