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Chapel Quotes

Nature is our chapel.

Authors on Chapel Quotes: Woody Allen Edvard Munch Justin Bieber Rita Mae Brown Charles Spurgeon Rosario Ferre Bjork Karen Barber Anne Rice Peter Greenaway Gianni Versace Wade Davis Ernest Mandel Greg Kinnear
My friends, it is one thing to go to church or chapel; it is quite another thing to go to God.
Charles Spurgeon

Take the money and run.
Woody Allen

Even Michelangelo got paid for doing the Sistine Chapel. To those artists who say they're doing it for the love of art, I say: Get real.
Gianni Versace

One can easily tell that the creator of the paintings in the Sistine Chapel was above all a sculptor
Edvard Munch

A story is like building a chapel; a novel is a cathedral.
Rosario Ferre

There's no such thing as a coincidence in a prayer chapel.
Karen Barber

There are no conditions in which we subordinate the interests of the class as a whole to the interests of any sect, any chapel, any separate organization.
Ernest Mandel

I'm not going for the sixteenth chapel.
Justin Bieber

Mining in BC's Sacred Headwaters is like drilling for oil in the Sistine Chapel
Wade Davis

The Sistine Chapel is an extraordinary work of education - it lays out all the early books of the Bible.
Peter Greenaway

If Michaelangelo were a heterosexual, the Sistine Chapel would have been painted basic white and with a roller.
Rita Mae Brown

In the chapel you prayed to be a saint and now I will make you a god.
Anne Rice

Jack Nicholson is fairly gifted. We were at the Sistine Chapel, and everybody went from looking straight up to looking across the room at him.
Greg Kinnear