Charisma is the gift from above where a leader knows from inside himself what to do.
Max Weber
[I like in Kanye West] confidence in him, but also his aggressiveness, ambition and charisma.
Young Thug
Leadership is not about having the charisma or speaking inspirational words, but about leading with example.
Zainab Salbi
Never be impressed with charisma. Look for character.
Rick Warren
I don't invest anymore in entrepreneurs who don't have charisma.
Barbara Corcoran
Dark circles are my charisma though.
You can't teach charisma. You can draw it out of people if it's there and they haven't quite figured out how to utilize it yet, but it's just one of those things, that's why they call it the "X factor".
Stephanie McMahon
Never reveal all of yourself to other people; hold back something in reserve so that people are never quite sure if they really know you.
Michael Korda
Charisma is the result of effective leadership, not the other way around.
Warren G. Bennis
Effective leadership is about earning respect, and it's also about personality and charisma
Alan Sugar
I have no natural charisma or personality, really.
Daniel Bryan
The power to command has never meant the power to remain mysterious.
Ferdinand Foch
Jeanne Moreau, Lauren Bacall, they had this unconventional beauty, this amazing charisma.
Josephine de La Baume
Charisma becomes the undoing of leaders. It makes them inflexible, convinced of their own infallibility, unable to change
Peter Drucker
Charisma is the ability to influence without logic.
Quentin Crisp
You always knew when Seve walked in a room even if you had your back to him. He oozed charisma and brought a whole new meaning to aura.
Lee Westwood
They say I'm a natural, I have natural charisma. People say that. I don't know.
Dwight Henry
Research has shown that one's level of intelligence is the single most predictive component of professional success - better than any other ability, trait, or even job experience. Yet, too often, employees are selected because of their likeability, presence, or charisma.
Justin Menkes
Charisma is a sign of the calling. Saints and pilgrims are defiantly moved by it.
B. W. Powe
When I wasn't sure what the word "charisma" meant, I met Steve Jobs, and then I knew.
Larry Tesler
We shouldn't be too naïve, or taken in by charisma.
Tenzin Palmo
Comedy is like fictional charm. It's the charm of fiction. Or the charisma of fiction. When you meet somebody who's immediately charismatic, you're attracted to that person. And in fiction it's got to come out in either one of two ways: in the prose itself, and you're hooked immediately because you never want to leave such a colorful and penetrating world. Or, it's simply being a funny writer.
Joshua Ferris