The courage to charge for what you do comes from charging for what you do.
Marie Forleo
Charging a premium amount allows me to offer a premium service.
Ramit Sethi
Interestingly, the oil companies know very well that in less than 30 years they will not only be charging very high prices, but that they will be uncompetitive with renewables.
Paul Hawken
No matter what they're charging to get in, it's worth more to get out.
Roger Ebert
I have to admit I do get a bit depressed at times and you know I think about the good old days when I was charging ahead.
Edmund Hillary
Like a rock, standing arrow straight. Like a rock, charging from the gate.
Bob Seger
When a company is charging money for a product - as Evernote does for all above its most basic service, and same for Dropbox and SugarSync - you understand its incentive for sticking with that product.
James Fallows
There's a part of me that's always charging ahead. I'm the curious kid, always going to the edge.
Yo-Yo Ma
Charging for news online won't work if what is provided is the same as is available elsewhere.
Robert G. Picard