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Busted Quotes

I pretty much got busted for everything, but I definitely stretched out my boundaries as a kid, as well.
Matt Bomer

Authors on Busted Quotes: Charlie Simpson Vicki Pettersson Mickey Rourke Simone Elkeles Paul Feig J.R. Ward Paullina Simons Jessica Simpson Phil Hellmuth John Green Matt Bomer
I'm big-busted... I can't always wear the cutest bras, and it makes me so mad.
Jessica Simpson

Busted is not the ideal band I'd like to be in by any stretch of the imagination.
Charlie Simpson

Wrestlers are all pretty busted-up by the ends of their careers.
Mickey Rourke

I've busted a million Europeans
Phil Hellmuth

So. You're a fallen angel." She folded her arms. "I'm not fallen," he said roughly. "Then what are you?" He shrugged. "Busted.
Vicki Pettersson

We thought the hard part was over—but we were wrong. Living is the hardest part. Figuring out how to live your life when you’re all busted up inside and out—there is nothing harder.
Paullina Simons

(Kiara sees Carlos' bleeding face)"Carlos! Oh my God, what happened?" "You still recognize me with a busted-up face. That's a good sign, right?
Simone Elkeles

You know you were with the lessers, true?" Butch lifted one of his busted-up hands. "And here I thought I'd been to Elizabeth Arden.
J.R. Ward

I'm incredibly proud of everything that we've achieved in Busted. We've enjoyed some of the best times in our lives together.
Charlie Simpson

Lots of people say to me, 'I completely hate Busted'. That's completely cool with me. I understand why.
Charlie Simpson

You're awfully philosophical for a girl that just got busted.
John Green

Who knew there were so many ghosts to be busted in the world?
Paul Feig